Karenni Ranger Help IDPs Return Home
1 Nov 2023
Karenni State, Burma
Between October 3rd and October 28th, 2023, the Karenni Ranger team was actively involved in various humanitarian efforts in response to the ongoing conflict in the region. On October 28th, they conducted a GLC program and mobile medical treatment in Be Tu Lower and Upper villages. They provided check-ups and medicine to 196 patients, while 180 IDP children attended their GLC programs. They also distributed rice to teachers in both villages. On October 26th, the Burma military launched mortar attacks on farmers harvesting their rice crops, causing crop damage but no civilian injuries. The Karenni teams convened on October 25 to discuss the evolving conflict and relief objectives.
The Karenni Ranger team assisted IDPs in returning to their homes on October 23rd and aided displaced individuals in Pong Stream Camp on October 14th. They also partnered with the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) to remove landmines on October 3rd, during which a KNDF soldier was injured. On October 6th, a coalition attack on a Burma Army position resulted in casualties, with the Karenni team providing support and evacuation assistance. The Burma military responded with mortar fire near where the team was stationed. On October 7th, the Burma Army conducted an air strike, damaging KNDF infrastructure and a truck.

28 October 2023. The Karenni Ranger team completed a GLC program and mobile medical treatment in Be Tu Lower Village. They provided medical check-ups and treated 99 patients. 70 IDP children participated in the GLC program. They gave four rice bags to the seven teachers working in the village school.

28 October 2023. The Karenni Rangers completed a GLC program and medical clinic for IDPs in Be Tu Upper Village. They provided medical check-ups and treatment to 97 patients. A total of 110 IDP children participated in the GLC program. They provided four rice bags to the six teachers working in the village school..
26 October 2023. At 1115, the Burma military mortared farmers harvesting their rice patties seven times. The attack did not injure any civilians, but it did damage the crops.
25 October 2023. The Karenni teams met to discuss the ever-developing conflict and to define relief objectives and the execution of relief missions in the coming months.
25 October 2023, at 1015, the Burma Army shelled the village of Loi Nan Pha Village. The attack damaged a local farmer’s field, but no one was injured.
23 October 2023. The Karenni Ranger team helped IDPs displaced on 9 March 2023 return to their homes in Baw Lake to Daw Ta Ma Gyi Village, East Demoso Township, Karenni State. The Ranger teams transported 23 households, 70 people, and their possessions back to their homes and village.
14 October 2023. The Karenni Ranger team brought rice and oil to IDPs in Pong Stream Camp, displaced from Da Ta Daw. The camp leaders have expressed interest in a GLC program for the children there.
6 October 2023. At 1600, a coalition of the Karenni Army and the KNDF attacked a Burma Army position near Na Phe Village. The KNDF and KA reported nine wounded. The attack ended when a KNDF commander was wounded. The Karenni team was in the area to support and evacuate any casualties resulting from the clash. At 1130, the Burma military responded to the attack with 120mm mortars, which landed 100 meters from where the Rangers slept.
7 October 2023. At 0130, the Burma Army used an attack jet and completed an air strike with two 500-pound bombs; one exploded, and one did not. This air attack damaged the KNDF infrastructure and one truck.

03 October 2023, near Nan Phe Village, the FBR Karenni Ranger team partnered with the KNDF to remove landmines planted by the Burma Army during the retreat from the area. Baw De, 25 years old, KNDF soldier, stepped on a landmine. Ten people carried him to a clinic in Pale Lel Village. After receiving additional medical care, 20 villagers carried him through the night, arriving at Phukrakhu, where a truck drove him to Lukar clinic.
Thanks and God bless you,
Free Burma Rangers