Burned Homes and Hiding in Caves: 10,000 Villagers Flee Burma Army
Thaton District, Karen State, Burma
3 May 2022
The Burma military has pounded Karen villages in the Lay Kay area of Thaton District, Karen State, from April 20, 2022 to the present. They are using fighter jets to bomb, rocket and strafe, destroying homes, and sending people into hiding. Burma Army ground troops shoot machine-guns and heavy mortars as well as fire artillery as the Burma Army wages a campaign of terror against the Karen people.
Thank you for helping us provide relief for these people. With your help, we have been able to be with them, treat the sick and wounded, provide emergency food, water, tarps, and share the love of Jesus.

Thank you for being in this with us all.
May God bless you,
Dave, family and FBR