10 Rangers Ask to be Baptized in Karen State, Burma
5 January 2022
Karen State, Burma
“Before coming to FBR, I saw the forgiveness and kindness of my Christian friends and it made me excited. When I came to FBR, I heard many things about the Christian life and how Jesus lived. I experienced God with me in the FBR test and exercise. I felt that God helps us and I want to follow His way.” – Saw Muam
FBR has people of many faiths and ethnicities and all are welcome as we serve for love together. At the same time, we bear witness to who Jesus is to us and what Jesus has done for us. On January 5, 2022, 10 rangers decided to proclaim their faith through baptism before many fellow rangers, instructors, and community members. For some, this decision is one that will be well received and celebrated as they return home to their communities. For others, this bold proclamation is accompanied by unknowns of how families will react to their decision to put their trust in Jesus. Each ranger decided to follow Jesus whatever the cost might be. Many attributed their decision to be baptized, and the growth of their faith, to the daily devotions led by Karen Pastor Edmond during the past three months of training, and the environment of love and forgiveness that Free Burma Rangers tries to live out. Thank you for praying for these men and women as they follow Jesus and serve all who they meet.
God bless you,
Dave, family, and FBR
Below are some photos of some of the 10 baptized and all together afterward. Pastor Edmond is on the right in the baptism photos.