Resistance Forces Continue the Fight to Push Burma Army Out of Papun
Karen State, Burma
24 July 2024

The fighting around Papun continues on as resistance forces, led by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), attempt to capture the remaining Junta-held fortified camps in vicinity of the city. Burma Army troops are hard pressed, receiving limited resupply by air and even more limited air support. The battle is ongoing with fighting occurring as recently as September 4, 2024. Meanwhile, in Ta Oo District, Ranger teams bring help, hope, and love through Good Life Club programs and medical clinics. These programs serve hundreds through clothing, medical attention, much needed funds, and most importantly the hope of the Gospel.
June 6, 2024: a Burma Military Y-12 dropped many bombs in vicinity of Papun, Karen State, at 0500 local time.
June 8, 2024: one Burma military jet fighter conducted two airstrikes of two bombs each, totaling four bombs in vicinity of Kaw Pu Burma Army camp.
June 9, 2024: at 0500, one Burma military Y-12 dropped many bombs in vicinity of Kaw Pu and Hpa Pu, Karen State, resulting in no injuries. At 1220 three jets came and dropped bombs near the Kaw Pu Burma Army camp.
June 10, 2024: at 1242, one Burma military Y-12 dropped supplies to Kaw Pu Burma Army camp.
June 11, 2024: a Burma military Y-12 conducted two airstrikes in vicinity of Kaw Pu and Hpa Pu.
June 13, 2024: one Burma military Y-12 conducted multiple airstrikes in Hpa Pu. The Burma military regularly arms one Y-12 with between 50 to 60 bombs. The Burma military Y-12s drop either six, nine, or 12 bombs per individual strike and will regularly conduct six to seven strikes in a one to two hour period loitering over a particular target area before returning to base to refuel and re-arm.
June 15, 2024: at 1300, one Burma military Y-12 dropped supplies to Kaw Pu Burma Army camp.
June 17, 2024: at 0700, one Burma military Y-12 conducted seven airstrikes, dropping a total of 42 bombs in the vicinity of Hpa Pu.
June 19, 2024: at 1230, one Burma military Y-12 resupplied Burma military Kaw Pu camp via air.
June 21, 2024: at 1300, one Burma military Y-12 dropped 10 loads of food and weapons to the Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) stationed Byoha camp. Some of the loads fell within the camp while some fell outside the camp and were taken by resistance forces. Resistance forces acquired 10 bags of rice and two bags of weapons in this manner.
June 22, 2024: one Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) soldier was injured by a Burma Army landmine emplaced near the Burma Army LIB 340 area of operations.

June 23, 2024: at 1420, one Burma military Y-12 dropped food to the Burma military Kaw Pu camp.
Jun 25, 2024: at 0215, one Burma military jet fighter dropped bombs in vicinity of the Kaw Pu camp.
June 28, 2024: at 1200, one Burma military Y-12 dropped food to the Kaw Pu camp; KNLA forces were able to recover two rice bags that dropped outside of the camp.
June 29, 2024: at 1200 and 1535, two Burma military Y-12s dropped food to the Kaw Pu camp; most of the loads dropped outside of the camp, allowing resistance forces to recover them.
July 3, 2024: between 0500 and 0600, a Burma military plane dropped food to the Kaw Pu camp
July 6, 2024: KNLA soldiers continued a cordon around the Burma Army camps in Papun to deny the Burmese freedom of movement. Burma Army troops took up dispersed positions surrounding their camps to avoid the regular KNLA drone attacks falling on the camp centers.
July 9, 2024: at 1234, a Burma military Harbin Y-12 dropped the loads of food to Kaw Pu and Byuhar camps.
July 12, 2024: at 1338, a Burma military Harbin Y-12 dropped 11 loads of food to Kaw Pu camp.
July 13, 2024: FBR Rangers conducted a Good Life Club (GLC) at Khu Tha Doe Village, Taw Oo District, Karen State. The GLC served 145 people consisting of children from three local schools, 28 teachers, and IDPs living in the area. The Ranger team gave out 150 clothing items. The FBR team also conducted a medical clinic where 110 patients were treated. Relief funds were given to the schools, 45 IDPs, disabled patients, and 23 pregnant patients.

July 15, 2024: between 0800 and 0840 Burma Army troops attacked KNLA positions in vicinity of Ker Bar Kyaw, Karen State. Ker Bar Kyaw was formerly a position of the Burma Army 340th Light Infantry Battalion but has since been captured by the KNLA. During the fighting, resistance soldiers were wounded by a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) blast, one requiring surgery. Rangers cared for the wounded soldiers treating an abdominal wound, a blasted away patella, and an injured right leg before transporting the soldiers to an rear Casualty Collection Point (CCP)
July 16, 2024: At 1000 Rangers shared individual medical kits, food, and the Gospel with KNLA soldiers. Between 1118 and 1200 and 1620 and 1705, Burma Army troops attacked KNLA positions in vicinity of Ker Bar Kyaw. Rangers treated the wounded, injured by an RPG, and evacuated them to a ambulance provided by another relief organization Stronghold.
FBR Rangers conducted a GLC at Lu Will Kho Village, Taw Oo District, Karen State. The GLC served 134 people consisting of children from one local school, five teachers, and 41 IDPs living in the area. The Ranger team gave out 130 clothing items. The FBR team also conducted a medical clinic where 100 patients were treated. Relief funds were given to the school, 41 IDPs, elderly patients, and 32 pregnant patients.
July 17, 2024: between 1421 and 1534, an estimated 60 Burma Army troops attacked KNLA positions in vicinity of Ker Bar Kyaw resulting in a single soldier wounded by RPG. Burma Army commonly use RPGs to initiate attacks, signaling to other Burma Army troops to engage and producing high casualties in the initial moments of the engagement. Rangers treated the injured soldier’s foot, administering Tramadol for pain management, and transported him to the rear CCP. KNLA called up a supporting People’s Defense Force (PDF) drone team who conducted airstrikes on attacking Burma Army troops, driving them back to their defensive positions.
July 18, 2024: Rangers repaired an old CCP closer to the fighting to enable a closer option for casualty evacuation and treatment.
July 19, 2024: A resistance officer was shot by a sniper while in a trench using a radio. He held up the radio to try and get signal resulting in a gunshot through his left forearm. Ranger medics, alongside medics from several other organizations, treated the wound and then FBR evacuated the officer to the rear CCP for further treatment.
Later that day a Burma military Y-12 aircraft dropped supplies to the Qapoo Camp.
FBR Rangers conducted a GLC at Tahy Yar Yu Village, Taw Oo District, Karen State. The GLC served 187 people consisting of children from one local school, seven teachers, and 105 IDPs living in the area. The Ranger team gave out 120 clothing items. The FBR team also conducted a medical clinic where 107 patients were treated. Relief funds were given to the school, disabled patients, elderly patients, and 24 pregnant patients.
July 22, 2024: FBR Rangers conducted a GLC at Ser Daylo Middle School, Taw Oo District, Karen State. The GLC served only the school children and teachers. The Ranger team gave out 60 clothing items, medical supplies, and relief funds to the school.

July 23, 2024: At 1310 a Burma military Y-12 aircraft dropped two bombs on Papun and dropped supplies to Burma Army positions. The Burma Army and Burma Border Guard Force sent a combined 100 soldiers to reinforce Burmese positions in Papun.

July 24, 2024: At 0500 to 1730 the KNLA attacked two 340 Burma Army Battalion positions in Papun. Burma military conducted eight jet airstrikes dropping a total of 12 bombs in support of Burma Army ground forces including one bomb that dropped 30 meters from our FBR medics. KNLA suffered heavy casualties the majority of which received either medical care or evacuation to CCP from FBR Rangers.
The Free Burma Rangers