Loss of a Ranger: Sai Pyin Ya Gives His Life While Providing Medical Care
19 July, 2021
Shan State, Burma
Dear friends and all those who pray for us,
We are very sad to inform you that we have lost a Ranger in Shan State, Burma. Sai Pyin Ya, 30, married to fellow Ranger Nang Teow and with two children, gave his life providing medical care on 10 June 2021. Sai Pyin Ya was a medic and was killed by Burma Army proxy forces at Muang Kow, Shan State, Burma.
He was an outstanding medic who was first trained in 2008 and then came for multiple trainings as an instructor. He was a Shan uncle to our children and also was a special help with the Good Life Club. He was always smiling and won the heart of a young lady, Nang Teow, who was also a Ranger volunteer. They were married and have two children.
After the coup on February 1, 2021, attacks intensified and he was in an area under attack. He gave his life on 10 June and we miss him very much. We will do our best to take care of his family and, as I write this, I feel the pain of his loss very much. There is a scripture, John 15:13, where Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Sai Pyin Ya did this.
Thank you for praying for his family and may God bless you,
Dave, family and FBR