FBR REPORT: Photo Essay from Western Burma |
Western Burma |
16 April, 2011 |
Dear friends,
The following is a photo essay by ethnic Arakan, Chin and Kachin FBR team members providing humanitarian relief in Western Burma. These teams risk their lives to help people oppressed by the Burma Army.
God bless you,
Western Burma FBR Teams
Displaced children living in a conflict area near the India border: Arakan State, January 30, 2011 |
Young Arakan girls catch fish using bamboo nets to help support their families. They have no access to a school. Arakan State, January 30, 2011 |
Arakan FBR medics treat a child with an infected ear: Arakan State, January 30, 2011 |
Road conditions in Chin State: Falam Township, Chin State, September 2, 2010 |
A Chin family without access to health services: Falam Township, Chin State, September 23, 2010 |
This sign reads, “Private agricultural area. Cutting trees for boards/posts/firewood is strictly prohibited. Forestry Department, Falam Township.” It is set in land that has traditionally been a public resource for people in the area. An organization acquired ownership rights over the forest from the SPDC with no consultation from the local people, who are now forbidden to use the land. Such grants of private ownership over traditionally public land are frequent in Chin State. Falam Township, Chin State, September 14, 2010 |
FBR team members help to repair a road in Chin State: Falam Township, Chin State, September 6, 2010 |
Arakan FBR teams provide a meal for displaced children during a Good Life Club program: Arakan State, March 14, 2011 |
FBR teams distribute medicine and school books: Falam Township, Chin State, September 8, 2010 |
Arakan FBR teams teach health during a Good Life Club program at a school for displaced children supported by the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP, local pro-democracy resistance). Arakan State, March 14, 2011 |
Schoolchildren hold up notebooks given by Chin FBR teams: Falam Township, Chin State, September 9, 2010