Saw Tha Po Aung, 80 yrs old, before he was killed.
Klay Saw Kee villagers forced to cut trees for Div. 66 LIB.
Daw Pa Ko villagers fleeing to the border. April 2006
Aung Myo Htun and his soldiers enter Kaw They Der village. May 2006
These photos are from Toungoo District, Northwestern Karen State, Burma. Beginning in March, Burma Army Division 66 launched a new offensive in this area of Karen State. The Burma Army attacked villages, demanded villagers to move to forced relocation sites, and conducted forced labor in the area surrounding Kler La (Baw Ga Li Gyi). These photos were taken at great risk by an FBR relief team member. They show:
1. Saw Tha Po Aung. 80 year old Saw Wah Der villager forced to flee his village. The Burma Army then captured him, stole 400,000 kyat from him, and killed him.
2. Villagers from Klay Saw Kee being forced to cut down trees for the Burma Army in mid April.
3. IDPs fleeing from Daw Pa Ko on April 15 06. Villagers also fled from The Yae Yu village in mid April and Saw Wah Der village in mid May.
4. Burma Army soldiers in Kaw They Der village. The Burma Army here has forced villagers to obtain travel passes to leave the village, or face being shot if seen outside of the village.
God Bless You,
The Free Burma Rangers