Global Day of Prayer for Burma 2020
8 March 2020

Dear friends,
Thank you for praying all these years for the people of Burma. Your prayers have made a
difference: there have been ceasefires, people have been able to move around and travel a little more,
and there has been more of a process of shared governance. These are some of the good things that
we have seen with our eyes and experienced. However, the military still runs the country
of Burma and it is not a true democracy. Over one million Rohingya have been displaced and are not
able to come home. In Arakan State this year, heavy fighting displaced over 30,000 people. In northern
Burma, over 100,000 people remain displaced as fighting continues. In Karen State, the Burma Army
repeatedly violates the ceasefire and displacement fluctuates from 1,000 to 3,000 with each attack. The
people of Burma still need prayer.
Ultimately, we hope and pray that people’s hearts would soften, and they would learn to follow
the way of love. For me, that love comes from Jesus who has taken the hardness in my heart, my
selfishness, and even my desire for revenge, and turned it into love, hope, and reconciliation. That
continues to be my prayer – that love, hope, and reconciliation will grow amongst all people in
Burma. Thank you for joining us in that prayer.
May God bless you,
David Eubank
Christians Concerned for Burma / Free Burma Rangers