The Passing of a Faithful Ranger
24 July 2023
Karen State, Burma

Dear friends,
It is with a sad heart that we share with you the passing of a faithful Ranger, Hti Moo Klo. Hti Moo Klo was a Karen FBR team leader, serving as a humanitarian worker for over 20 years. No matter whether he had supplies or not, or whether it was dangerous or not, he would quickly go to any area under attack and to help people in need. If he had nothing to give, he just stayed with those in hiding, offering his warm smile, sharing their danger and getting the news out until supplies came.
Hti Moo Klo lived a nomadic life, going from place of need to place of need, while his wife took care of home and took care of him when he came home. I still remember the big smile on her face when we would walk back in from a long mission. This is how Hti Moo Klo described her: “This is my wife, the one God gave me, and the one who takes care of everything. She takes care of me and that makes it possible for me to help others. I thank God for her.” Whether he was on relief missions or coordinating help, he was always smiling and always humble. People who did not know him would often be with him for one or two days before they realized he was actually leading the entire humanitarian operation.
He was a special friend to me personally, and to our family, and helped raise our children. He was always faithful to do anything he said he would do, and his loyalty to his family, his team, and his people always came before any personal needs or safety. He was a gentle, kind, smiling man, who also knew how to inspire and lead people and lift them up. He set an example that we all want to follow.
We have lost 59 of our Rangers since we started and most of them by gunshot, mortar attack, air, strikes, or other actions by the Burma Army. But Hti Moo Klo left us through sickness. During the conduct of relief missions, he became very sick, and could not continue. Our medics tried their best to save him, but they could not. He went to join his master Jesus, who he faithfully followed, on 8 July 2023 in western Karen state, Burma. We were all surprised and very sad at his passing. Please join us in prayer for his family and his teammates, and the people he serves.
Hti Moo Klo’s wife and two children are in mourning now and miss him very much. They were the greatest part of his life and enabled him to help many others. He was always quick to come home to them after every mission, and seemed most content when he was with them.
Thanks and God bless you,
Dave, family and FBR