Karenni: Returning Home and Continued Displacements
15 September 2023
Karenni State, Burma
Continued heavy rains have made movements and reaching Internally Displaced People (IDPs) difficult for Karenni Ranger teams. August was marked by three groups of IDPs returning to their villages. Beginning in March, a heavy offensive by the Burma Army around the villages of Kwal Taw Daw, Ga Khoe, and Daw Ta Ma Gyi displaced large portions of the civilian population. The Karenni Ranger teams partnered with the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC), a governing body who opposes the Burma Army, to return the displaced IDPs to their homes.

Air strikes, mortar fire, and armed clashes resulted in further displacement of the civilian population. On 23 August 2023, the Burma Army entered the village of Daw Nyey Khu and set fire to the church. This provoked a large clash that lasted until the following day. During that time, Burma Army attack jets made 10 bombing runs. The Karenni Team constructed a casualty collection point and worked hard to evacuate and treat those wounded during the clash. The team treated 10 casualties on 24 August. Of the ten treated, five individuals were injured by landmines.
The Ranger team visited six IDP sites to deliver supplies, offer medical treatment, and conduct GLC programs. The weather and the continued attacks from the Burma Army have exacerbated IDP health concerns and their need for shelter. Though the roads conditions are poor, Karenni Ranger teams remain committed to reaching IDPs and providing them with medical aid and other relief supplies.
August Log of Burma Army Activities and Ranger Team Response
31 August 2023: At 0640, the Burma Army bombed a school within Pong Chaung No.2 IDP Camp. The attack displaced the village and civilians hid in the jungle. The attack killed U Bu Rel, a 37-year-old father of three. Two other civilians were injured in the attack but are expected to recover.
31 August 2023: From 0400 to 0500, the Burma Army used an attack jet to bomb Pa Sae Lar Village in Demoso, Karenni State, Burma, three times. One of these bombs was a 500-pound bomb that struck the KNDF Battalion 1 headquarters. The other two bombs were found nearby. The attacks did not injure any civilians.
30 August 2023: At 1312, the Burma Army, 102 Infantry Division, mortared the village of Daw Ta Dar three times from their position in Demoso. The attack damaged civilian infrastructure, but no injuries were reported.
30 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger team partnered with KMS, Karenni Midwife Society, to provide medical and dental checks to 91 people at Myae Lae School. They treated over 78 students and 6 teachers.
29 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger team conducted a GLC program for 150 people in Pa Lan Pa Lo Village. They sang songs, performed a skit, and provided medical and financial relief to the IDPs there. The area has 79 households, a total of 268 people living there. The village school teaches grades one to eleven. 16 teachers serve 240 students. The villagers have influenza, chronic disease, and suffer from trauma.
26 August 2023: The Burma Army used an attack jet to bomb the village of Lwee Ka Hti. The Burma Army positioned in Demoso added to the attack by launching 4 mortars. The attack injured one civilian and damaged three homes.
24 August 2023: There was an armed clash between resistance forces and the Burma Army near the village of Daw Ngay Khu. The Karenni Rangers constructed a CCP and evacuated casualties from the front line. In total, 10 resistance fighters were injured. Five of these injuries resulted from landmines.
23 August 2023: The Burma Army conducted an airstrike on Daw Nyey Khu Village, Hpruso Township, Karenni. They bombed 10 times.
23 August 2023: The Burma Army entered the village of Daw Nyey Khu and set fire to the church. Their movement was supported by 120mm mortars from Burma Army forces located in Demoso (Infantry Battalion 102). This Karenni Ranger team went to evacuate the front line wounded. At 11:00 – 14:56, a Burma Army attack jet bombed the area 10 times. The Burma Army tried to hold the village but was pushed back by resistance forces.
22 August 2023: The Burma Army troops moved from the city of Demoso via the Hpruso main highway to Htee Paw So Village, where they took control of the base. The troop movement was supported by shelling near the village of Htee Paw So.
20 August 2023 (1400 to 1700): The Burma Army clashed with the Joint People Defense Force (JPF) on the road connecting Htee Thaw Ku village and Htee Paw So village. The Karenni Ranger team provided medical evacuation and treatment to those injured in the battle. The Burma Army fired heavy weapons ten times, then called in two attack jets and bombed the area six times. The resistance forces reported four casualties. Three of the four patients treated were transferred to Lukar Hospital.

19 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger teams conducted FBR relief team training. Nineteen new trainees and 11 advanced students completed the course.
18 August 2023: The Karenni Rangers helped return IDPs displaced in March 2023 from Kwal Taw Daw and Tay Ga Khoe villages to their homes. The KSCC confirmed that it was safe for the villagers to return.
17 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger team helped IDPs to return to their home. The Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) informed the villagers displaced from Daw Ta Ma Gyi village that it was safe to return to their homes.
16 August 2023: The Karenni Rangers partnered with Freelance Volunteer Myanmar to provide food and a GLC program for IDPs displaced from Lay Ma Ann Khu village.

12 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger team constructed a CCP for individuals injured in a conflict near the village of Ngwe Taung Ywar Thit. The Burma Army dropped bombs four times, then shelled 120mm mortars 10 times. The team also reported use of smoke bombs and a multiple-launch rocket system.
8 to 11 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger team provided relief supplies and aid to the IDPs displaced from Pa Reh Saw Village and Kay Kaw Village. They provided the IDPs with rice, blankets, sleeping mats, solar power, and lights.
11 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger team set up a CCP for casualties from an armed clash when the resistance forces tried to stop a Burma Army reinforcement truck, Burma Army 102 Infantry Battalion. The resistance forces, KNPLF, reported three casualties.
11 August 2023: Burma military forces conducted an airstrike on the village of Saw Baw Thea, West Demoso, Karenni State.
10 August 2023: Burma military forces conducted an airstrike on So Baw Thae Village, West Demoso, Karenni State, Burma.
9 August 2023: At 1050, there was an armed clash between the Burma Army and resistance forces at the junction of Lo Yar Do, Kay Kaw, and Taung Gu.
9 August 2023: Karenni Rangers tried to help Win Mg, 20 years old, wounded in the head during an armed clash between the Burma Army and resistance forces in Ngwe Taung Ywar Thit. Unfortunately, he did not survive.
9 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger team provided medical treatment to two wounded resistance fighters.
8 August 2023: The Karenni Rangers completed the GLC and medical program in the Pa Ton Ngan IDP camp. The IDPs are sharing food, and the Ranger team partnered with Freelance Volunteer Myanmar to provide them with tarps and rice.

7 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger team met with members of Paw Kone Village. They have one school with 70 students and 5 teachers.
7 August 2023: The Karenni Ranger Team partnered with the KNDF to reach IDPs near Pa Reh Saw Village. The Karenni Ranger team delivered rice, mats, plates, and blankets and assisted in relocating IDPs displaced from Pa Reh Saw and Wah Taw Kho village. The village of Pa Reh Saw was displaced when heavy fighting between resistance forces and the Burma Army occurred on 11 July in Ya Do village. On 28 July, the Burma Army captured two villagers from Pa Rah Village.
4 August 2023: A battle near Ban Han Village lasted three days, and the team responded to evacuate and treat those wounded in the fight. Heavy rain in Karenni makes movement difficult.