Freedom Rings Despite Years of Junta Oppression
30 Dec 2024
Karen State
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 1 Cor 13:17

The Free Burma Ranger family joyfully celebrates the baptism of 16 people from the Ranger graduating class of 2024-2025! The fight for physical freedom continues across Burma, yet we are reminded of the ultimate freedom that can be experienced in mind and spirit right here, right now, through Jesus Christ. This is a freedom that cannot be taken away, even for the over three million people who have been forced to flee their homes across Burma.
Ranger training comprises four distinct classes – Basic, Advanced, Jungle School of Medicine Kawthoolei (JSMK), and Relief Team Chaplain (RTC). Basic, Advanced, and JSMK students stepped forward in faith to be baptized while the RTC team coordinated the baptism.
The Rangers baptized exemplified unity amidst diversity. They are united in their love for Jesus while also celebrating different backgrounds, ethnic identities, ages, and genders. Some grew up in cities such as Loikaw, Demoso, and Taungoo; others were raised in the mountains and jungle of the countryside. The 16 students, the oldest 32 and the youngest 18, came from Karen, Karenni, and Burman ethnic groups. Some grew up in Catholic and Protestant families; others came from atheist, animist, and Buddhist families. Some heard about Jesus growing up; others had never heard his name before Ranger training.
Several who grew up in Christian homes said they wanted to decide for themselves. Through Ranger training they discovered that Jesus wasn’t an idea to inherit from family, but he offered personal, life-changing grace for them in their daily lives. Henery, age 21, said, “It was God’s grace that brought me to Ranger training to learn more about Jesus.”
Saw Ku Ku, age 18, learned during the training that, “I can only do things through God’s love and prayer.”
Others grew up in Buddhist or atheist homes and had never been taught about Jesus. Nonetheless, one Ranger still had his own Jesus experiences to share. Lin Htet Aung, age 23, shared that he had a dream about Jesus before coming to training. He was in the hospital after getting struck by shrapnel. In his dream, he was pulled out of a massive dark place and into the light. A voice said, “It’s not your time to go.” He immediately shouted, “Thank you Jesus!” and decided to put his trust in Christ from that day on. Baptism is the next step for him to tell others about his life-altering faith. This is a decision disapproved by his family, and so for him getting baptized also represents stepping out of his family and into God’s family.

Each person baptized also shared ways we can pray for them, their families, and their people. Many asked for prayers for the war to end, the health and safety of their families and friends, financial support for Ranger relief missions, and opportunities for internally displaced people and refugees to return to their homes.
One Ranger, named Blessing, age 20, specifically asked for prayer to grow in his faith and to trust in Jesus even when bad things happen. He said, “I want the pain and suffering of the world to bring me closer to Jesus.”
One day, these 16 new followers of Jesus Christ will be totally free from the oppression of pain, suffering, fear, and loss, a freedom Jesus gladly gives to anyone who puts their trust in Him.
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” – Revelations 21:3-4
May this truth give us strength to fix our eyes on Jesus no matter what we find ourselves facing in 2025 and beyond.
God bless you,
The Free Burma Rangers