Dear friends,
This is a very difficult time for the people of Burma as they suffer from the effects of the cyclone and the oppression of the dictators. Thank you for your help for the cyclone victims as well as for the people under attack in the ethnic areas of Burma. In the midst of this, good things do happen and we wanted to share our joy at the wedding of two of our FBR relief team members. Naw Di Htoo- a senior medic, and Saw Gideon Bani- team dentist, medic and overall in charge of FBR team training, were married on April 29 this year just before the cyclone struck. They are both now preparing to go to help people in need in ethnic areas under attack by the Burma Army.
Naw Di Htoo and Saw Gideon Bani |
Thanks for your love, prayers and support of people like Gideon and Di Htoo. They are precious to us and to the people they serve.
God bless you,
The Free Burma Rangers