Heavy Month of Violence in Hpakant Township, Kachin State: Burma Army Attack Report in Northern Burma, December 2022
27 January 2023
Kachin State, Sagaing Division, and Northern Shan State, Burma
The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) reported a total of 68 military clashes during the month of December 2022 in Kachin State, northern Shan State, and Sagaing Division, Burma, due to the Burma Army’s presence in this region. The amount of overall activity significantly decreased from the previous month’s 118 clashes. In December, the Burma Army attacked the ethnic armed organizations’ (EAOs’) controlled regions on 38 occasions, predominantly utilizing indirect fire (22 occasions) and airstrikes (nine occasions), following the pattern of war tactics they have used over the past year in the northern regions of Burma.
Apart from the 68 military clashes, the KIA recorded a total of eight human rights abuses committed by Burma Army soldiers. The Burma Army was recorded kidnapping 53 civilians in a single event, confiscating 21 pieces of personal or private property, and murdering two civilians as a result of their attacks.
Hpakant Township in Kachin State led the other townships in northern Burma this month, with the most fighting and the highest number of human rights abuses; 25% of all military clashes and 82% of all human rights abuses occurred in Hpakant Township. This area is famously known for mining the highest quality of jade in the world. With such valuable natural resources here, this area is becoming increasingly susceptible to conflict as the country continues to become more desperate and drained of other resources as a result of how the Burma Army forces its illegitimate power upon regions across the country, such as northern Burma.

Burma Army Attack Report
Kachin State
Hpakant Township
On December 1, 2022, between 1800-2000 hours, an estimated 75 combined forces from the Burma Army’s Light Infantry Battalions (LIBs) (11, 12), Infantry Battalion (IB) (42) and Burma Army militia Pyitutsit (P.T.Ts) kidnapped 53 civilians from Hkintau Village, Hkrai Run, Gatnoi, and Nam Tin Hka (a mining area), bringing them to Burma Army Nam Ya Base, in Hpakant Township.
On December 2, 2022, at 1800 hours, KIA soldiers from the 6th Battalion attacked around 20 Burma Army soldiers coming from Hpakant Tatma Base, for their operation in Hpakant Town, with an improvised explosive device (IED) at Kalat Kung road junction. The attack left six dead and 15 others wounded. At 1838 hours, the Burma Army troops blocked all road access and collected their casualties, in Hpakant Township.
On December 3, 2022, at 1315 hours, KIA soldiers fired four rounds of a grenade launcher at the foot of Lunghkang Hka bridge where police from No. 28 Police Station were stationed, in Hpakant Township.
On December 6, 2022, at 0130 hours, the Burma Army fired one 81mm mortar round from Mazup Yang Htawng to the side of Maden Yang road junction, in Hpakant Township. At 0800 hours, Kachin People’s Defense Force (KPDF) dropped four bombs by drone at the No. 30 Special Police Station located at Block (1), leaving three dead and five others wounded, in Seng Tawng Village, Hpakant Township. At the same time, 0800 hours, KPDF dropped two bombs by a drone at the No. 28 Special Police Station located at the foot of the Maw Wan Hka Pan Tin bridge. At 1600 hours, there was a clash between an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers arriving at Mawbung, a worship centre, and KIA soldiers from 6th Battalion at coordinates KJ 335 447. At 2000 hours, Burma Army Tatma Base fired three rounds from a 122mm howitzer to the outskirts of Namsai Hkahku in Hpakant Township.
On December 7, 2022, at 0500 hours, KIA militiamen from 6th Battalion attacked an estimated 20 Burma Army soldiers patrolling between Maw Wan Sut Ngai Yang and Tatma Base, with two IEDs, leaving three dead and five others wounded, in Hpakant Township. At 1445 hours, Burma Army Lamawng Kawng LIB (119) Base fired two 60mm mortar rounds and Ginsi Byuha Tanyin Base (Tactical Base) fired one 120mm mortar round to the outskirts of Senghpra Hka in Hpakant Township.
On December 10, 2022, at 0815 hours, KIA soldiers from 6th Battalion ambushed around 10 Burma Army soldiers who were coming from Taw Maw Sama LIB (119) Base. The ambush was near Sang Hpra Hka beyond the Taw Maw cemetery and left three dead and two others wounded, in Hpakant Township.
On December 11, 2022, at 2120 hours, Burma Army Hpakant Tatma Base fired eight 120mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Maw Bung in Hpakant Township.
On December 17, 2022, at 0400 hours, around 20 combined Burma Army forces of IB (76) and No. 30 Police, on two trucks coming from Myanmar Thura Company in Nam Hpyit Village, arrested U Soe Mu, age 24, from Mawsiza Myanmar Gungshing Company in Hpakant Township.
On December 18, 2022, at 0700 hours, an estimated 30 combined Burma Army forces of IB (76) and No. 28, 29 Police, stationed at Mawsiza Hkai Lung Company, confiscated seven backhoes and four cars from Mawsiza Myanmar Gung Shing Company in Hpakant Township, driving away to Lepyin Gun Powder Base.
On December 18, 2022, more than ten unlicensed cars were discovered in the Hpakant Helicopter Field. These cars had been confiscated and seized by the Burma Army from civilians on December 4, 2022, and then buried with a backhoe in the Hpakant Helicopter Field, in Hpakant Township.
On December 21, 2022, at 2130 hours, Burma Army IB (76), stationed at Mazup Yang Maw, fired two 60mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Maw Bung Village in Hpakant Township.
On December 23, 2022, at 0950 hours, Burma Army IB (76) stationed at Mazup Yang Prison fired four 60mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Mazup Yang and Htang Hka. One mortar landed on the house of Mr. Lahkri Zau Mai and killed a 16-year-old boy, Lahkri Naw San, in Hpakant Township.
On December 25, at 1630 hours, Burma Army LIB (119) fired 30 rounds of small arms and two 60mm mortar rounds in Hpakant Township.
On December 26, 2022, at 1730 hours, Burma Army LIB (119) stationed at Taw Maw fired one 60mm mortar round to the outskirts of Yi Kawng in Hpakant Township.
On December 27, 2022, at 1800 hours, Burma Army LIB (119) stationed at Ta Mahkan fired one 60mm mortar round to the outskirts of Hkrem Hkrem Bum in Hpakant Township.
On December 30, 2022, at 1130 hours, combined Burma Army troops of LIB (13) and IB (76) arrived at Myanmar Gung Shin Company belonging to Mr. Min Naing Soe from Mawsiza, and set fire to a big truck and a backhoe, in Hpakant Township. At 1230 hours, Burma Army LIB (13) and IB (76) set fire to Mr. San She’s backhoe which was excavating jade near Hkai Lung and the Sein Sein Company, in Hpakant Township.
On December 30, 2022, at 1430 hours, Burma Army IB (76) stationed at Lawnghkang Mazup Yang Prison fired mortars and one 60mm round landed at Sanghka Village, leaving Ma La Han, a 28-year-old woman, wounded. At 1450 hours, another round was fired and hit the reverend’s house in the campus of Sanghka Roman Catholic Church, leaving Kumren Myu Jat Naw, age 13, wounded seriously in the thigh, a nursery teacher, Maji Hkawn Nan, age 19, wounded, Ms. Hkauka Ja Bawk, age 40, wounded, a teacher, Kadau Seng Mai, seriously wounded and sent to Myitkyina Hospital, Lahpai Seng Htoi, age 5, wounded, and Mr. Kumren Ja Naw, age 52, seriously wounded in his head and neck. Mr. Kumren Ja Naw died later at 1630 hours in Hpakant Hospital in Hpakant Township.
Waingmaw Township
On December 2, 2022, at 1105 hours, KIA soldiers fired one 90mm mortar round at Dulay P.T.Ts Base (LJ 745 059), where combined forces of Burma Army and P.T.Ts were stationed. Burma Army soldiers reacted by firing twelve mortar rounds near Nwan Yang and Machyang Village, in Waingmaw Township.
On December 2, 2022, between 1040-1050 hours, a Burma Army surveillance drone coming from Myitkyina flew over Galang Ja, Seng Mai, Pause and Namsan Yang in four rounds, in Waingmaw Township.
On December 7, 2022, at 1115 hours, the Burma Army fired three rounds of 60mm mortar and four rounds of 79mm grenade launcher from Lawhpyu Bum to the area beside the Daga Hka bridge, where an explosion took place, in Waingmaw Township.
On December 13, 2022, at 1400 hours, Burma Army Bawm Lang P.T.Ts, stationed at Wuraw Bum (LJ 945 104), indiscriminately fired three 60mm mortar rounds to an area between Mangshang and Lu Gyi, (LJ 974 113) in Waingmaw Township.
On December 19, 2022, between 1518-1530 hours, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Bumra, Hkaya Hkyet fired ten 105mm howitzer rounds to the outskirts of Udang Bum in Waingmaw Township.
On December 20, 2022, at 0006 hours, one Burma Army jet fighter dropped a bomb at No. 2 Stone Grinding Company in Seng Mai Village, in Waingmaw Township.
On December 28, 2022, at 1000 hours, Burma Army troops stationed at Lu Gyi Village fired four 60mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Mangshang Village in Waimaw Township.
Mansi Township
On December 3, 2022, at 1550 hours, KIA soldiers dropped a bomb by drone at an estimated 100 combined Burma Army troops of LIBs (319, 601) and IB (223) arriving at the Hanhtet monastery, leaving one injured, in Mansi Township.
On December 5, 2022, Burma Army soldiers from Nmawk LIB (437) Base indiscriminately fired one 120mm mortar round in the direction of the entrance to Namsai Village in Mansi Township.
On December 5, 2022, at 0910 hours, KIA attacked an estimated 50 Burma Army soldiers from IB (223), on a truck coming to Hanhtet Village, with two IEDs near Manta (LG 092 534) in Mansi Township. The attack destroyed a truck.
On December 23, 2022, between 1022-1027 hours, there was a clash between over 100 combined Burma Army soldiers of IBs (10, 78) operating along No. 5 Road Junction and KPDF at 177-Mile (KG 572 748) in Mansi Township.
Shwegu Township
On December 4, 2022, between 1610-1617 hours, combined forces of KIA and KPDF encountered an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers from IB (276), coming from Sibing, at Pin Chying (KG 753 069) in Shwegu Township.
On December 19, 2022, at 0500 hours, KPDF attacked an estimated 50 Burma Army soldiers from IB (10), who were coming by engine-boat from Mudar Lay, at Chyauk Ji in Shwegu Township.
On December 30, 2022, at 1300 hours, two Burma Army jets coming from Myitkyina Township dropped bombs at the mining area in Thahpan Pin, in Shwegu Township.
Tanai Township
On December 5, 2022, at 1630 hours, the Burma Army Dumbung outpost fired two 81mm mortar rounds to Sai Ling Hka and Dumbung in Tanai Township.
On December 17, 2022, at 0700 hours, KIA soldiers from 43rd Battalion attacked around 80 combined Burma Army forces and P.T.T.s, with two dump trucks coming from IB (297), at the cemetery between Nam Hpyek and Kawng Ra (KK 728 001). The attack left three Burma Army soldiers wounded. At 1200 hours, a row of trucks and a row of soldiers on foot, heading to Tanai, entered Tanai Regional Operations Center (R.O.C.) Base in Tanai Township.
Puta-o Township
On December 8, 2022, at 1200 hours, KIA militiamen attacked a car and two big trucks carrying combined Burma Army troops of IBs (46, 137, 138), at coordinates: LK 659 690, between Nsai Yang and Sumpyi Yang, in Puta-o Township.
Mohnyin Township
On December 9, 2022, Burma Army IB (40) and LIB (521) fired seven mortar/artillery rounds to the outskirts of Nam Jun in Mohnyin Township.
On December 10, 2022, at 1500 hours, KIA soldiers from 26th Battalion attacked an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers, led by IB (42) Commander, Lt. Col. Lai Bwar Htun, along coordinates: KH 257 705, Mai Nawng Village in Mohnyin Township.
On December 18, 2022, at 0800 hours, KIA soldiers from 8th Brigade attacked Burma Army troops coming from Kata at Mudar Ji in Mohnyin Township.
On December 19, 2022, between 1512-1515 hours, two Burma Army jet fighters coming from Northern Command Base dropped 13 bombs around Dawai Village and returned to the base, in Mohnyin Township.
On December 26, 2022, between 1130-1200 hours, Burma Army troops from IB (15) clashed with KIA soldiers from 8th Brigade between Htanthapin Cemetery and a lemongrass field in the Gadu Tract, wounding one KIA soldier, in Mohnyin Township.
Momauk Township
On December 12, 2022, at 2353 hours, Burma Army Nmawk LIB (437) Base fired three 120mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Nam Mawk, at the base of Lungja Bum (LG 371 836) in Momauk Township.
On December 26, 2022, between 0730-1530 hours, four Burma Army soldiers stationed at Lawdan Bum stationed on the road asked for money, in order to buy food, from civilian vehicles heading to Nmawk, in Momauk Township.
Bhamo Township
On December 12, 2022, at 2310 hours, Burma Army Bhamo 4-Mile Base fired six 120mm mortar rounds to the hillside outside of Namsai Village in Bhamo Township. On December 13, 2022, between 0645-0655 hours, three 122mm howitzer rounds were fired again, in Bhamo Township.
Myitkyina Township
On December 17, 2022, at 0100 hours, two Burma Army jets dropped two bombs near coordinates: LH 319 627, in the Seng Mai area in Myitkyina Township.
On December 24, 2022, at 0940 hours, Burma Army No. 7 Pin Dawng Base fired three 81mm mortar rounds. At 1020 hours, four rounds were fired. At 1220 hours, five rounds were fired. It was later discovered that the fire was for a military drill, in Myitkyina Township.
Northern Shan State
Muse Township
On December 1, 2022, between 1048-1108 hours, there was a clash between around 70 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420), operating from Nam Hkawng Bum (MG 125 452), and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) troops from 505th Battalion at Maibau Kawng (MG 134 439), in Muse Township.
On December 21, 2022, between 1340 hours and 1440 hours, Burma Army Light Infantry Division (LID) (99), coming from Loi Jung Bum (MG 199 628), clashed with Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) 505th Battalion at the deserted village, Sama, at coordinates: MG 170 573. Burma Army troops from LIB (419) arriving at Ying Hai (MG 146 566) backed the clash with mortar rounds. At 1420 hours, Burma Army soldiers from Munggu Byuha Base (MG 315 652) also supported the troops by firing two 105mm howitzer rounds, in Muse Township.
On December 23, 2022, between 1330-1610 hours, Burma Army troops stationed at Munggu Byuha (MG 315 652) fired six mortar/artillery rounds to the outskirts of Namse Pa (MG 191 520) where MNDAA soldiers were stationed. Burma Army troops of LID (99) arriving at the deserted village, Sama (MG 170 573), also fired ten mortar/artillery rounds, in Muse Township.
On December 23, 2022, between 0947-1013 hours, there was a clash between an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (419), coming from Hpau jang Kawng (MG 168 545), and MNDAA soldiers from 505th Battalion at Hkun Sang Hkyet (MG 189 547), in Muse Township. At 1650 hours, Sama villagers fled and became displaced in Wing Seng Village because MNDAA troops told them to flee, in Muse Township.
On December 23, 2022, between 1330-1610 hours, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Munggu Byuha (MG 315 652) fired six mortar/artillery rounds to the outskirts of Namse Pa (MG 191 520) where MNDAA 505th Battalion was stationed in Muse Township.
On December 24, 2022, between 2030-2300 hours, Burma Army troops at Loi Wing (MG 380 561) fired three mortar/artillery rounds to where MNDAA 511th Brigade was stationed in Muse Township.
On December 25, 2022, at 1030 hours, KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion attacked an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (419), coming from Dumdu (MG 153 528), with two remote mines at coordinates: MG 141 518, between Lungja Village and Hpalap Village, leaving seven wounded, in Muse Township.
On December 26, 2022, between 0111-0120 hours, two Burma Army jets dropped four bombs around Loi Wing, where MNDAA soldiers from 511th Brigade were stationed, leaving two killed and one wounded, in Muse Township.
Hseni Township
On December 1, 2022, at 1210 hours, fighting broke out when around 60 MNDAA soldiers from 205th Battalion, 211th Brigade attacked an estimated 40 Laukai forces of P.T.T Border Guard Force (B.G.F), stationed at Nati (MF 340 847) in Hseni Township.
Namhsan Township
On December 7, 2022, at 1600 hours, four Burma Army helicopters strafed two Villages, Hu Mang and Hu Hpan where the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) headquarters (HQ) are based. Between 1700-2400 hours, Burma Army Namsan Base fired one round of 105mm howitzer to those Villages in Namhsan Township.
On December 8, 2022, at 0500 hours, Burma Army troops arriving around Hu Mang and Hu Hpan clashed with Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) troops. Burma Army soldiers backed their troops with 105mm howitzers from Namhsan Base to the clash site. At 0857 hours, two Burma Army jets and two Burma Army helicopters attacked the clash site. Between 1340-1540 hours, one Burma Army jet attacked three times, and at 1640 hours, a Burma Army helicopter attacked again, in Namhsan Township.
On December 9, 2022, at 0330 hours, fighting broke out between Burma Army troops and TNLA troops at Hu Mang, Hu Hpan, and Sam Ngam Bum, where TNLA General HQ was based, in Namhsan Township.
Between December 9, 2022, at 2000 hours, and December 10, 2022, at 0300 hours, Burma Army soldiers from Namsan Base fired 105mm howitzers to Sam Ngam Bum in Namhsan Township.
On December 10, 2022, at 0930 hours, two Burma Army jets strafed around Sam Ngam Bum where fighting had taken place between the Burma Army and the TNLA. At 1718 hours, two Burma Army helicopters strafed again, in Namhsan Township.
On December 12, 2022, at 1430 hours, two Burma Army helicopters strafed around Hu Mang, Hu Hpan, and Sam Ngam Bum, where TNLA Central HQ was based, in Namhsan Township.
Kutkai Township
On December 8, 2022, at 1950 hours, one 120mm mortar round was fired from Burma Army’s Kutkai Amat Thaya Kung to the outskirts of Nawng Hkun (LF 838 923) in Kutkai Township.
On December 14, 2022, at 1545 hours, KIA soldiers from the 1st Coy of 9th Battalion triggered two remote mines to attack Burma Army military trucks that were carrying Burma Army IB (332) and supplies coming from Namhkai bridge (LG 799 068). The mines were triggered at coordinates: LG 856 056, between Namhpalun Bum and Hpahkyip, in Kutkai Township.
On December 22, 2022, between 1055-1112 hours, Burma Army troops stationed at Namhpakka IB (123) Base (LG 811 200) fired four mortar/artillery rounds to the outskirts of Nahpai where KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion were present, in Kutkai Township.
On December 23, 2022, at 1430 hours, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Loi Gung Bum (LG 825 192) fired one mortar/artillery round to the outskirts of Kawng Sak Bum (LG 919 258) in Kutkai Township.
Lashio Township
On December 14, 2022, at 1000 hours, Burma Army Kunlung (MF 640 886) Artillery Base and IB (127) Base fired four mortar/artillery rounds to the outskirts of Na Leng (MF 118 694) and Nam Lawk (MF 435 830) in Lashio Township.
Kyaukme Township
On December 16, 2022, between 1700-1710 hours, KIA soldiers from 34th Battalion fired an M79 nine times at an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers coming from Chyauk Hpyu (KF 817 284), at Hkalum Hkaraw near Bung Mai (KF 808 772). Burma Army soldiers returned with small arms and 60mm mortar, in Kyaukme Township.
Sagaing Division
Indaw Township
On December 16, 2022, between 1120-1550 hours, an estimated 70 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (416) and combined forces of KIA and Indaw PDF clashed at Jung Jung Chya Village in Indaw Township.
On December 17, 2022, between 0830-1540 hours, fighting broke out at Indaw, Jung Jung Chya, Lepyin, Mawng Kung, and Ping In in Indaw Township.
Thanks and God bless you,
Free Burma Rangers