Merry Christmas from the Eubank Family
5 January, 2022
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Dear family and friends,
Thank you so much for such a wonderful Christmas, and we thank God for sending His son Jesus. We are grateful that our sins are forgiven and, as Mom says, “Every day is a new day” — a new day to love God, love and forgive each other, and not give up; a day to be part of God‘s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and a day to know we will live forever with Him one day. This year, we were blessed to be able to be home in Thailand with my parents, who are 92 and 89 years old, and have been serving as missionaries here in Thailand for 61 years. They are loving evangelists of Jesus, are so loved here, and it was a great joy to be able to celebrate Christmas with them. We always learn how to be closer to Jesus and how much God loves all people from Mom and Dad.
Our two girls, Sahale and Suuzanne, were able to fly in from Texas A&M University to join us. They are now the fourth generation of Aggies: my grandfather was the class of ’22, my father, class of ’50, myself, class of ’83. Now the girls are in the class of 2024. All of us were blessed to be part of this school. Some people called it a friendly cult but at least it’s friendly, and at least the band wins halftime! We thank all of you for making this past year and this new year so rich in love and faith. Below are some pictures of our family celebrating Christmas with our parents, cousins, and friends.
Thanks and God bless you,
Dave, Karen, Sahale, Suzanne and Peter