Burma Army Attacks Cause the Loss of 61 Lives: Northern Burma Report, June 2022
3 August 2022
Kachin State, Sagaing Division, and Northern Shan State, Burma
Civil war continues to engulf lives in Kachin State, Sagaing Division, and northern Shan State, Burma. In their fight for freedom, civilians in northern Burma must endure not only the devastation of war, but the devastation of criminal war perpetrated by their own military. In June 2022, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) reported a slightly higher number of military attacks in June than it did in May; however, the number of casualties inflicted by the Burma Army’s unlawful invasions and attacks in ethnic-controlled regions totaled to approximately three times as many deaths in June alone than the number of deaths over the last three months combined.
The Burma Army not only continues killing off its own countrymen and women in the ethnic-controlled areas, but is also losing soldiers of its own while doing so. In a single military clash on June 18, 2022, in Myitkyina Township, Kachin State, the combined forces of the KIA and People’s Defense Force (PDF) wounded 37 and killed 18 Burma Army soldiers while defending their people and property from the Burma Army.
In addition to the lives lost in military conflict, the KIA reported over twice as many human rights abuses carried out by the Burma Army in June than it did in May. Not every Burma Army unit which committed human rights abuses in June 2022 is known; however, it is reported that soldiers from Burma Army units Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 390, LIB 10, and Infantry Battalion (IB) 10 were found engaging in: detainment of civilians, unlawful civilian checkpoint searches, opening fire on unarmed civilian areas, civilian property destruction, torture of civilians, and murder of civilians.
This information is limited to reports from Free Burma Rangers and the Kachin Independence Army, and it does not represent the totality of military battles or human rights abuses in Burma. The information only serves as a snapshot of the conflict areas.

Burma Army Attack Reports
Kachin State, Burma
Tanai Township
On June 1, 2022, at 0745 hrs, the Kachin Independence Army’s (KIA’s) militiamen attacked around 50 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (390), operating on foot in terrain at the head of Nawng Mi village, with IEDs, leaving two Burma Army soldiers dead, in Danai Township. The Burma Army soldiers reacted by firing nearby, and held the civilians and checked.
On June 5, 2022, between 0930-0950 hrs, KIA soldiers from 20th Battalion attacked around 70 combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (86) and LIB (390) arriving at Lawa local school, while operating through Hkumtsai Yang terrain; they were attacked at Lahkra Yang (old village, KJ 781 325) in Danai Township.
On June 9, 2022, at 1200 hrs, KIA soldiers from 43rd Battalion attacked Burma Army troops led by IB (86) Commander from Jambu Bum Outpost, operating from No. 29 Yuzana Road, Nra Ju Kawng Village to No. 30 Yuzana Road, behind Tingkawk Village, with eight IEDs, M-79 and small arms at No.30 Yuzana Road, Galau Kawng.
On June 10, 2022, at 0630 hrs, around 90 combined Burma Army soldiers from LIB (390), presenting at Nam Hpyek and arriving at Nam Hpyek from Danai Tingkawk, during the operation through Nawng Lung – Kawng Ra Ledo Road, were attacked with two remote mines and small arms in Danai Township.
Hpakant Township
On June 1, U Aung Kyaw (41 years old), Ko Kyaw Chan (33 years old), Myo Htet (25 years old), and U Zaw Win Htike (42 years old) were found with multiple bullet marks and beaten to death under a bridge at the crossroads to a graveyard, at Sut Awng village near Maw Mung, attacked by an unknown group. All of the deceased were from Me Lin Jawng Maw village, in Hpakant Township.
On June 4, 2022, at 1035 hrs, KIA soldiers from 20th Battalion fired with 79mm rounds at around 70 Burma Army soldiers led by Lt. Col. Aung Zin Min from IB (86) returning after being relieved from Dumbung Base at coordinates: KJ 816 227 near Dumbung Hka. The Burma Army soldiers returned fire with 60mm mortar ten times, in Hpakant Township.
On June 4, 2022, between 1715-1915 hrs, PDF attacked combined Burma Army soldiers from LIB (367, 368), present at Hpawng Pin Myu (Shwe Nyawng Pin), leaving many Burma Army soldiers killed or wounded, in Hpakant Township.
On June 5, 2022, at 1345 hrs, KIA soldiers continued attacking the Burma Army soldiers at the road junction to Sai Ling Hkahku.
On June 14, 2022, at 0840 hrs, a Burma Army soldier arriving at Dumbung Outpost set fire to field-huts of civilians and ran away in civilian dress with his rifles. Burma Army LIB (390) searched for their soldier, in Hpakant Township.
On June 19, 2022, between 1040-1120 hrs, Burma Army IB (76) stationed at Mazup Yang Htawng, fired three 60mm mortar rounds to the side of Maden Yang, which landed at 6-Mile, wounding two civilians, a male and a female, in Hpakant Township.
On June 22, 2022, at 0430 hrs, KIA soldiers from 6th Battalion attacked security guards at Mazup Yang Prison, in Hpakant Township.
On June 24, 2022, at 1300 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Hkanti Byuha Kawng arrested three civilians at Ame Che Ya restaurant for smuggling arms to the People’s Defense Force (PDF). They were (1) Ko Tan Su, aged 20, (2) Ko Hein Su Aung, aged 28 and (3) Ma Aye Myint Mu, aged 19, who were carrying two pistols, two point-22s with 40 bullets, in Hpakant Township.
On June 30, 2022, between 0525-0534 hrs, combined forces of KIA soldiers from 20th Battalion and PDF attacked around 70 Burma Army soldiers under the command of Military Operation Command (MOC) (3) coming on foot from Dum Bung around Hkinru Pa (KJ 821 240), in Hpakant Township.
Machangbaw Township
On June 1, 2022, at 1750 hrs, a convoy of the Burma Army trucks heading to Sumprabum-Myitkyina road from Sumpyi Yang were attacked along Pasi Ga Bum (LK 624 615) near Hkindu Ga, in Machangbaw Township.
Shwegu Township
On June 1, 2022, at 0605 hrs, KIA soldiers from the 5th Battalion fired ten 60mm mortar rounds at Pang Hkawn Base. Burma Army soldiers returned fire with 22 mortar rounds and 30 M-79 rounds, in Shwegu Township.
On June 12, 2022, at 1000 hrs, there was a clash between Burma Army LIB (415) coming from Chyauk Gyi Village and KIA soldiers from 5th Battalion at 7-Mile, in Shwegu Township.
Monyin Township
On June 3, 2022, at 1100 hrs, KIA soldiers from 35th Battalion attacked the Burma Army soldiers coming from Pang Hkawn Base at Lung Ga Yang, in Monyin Township. At 1530 hrs, KIA soldiers from 35th Battalion attacked the Burma Army soldiers operating between Pawk Kung and Chyawk Talung with hand grenade rounds. At 1630 hrs, KIA soldiers fired five 60mm mortar rounds at Pang Hkawn Base.
On June 4, 2022, at 0130 hrs, around 100 combined Burma Army soldiers from LIBs (111, 116) and IB (142) arriving at Nyawng Pin Base were attacked with four remote mines at KH 256 813 when coming by three Tungfung (big trucks), in Monyin Township.
On June 5, 2022 at 0830 hrs, around 100 SAC soldiers from LIB (116) operating out of LIB (11) Base, Lung Tung Village, were attacked with five IEDs and continued firing with seven hand-grenade launchers that left four soldiers killed and seven wounded from the Burma Army.
On June 10, 2022, at 0630 hrs, around 60 combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (42) and LIB (11) arriving at monastery (KH 244 686) in Mai Nawng Village and around 30 Burma Army soldiers led by LIB (11) Commander advanced towards a KIA outpost (KH 223 668). KIA soldiers from 26th Battalion carried out a pre-emptive attack from behind the line at coordinates: KH 234 689, leaving four dead and two wounded from the Burma Army. One KIA soldier was injured. The Burma Army soldiers returned to Mai Nawng and took up separate positions at the cemetery and the monastery, in Monyin Township.
On June 12, 2022, at 1020 hrs, there was a clash between combined KIA soldiers and Burma Army soldiers under Light Infantry Divison (88) between Mawlu and Namsi Awng, in Monyin Township.
On June 26, 2022, at 1645 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Myo Hla indiscriminately fired more than ten mortar rounds, in Monyin Township.
On June 27, 2022, at 1500 hrs, there was a chance contact between KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion and Burma Army soldiers at Chya Chyi Kun and Myo Tit Kalay near Hopin, in Monyin Township.
Chihpwi Township
On June 10, 2022, between 0515-0530 hrs, KIA soldiers from 10th Battalion attacked Burma Army troops of an unknown unit coming from Su Yang at the foot of Za Nan Hka bridge (LK 546 226) in Chihpwi Township. On June 10, 2022 between 1325-1350 hrs, KIA soldiers from 10th Battalion attacked Burma Army troops of an unknown unit and that were on foot from Mai Htawng with ten IEDs, killing around 14 Burma Army soldiers.
On June 12, 2022, at 0600 hrs, Burma Army soldiers coming from Hka Garan were attacked at LK 502 082 by KIA soldiers from 10th Battalion, in Chihpwi Township.
Injangyang Township
On June 15, 2022, at 1230 hrs, KIA soldiers from 4th Battalion attacked around 100 Burma Army soldiers operating on foot towards Njip were attacked with four IEDs at LJ 527 694 near Njip village, near Nshu Yang. The Burma Army indiscriminately fired small arms and mortars and rested at Njip Village, Injangyang Township.
Sumprabum Township
On June 15, 2022, at 0430 hrs, a convoy of Burma Army soldiers in trucks coming from Daru Hka were attacked at LJ 546 791 between Sup Hka and Lai Wang Yang Village, leaving four Burma Army soldiers dead and a truck destroyed, in Sumprabum Township.
Myitkyina Township
On June 17, 2022, at 1900 hrs, Kachin PDF fired 14 hand grenades at No. 501 Nam Pawn Air Base. The Burma Army soldiers returned fire with fifteen 60mm mortar rounds and with small arms to the side of Mali Hkanam until 2000 hrs, in Myitkyina Township.
On June 17, 2022, at 2000 hrs, armed police forces carried out checks on civilian vehicles traveling in front of No. 3 Police Station, in Myitkyina Township. When a motorcycle did not stop at the checkpoint, it was fired upon three times by police forces. At 2020 hrs, around 40 combined forces of Burma Army and police cordoned off and carried out extensive checks on civilian vehicles traveling, at Njang Dung Road Circle. A motorcycle was chased and fired upon five times when he ignored the checkpoint, in Myitkyina Township.
On June 18, 2022, at 0710 hrs, around 100 Burma Army soldiers on foot from twelve truckloads of soldiers coming from Tang Hpare were attacked with 16 IEDs between Tang Hpare and Chyinghkrang by combined forces of KIA and PDF, killing 18 and wounding 37 from the Burma Army, in Myitkyina Township. At 0750 hrs, the Burma Army soldiers indiscriminately fired small arms and mortars. At 0910 hrs, a truck carrying wounded soldiers headed to Tang Hpare from Chyinghkrang.
Mansi Township
On June 17, 2022, at 1200 hrs, eight soldiers from KIA 12th Battalion, including KPDF, fired three grenades at Burma Army unit IB (121) HQ. The Burma Army soldiers returned with MG-42, in Mansi Township.
Waimaw Township
On June 22, 2022, at 1500 hrs, Shwi Min Lisu P.T.Ts surrounded and attacked a KIA officer with other administrative staff while at a civilian home in Aung Mye (2) due to some of their activities, resulting in the officer being shot and arrested, in Waimaw Township.
Sagaing Division, Burma
Kata Township
On June 19, 2022 at 1200 hrs, combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (10) and LIB (10) arriving at Ye Le Chyun (KG 312 751) near Kata by two small engine boats, fired three 60mm mortar rounds to Bale Shwi village (KG 319 738), killing a 30-year-old woman (civilian) and wounding one civilian, in Kata Township.
On June 19, 2022 between 1400-1600 hrs, fighting broke out when KIA soldiers from 12th Battalion attacked around 100 combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (10) and LIB (309) were operating on foot toward Chyauk Tung Gyi Village (KG 395 803) from Bale Shwi Village (KG 319 738). Burma Army soldiers were attacked at Ye Ni near Chyauk Tung Gyi Village, leaving three Burma Army soldiers dead, in Kata Township.
Northern Shan State, Burma
Muse Township
On June 1, 2022, between 1048-1108 hrs, there was a clash at Mai Bau Kawng (MG 134 439) between around 70 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420) operating from Nam Hkawng Bum (MG125 452) and combined troops of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and KIA 36th Battalion, leaving one KIA soldier wounded in the head by 79mm mortar shrapnel. The Burma Army soldiers supported firing six mortar rounds from 105-Mile (Mung Yu) Base, in Muse Township.
On June 8, 2022, between 1830-1900 hrs, Burma Army soldiers fired 20 rounds of sniper and automatic machine gun from Kokang area (MG 508 594) to Daw Maw Danam (MG 486 595) where Arakan Army soldiers were stationed, in Muse Township.
On June 15, 2022, between 1513-1520 hrs, fighting broke out when around 60 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit coming on foot from Nam Hkoi (LG 987 517), continued advancing towards coordinates: LG 007 472 between Hu Hkye and Nam Gat (LG 007 472) where KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion were stationed, in Muse Township.
On June 23, 2022, at 0000 hrs, IB (69) arriving at Dak Len Bum (MG 069 272) fired five mortar rounds to the side of Mung Tawng Hkyet (MG 141 272), in Muse Township.
On June 26, 2022, at 1230 hrs, there was a clash between around 60 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420) coming from Lun Hkang (LG 999 561) and around 70 MNDAA soldiers from 505th Battalion – at coordinates: MG 025 557 near Nam Tau, in Muse Township.
Kuthkai Township
On June 9, 2022, between 0922-1240 hrs, there was a clash near Hang Kai Village (LG 877 282) between around 25 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit, coming from Nyawng Bang, and KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion. Four KIA soldiers were wounded, five Burma Army soldiers were wounded, and one Burma Army soldier was killed, in Kuthkai Township.
On June 14, 2022, between 0504-0553 hrs, there was a clash at LF 950 768 (Buhkrawp Sun–Nam Hpalun) between around 150 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit operating from Nam Hpalun and KIA soldiers from Coy (1) of 9th Battalion, in Kuthkai Township.
On June 15, 2022, between 1548-1630 hrs, three groups totalling around 60 Burma Army soldiers appeared at Hkwi Hkuk (LF 908 916). KIA soldiers from Coy (1) of the 8th Battalion attacked two of the three groups of Burma Army soldiers while Burma Army soldiers were passing backpacks in the fruit yard near Dung Sin (LF 881 889). The Burma Army soldiers returned fire with RPGs, MA-15 and six 60mm rounds. The Burma Army soldiers from Kuthkai Base also fired a 120mm round to the KIA side, in Kuthkai Township.
On June 16, 2022, at 1358 hrs, there was a clash at P.T.Ts old outpost (LF 847 880) near Marau Sun (pine tree yard), in Hu Nawng Village between KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion and around 100 Burma Army soldiers under LID (77), leaving three Burma Army soldiers dead and four wounded. Between 1900-1915 hrs, when Burma Army troops headed to Kung Hkyam Kaba (LF 844 833), they were attacked again at the head of Kung Hkyam Kaji (LF 833 880) by PDF, killing one and wounding three from the Burma Army, in Kuthkai Township.
On June 17, 2022, between 1034-1141 hrs, the Burma Army soldiers from Kuthkai Base fired seven 105mm rounds to the side of Ga Leng, in which three shells landed at Ga Leng, Zup Awng IDP Camp, Quarter (3), killing Ms. Hpaugan Nang Lai, aged 55, and Zumzang Dau Naw, aged 29, as well as seriously wounding Mr. Dumhpau La Awng, aged 75, in Kuthkai Township.
On June 19, 2022, between 1824-1910 hrs, Namhpakka IB (123) Base fired five 102mm shells to the side of Hu Lawng Bum (LG 865 206), in Kuthkai Township.
On June 21, 2022, between 0830-2149 hrs, Burma Army soldiers from Namhpakka IB (123) Base (LG 811 199) fired seven 105mm howitzers to the side of Yin Koi Taung, in Kuthkai Township.
On June 23, 2022, at 1730 hrs, the combined forces of TNLA and PDF carried out a sneak attack on around 50 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit coming on foot from Namhpakka, arriving at Pang Kai (LG 846 145). The Burma Army soldiers returned with small arms and automatics. The Burma Army soldiers from Namhpakka Base IB (123) fired to the side of Pang Kai till 0930 hrs on 24 June, 2022 in Kuthkai Township.
On June 28, 2022, at 2343 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Mungbaw Hka bridge (LG 960 385) indiscriminately fired mortar rounds, in which one of the shells landed on the firewood rack of Ms. Ma Gaw’s house in Da Lung Village (LG 975 394) in Kuthkai Township. No one was injured.
On June 30, 2022, between 1530-1800 hrs, there was a clash between around 100 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit and MNDAA 504th Battalion at Je Lan Mankang Bum (LG 821 440), in Kuthkai Township.
Namtu Township
On June 11, 2022, at 1020 hrs, KIA soldiers from Coy (3) of the 8th Battalion attacked around 20 out of 50 Burma Army soldiers at Gyu Saw Kawng that were arriving in a Tungfung truck en route to Mung Maw (LF 440 823). The attack was at Mung Sing (LF 357 610), in Namtu Township.
Lashio Township
On June 18, 2022, at 1230 hrs, around 50 Burma Army soldiers under LID (77) operating on the sides of Law Mu (LF 892 833) and Hpunggan, moving through Pa Ju (LF 902 842), fired different small arms downhill to Byin Tu when they heard the sound of firing firelock. The firing firelock was a hunting gun used by three civilians shooting at deer. Mr. Jangmaw Gam Byen from Pa Ju village, aged 31, was hit by the Burma Army’s bullet in the right shoulder and was seriously injured. He underwent treatment at Lashio Hospital.
Thanks and God bless you,
Free Burma Rangers