Hiding Place Within a Hiding Place, 10,000 People Flee Burma Army Attacks

Thaton District, Karen State, Burma 

18 May 2022 

We walked stooped over and low in the cave, sometimes crawling through tight chambers as the cave twisted and turned. Suddenly on our left I saw movement and there in a small cave within the cave were four boys. They were in a hiding place within a hiding place. Such is the fear of Burma army attacks form the air and ground. This is area of Thaton/Billin in central Karen State where over 10,000 people have been chased from their homes by the Burma Army. Our teams are with them providing medical care and food. Thank you so much for praying for them as well as the over 1 million others displaced in Burma in what is the worst fighting since WWII. 

children hiding in a cave
Karen children hiding in a cave within a cave. 
Karen children hiding from Burma military jets bombing Lay Kay village, Thaton, Karen State.
Their fathers dig a shelter for their families.
Families flee again to a new hiding place as attacks continue.
Fleeing Lay Kay village
Families in a cave system
Still able to smile, children respond to our visit. 
FBR medic treating
FBR medic treats a Karen mother. 
Third week in a cave as Burma Army comes closer. 
Karen child goes from one chamber to another
FBR medic treats child
FBR medic treats a Karen child.