A Drug for Courage – Good Life Club in Karenni State
15 August 2023
Karenni State, Burma
Here in Karenni the unnerving sounds of mortar and airstrike explosions, both near and far, are just that: un-nerving, hitting a sore spot of the soul, an instant jolt that something is devastatingly wrong in so many ways. It makes you both jumpy and fatigued at the same time.
Thankfully we shared in the prescription and treatment with many displaced families during our May-June mission in Karenni State. “A cheerful heart is good medicine,” says Proverbs 17:22, “but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Even in rainy season here, it’s easy to feel dry: brittle and ready to snap. But experiencing daily life with the villagers these last two months, I can testify that the songs, dances, and dramas of the Good Life Club, along with the villagers’ enthusiastic participation, provided the cheerful medicine that was desperately-needed refreshment.
In the 14 programs we gave this trip, the teams’ comedy had both adults and kids, groups ranging in size from 50 to 500, belly-laughing at their antics. Thirty on-stage Rangers accompanied by a band of guitars led inspiring songs and invigorating dances. The Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego drama reminded us all of God’s faithfulness; the Love Boat skit gave the example of Jesus’s personal relationship with us as a friend dives into the water to save someone drowning; and the malaria drama included kids from the audience to teach healthcare. We joked, laughed, sang, jumped and danced, together. Because of donations from people around the world, we could also give medical treatment, tarps for families living in forest hide-sites, and financial assistance to IDP camp committees, churches, schools and clinics.
Waving goodbye to kids in their GLC hoodies and gospel bracelets, our shared smiles accompanied a ‘good tired:’ refreshed, re-energized, hopeful, and stronger in spirit. We’d given and received an antidote for fear. May cheerful hearts be overwhelmingly contagious, infusing these families with Jesus’s courage in body, mind, and spirit.
Thank you and God bless you,
Karen, family and FBR