Burma Army Attacks the Karen; Soldiers Reinforced and Villagers Without Aid
18 September 2018
Karen State, Burma

Following the Burma Army’s attacks against Karen villagers on Aug. 30, 31, and Sept. 1, the military spent the first half of September building up troops in southern Butho Township, Karen State.
The Burma Army’s continued occupation, troop reinforcement and aggressive actions against civilians, in clear violation of the National Ceasefire Agreement, is preventing displaced villagers still in hiding from receiving aid.
On those dates, Light Infantry Division (LID) 44 troops from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 2 advanced into Ka Yie Naw Village firing mortars and small arms weapons, causing 340 villagers to flee; these families remain displaced more than two weeks later.
Burma Army reinforcements from LIB 207 were seen arriving at a LID 44 base in Kamamaung Town days before traveling north and arriving at Ka Yie Naw Village on the 11th. The 207th relieved 97 soldiers from 2nd Battalion who moved south to Ta La Aw Ko and Noe Ta villages and encamped before returning to their LID 44 base in nearby Kamamaung Town.

List of Burma Army Units and Commanders
LID 44
LIB 1 – Battalion 1, commanded by Min Min Htun
LIB 2 – Battalion Commander Ko Ko Win and Second-in-Command Major Win Thu
LIB 207 – Commander Sein Ya Soe and Second Battalion Commander Maung Maung Than.