Destroyed by ISIS, a Church Reborn; Armenian Apostolic Church in Raqqa, Syria
24 December, 2021

We thank God for you all and want to share a story of redemption and hope from here in Raqqa, Northeast Syria. Raqqa was the capital of ISIS and, while they were here, ISIS destroyed this Armenian Apostolic church, along with the other death and destruction they meted out.
Now, by the help of God, caring friends around the world, the Syrian Democratic Forces, the Raqqa Civil Council and Arab, Christian and Kurdish volunteers, the church has been rebuilt and we celebrated a worship service here with Armenian Christian survivors of ISIS as well as those who helped rebuild the church. We thanked God together and prayed for people to be able to come back and worship here and we prayed for all our enemies.
I kept feeling that I was dreaming as I looked at the beautiful church that has risen from the pile of rubble. What ISIS meant for evil, God redeemed for good. There was a feeling of unity between the people here of different ethnicities and faiths. “This is not only a church for the Christians, it is a place of honor to God for all of us,” said one Kurdish leader.
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Thank you and God bless you, and Merry Christmas,
Free Burma Rangers