Burma Army Airstrikes and Mortars in Karenni State Destroy Homes and Displace Thousands
25 February 2023
Karenni State, Burma

On 3 February 2023, at approximately 1800, the Burma Army attacked Elephant IDP Camp three times with airstrikes. Nearly all 957 households and 4,422 people in the camp have been displaced again and are fleeing to a safe place. The schools, medical store, and clinic in the camp were destroyed. Almost 200 rice sacks were destroyed and half of the medicine they had were also destroyed. No one was injured or killed by the airstrikes. The next day, 4 February 2023, from approximately 2220 (10:20pm) to 0030 (12:30am) the Burma Army attacked Wari Kaw Ku Village with over 42 mortars. Wari Kaw Ku Village has 270 households and 2000 people, some of which were IDPs who fled to Wari Kaw Village for safety. This attack displaced 200 people in the area.

The Burma Army’s continued use of mortar and air attacks in Karenni State, has a devastating effect on civilians. From October to December, the Karenni Ranger team documented nine incidents that resulted in injury and or death. They have recorded 15 civilian injuries and 19 deaths of civilians. One example of the toll on civilians is the story of a family of four from Khone Tha Village: at 10pm on 23 October 2022, a mortar struck near their house, killing the two parents and injuring the two children, an 8-year-old boy and 6-month-old girl.
The continued use of mortars and attack planes and helicopters by the Burma Army causes rapid displacements across Karenni State. The civilian population is in continual flux, fleeing and then returning. The Karenni Ranger teams partner with Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) to anticipate which civilian populations may be attacked next. Once evacuation areas have been determined, they work to help the civilian populations flee to IDP camps in safe locations.
During this three-month period, the Ranger teams completed three medical relief missions in Karenni State.
The most recent was to resupply the Daw Larsaw clinic. Medical supply lines in Burma are not always reliable. The Ranger teams help fill the gap.
December to October: Ranger Daily Reports
December 2022: At 4:00 pm the Burma Army bombed the village of Tay Sule with two airplanes.
30 November 2022: Mortars fired by the Burma Army landed in the village of Daw Ta Ngu, east of Mya Le. It destroyed civilians’ homes, injured three cows, and killed one.

29 November 2022: A battle between the Burma Army and EAOs has been going on for three of four days in Pa Laung. The Burma Army troops are on the Loikaw Palong Ponf Chaung Road.
25 November 2022: At 7:35 pm mortar fire from the Burma Army, Battalion 102, destroyed a home in Ta Ni Lar Village. The Burma Army fired four 81mm mortars.
25 November 2022: At 11:00 am a civilian man in Par Maw Village, east Loikaw, was injured by Burma Army mortar fire.
25 November 2022: Sayar Ye Le Pho, a teacher from Cherry Hill who graduated from Bible school, came to ask for help with warm clothes for 64 children.

23 November 2022: At 11:00 am, the Burma Army, six units of the 102nd, fired mortars into Daw Khu Thwe and Dotta Dar villages in the village of Htee Phoe Kaloe, injuring a civilian. A Burma Army helicopter was seen flying from Loikaw and Bawlakhe.
22 November 2022: The Karenni Ranger team provided medical supplies to the Daw Larsaw clinic.
19 November 2022: The FBR Karenni team teamed up with Dove KK to complete a medical relief mission to Riki Kaw Village in West Pruso.

17 November 2022: The Karenni Ranger team was asked to support the family injured in Daw Noku. The family has debt and needs money for their 5-year-old daughter who died in the Burma Army attack.
15 November 2022: At 6:00 pm, the Burma Army fired mortars into the west side of Demoso. They struck Daw Noeku Village, east of Mya Le Village, and a total of three mortar rounds fell. One of the mortars hit a home. All nine members of the family were injured and Ma Nwe Ni Pyae Win, a 5-year-old girl was killed.
Names of those injured in the attack:
- U Ti Rel – 53 years old
- Daw Tin Swe – 60 years old
- U Myo Chit Htwe – 30 years old
- Daw Hla Win Kyi -30 years old
- U Soe Tint – 24 years old
- Daw San Mya Lay – 24 years old
- Bu Rel Wai Phyo – 9 years old
- Ma Ohnmar Htwe – 18 years old
10 November 2022: At 11:00 pm, Burma Army mortars landed and targeted Mya Le Village, damaging a house. The Burma Army has been firing mortars for two nights.
9 November 2022 – 13 November 2022: The Karenni Ranger Team completed a medical mission to New/Old Zakhao Village, Pare Palo, and Doli Village in Kayaw Group, Kayan Region, Pekon Township. These IDPs fled from Daw U Khu and Nanattaw in Loikaw. They collaborated with medics from the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) B08, and the Health Committee of Western IDPs.

1 November 2022: At approximately 9:00 am, a mortar fell in Lin Phong Village, near Loi Ling Lai town, north of Loikaw, injuring several villagers. A pregnant woman with them sustained an injury to her abdomen causing her to miscarry. He husband is in critical condition.
29 October 2022: The Karenni Ranger team reported an intense battle at 2:00 am, at Saung Kan Village, located between Loi Kaw and Mobye.

27 October 2022: The Karenni Ranger team evacuated and treated those injured in a clash against the Burma Army.
26 October 2022: The Burma Army fired artillery into Pi Kin Kaw Khu village, wounding eight adults and killing one child.
26 October 2022: At 4:00 am Mg Pu, 26 years old, from War Yi Kaw Khu, died from injuries to the head from mortar fire.
25 October 2022: The Karenni Ranger team evacuated IDPs from Daw Kuu Khu on 25 October 2022. There was a request to provide tourniquets for the medics of KNA and KNDF.
23 – 25 October 2022: The Burma Army mortared the village of Kone Tha at 10:00 pm. A mortar hit near the house of a family of four. The father, Tee Noh, 34 years old, was killed when shrapnel from the mortar entered his abdomen. The mother, Daw Mar Rel, 33 years old, died from wounds to the head. They had two children: Maung Kyae Lwin Oo, 8 years old, was injured in the right thigh by shrapnel; his younger sister, Mu Ann Jalar, 6 months old, was also injured by shrapnel from the mortar. The two children will be taken care of by their grandmother.

19 October 2022: Karenni Rangers distributed tarps to the IDPs in their community.
13 October 2022: The Burma Army positioned in Kha La Ya (102) at 10:30 am fired mortars at Htee Poe Kaloe Village. Ma Phae Kay, 20 years old, was killed by injuries to the head and neck. A security guard, 39 years old, was injured in the thigh and leg and is being treated at Mafo Ke hospital. The attack injured two other people who were volunteering at the clinic. The clinic is supported by FBR and had just received an X-Ray Machine.
11 October 2022: The Karenni Ranger team reports the delivery of medical units to different teams in Karenni State.
Thanks and God Bless,
Free Burma Rangers