Now Available to Watch for Free from Nations Media: ‘Iraq: A Forgotten Hope’
27 April 2020

Dear friends,
In addition to the FBR movie now available on Amazon Prime Video, we would like to share with you this short film from Nations Media that looks at the complex situation of ISIS and politics in Iraq. We are grateful to the Nations Media team who have helped shine a light on oppression not just in the Middle East but also in Burma. This film is available to watch for free on YouTube and we hope you will watch it and share it with others. Please click the photo above to go to the film on YouTube.
Thank you and God bless you,
Dave Eubank and the Free Burma Rangers
From Nations Media
‘Iraq: A Forgotten Hope‘ unpacks the complexities of a land and its people who have been devastated by ISIS. The genocide displaced millions, enslaved women and children, and exposed questions that are difficult to answer. Join host, Mark Foreman, as he meets with political and religious leaders, frontline missionaries, and escaped ISIS slaves, in order to gain a clearer picture of this modern crisis.
The Middle East is an ancient land with a complicated narrative. Today in Northern Iraq, the story seems muddier than ever. A modern evil has brought devastation and genocide, pushing some of Iraq’s oldest people groups to the verge of extinction. In an effort to make sense of the story, host Mark Foreman meets with ethnic minorities, ISIS survivors, and political and religious leaders to see how the church is surviving amidst the persecution and genocide caused by ISIS. He also speaks to reformers who stand with the marginalized at the risk of their own lives: Jeremy Courtney of Preemptive Love Coalition, Dave Eubank of Free Burma Rangers, and United Nations advocate Jacqueline Isaac of Roads of Success.
Who is Nation’s Media? Nations Media is a platform for stories that transform the world. We use journalism and multimedia storytelling to bear witness to God’s present hope in places of pain and persecution. Our vision is to unite God’s global kingdom and expand imagination through story.