Karenni State: Rangers Continue To Provide Hope To The Oppressed

2 November 2023

Karenni State, Burma

Karenni State, Burma, as of September 2023, paints a grim picture of ongoing violence and humanitarian challenges. Karenni Rangers are training Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) on safety measures to implement during mortar attacks and providing crucial medical training and supplies for IDP camps, schools, and clinics. This report includes details of a Burma Army mortar attack on Pa Le Lel Village, which narrowly missed a shelter where Rangers, Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) members, and civilians had sought refuge. Tragically, a landmine incident in Law Kyay Khu Village claimed the life of Daw Plyar Mar, who stepped on a Burma Army landmine planted in the doorway of her home. The situation remains precarious with continued military movements and clashes, prompting Karenni Rangers to construct Casualty Collection Points (CCPs) for treating the wounded. The conflict also involves arrests and disappearances of individuals, further adding to the distress of affected families. Resistance forces try to protect their people from the Burma Army and there are casualties on both sides, as the struggle for control over various villages and territories intensifies.

29 September 2023: The Karenni Rangers conducted training to teach IDPs how to take cover safely during mortar, air, or artillery strikes. They also provided medical training focused on stabilizing mortar victims. The Ranger teams also conducted a Good Life Club (GLC) and provided medical supplies for the school and clinic. 

IDPs learning artillery response training. This will prepare them for incidents when mortar attacks land in their IDP camp.
Karenni Ranger medic leads training on Tactical Combat Casualty Care.

28 September 2023. The Burma Army mortared the village of Pa Le Lel four times. One mortar dropped 25 meters from the church where the Ranger team, KNDF, and civilians sheltered. The attack injured no one, but the church’s barn was burned. 

26 September 2023. A Burma Army force comprised of 100 men moved to control the main highway between Hpruso and Bawlake. The Burma Army is trying to move 400 men to reinforce their position in Phar Saung Township. Resistance forces moved to prevent this reinforcement. Karenni Rangers constructed a CCP and treated and transported the wounded to the hospital. Road conditions made this difficult. 

24 September 2023. The Burma Army entered the village of Law Kyay Khu and laid landmines. The KNDF later entered the village to clear the mines and informed villagers not to return until their work was complete. Daw Plyar Mar, 50 years old, returned to her home before the KNDF had cleared her home. She stepped on a landmine planted at the doorway of her home; the explosion blew off both of her legs, and she died from her injuries. She is survived by her two children and her husband.

23 September 2023. The Karenni Ranger teams partnered with KNDF, B-16, to rescue two injured Karenni Army (KA) soldiers. The Rangers walked two hours on foot from Pharetaw Village to Phare Village. At 1700 hours, the Burma Army used an attack jet to bomb the village of Pa Le Lel twice. In the morning, the Rangers joined the Pley Village Baptist Church for worship.

23 September 2023. The Burma Army, unit 55, entered the village of Bu Khu and established a base. Khu Me Reh, 38 years old, was arrested by the Burma Army while attending his cattle. His wife and son have heard nothing about his whereabouts. They have reached out to the KNDF for help determining his location and the status of his health. 

20 September 2023. The Burma Army entered Ban Phe Village and used the local school as a temporary base. Resistance forces, KA and KNDF, clashed with them. 10 Burma Army soldiers were killed, and 10 more were wounded. The Karenni Ranger team was there for medical support. Casualties were eventually transferred to definitive care at a local hospital. 

The Karenni Ranger team carries a wounded resistance fighter to a hospital where he can receive the care he needs.

19 September 2023. Resistance forces, KA and KNDF, attacked the Burma Army in the Daw Po Shey Village. The resistance force size was 20 men, and the Burma Army numbered nearly 100. The resistance forces reported five Burma Army killed and nine resistance forces wounded. 

19 September 2023. The Burma Army bombed the village of Myae Lae four times: the first mortar damaged a civilian home, and the other three landed in an open field. 

15 September 2023. The Karenni Ranger team completed a GLC program for 100 IDPs in So Thel IDP Camp. The IDPs in this camp have been displaced for two years. There are 142 homes in this camp with 626 people. This IDP camp has two schools teaching kindergarten to eighth grade. There are a total of 107 students. A community services organization called Sel Thae supports the 16 teachers financially with 100,000 kyats each. This IDP camp also has a clinic operated by three medics. 

IDP children receive their GLC shirts at the conclusion of the program.

13 September 2023. The Karenni Ranger teams conducted a small GLC program to encourage IDPs who have experienced increased mortar attacks in their areas. 340 people at this IDP camp are now displaced from Daw Ngan Khar, Khone Tar, and 6 miles villages. All of these IDPs are in need of medical and food support.

11 September 2023. The Burma Army mortared a KNDF training base near Htar Le, Hpruso Township, killing two KNDF soldier and injuring 15.

11 September 2023. 10 Burma Army soldiers appeared on the Hpruso-Demoso main road. Resistance forces fired on them with a sniper gun and the Burma Army soldiers returned fire with an M79. The resistance forces advanced on the Burma Army position and captured ammunition and 120mm mortars from No.(4) Burma Army Training Camp. The resistance forces reported one death and three wounded.

11 September 2023 at 1300 hours, the Burma Army moved to control the main road between Hpruso and Bawlake with a reinforcement force of 400 people with military trucks to Phar Saung Township. Combined resistance forces of KA, KNDF Strategy (5), KNPLF, Loikaw PDF, Karenni Wolf Column PDF, totaling 180 people, moved to prevent the Burma Army’s reinforcement. The Karenni Ranger team moved to support the resistance with medical evacuation and front-line aid. 

10 September 2023. The Burma Army mortared, using 120mm, on the village of Kay Hlar 10 times. Two houses were damaged but no civilians were injured in the attack. The resistance forces in the area reported one death and four wounded soldiers. 

Medical care for a resistance fighter who was wounded by shrapnel. 

2 September 2023. At 1912 hours, the Burma Army Infantry (422) Moebye, mortared with 81mm on the village of Kan Kaing Kar Hpone three times. One mortar damaged the roof of the medical clinic and the store room. The other two mortars landed in an open field and caused no damage. No civilians were injured in the attack. 

2 September 2023. From 0530 to 1030 hours, resistance forces of the KNDF, PDF, KNPP, and KA attacked the Burma Army base near the Thay Su Le Ywar Thit and Pu Hpar villages. The Burma Army responded with mortar attacks and an airstrike. Resistance forces report three fatalities and 16 wounded. The Karenni Ranger teams provided medical evacuation and support during the engagement. The resistance forces will now move on to the Burma Army near Nan Mel Khone and Mine Lone villages. 

Thanks and God bless you,

Free Burma Rangers

Click below for July and August reports from Karenni State:

Devastation by Air: Burma Army Attacks Continue in Karenni State During July

Karenni: Returning Home and Continued Displacements