FBR REPORT: Burma Army Kills One Child and Wounds Two in Attack on School |
Northern Karen State, Burma |
24 Feb, 2010 |
Report from FBR relief team on the ground helping the IDPs:
On 19 February, 2010, Burma Army troops from MOC 7 attacked the school at Ta U Plaw and wounded Saw Eh Kaw Thaw, 12 years old, and Saw Ree Re, 10 years old. Saw Eh Kaw Thaw was wounded in his right hand and Saw Ree Re was wounded in his right leg. We (K5 FBR Luthaw) took these photos and helped to take care of the boys. They are ok now. But another boy, Saw Roe Bee Moo,16 years old, was wounded deeply in the side and stomach. We tried to send him to a clinic but on the 21st of February he died. We are very sad about this.
Saw Roe Bee Moo, killed by the burma army |
Saw Roe Bee Moo, killed by the burma army (detail of wound) |
Saw Eh Kaw Taw and Saw Ree Re, wounded in SPDC (Burma Army) attack |
Spent ammunition from Burma Army attack |
Thank you for caring and helping. We will not give up here.
God bless you,
Free Burma Rangers
K5 Luthaw, Muthraw Area
Northern Karen State