Saw Bwe Kyaw Htoo, 19 year old tortured and killed by Burma Army
Saw Dar Lah Lu, 24 year old shot to death
The Burma Army captured and tortured a 19-year-old school boy, Saw Bwe Kyaw Htoo, to death, and shot to death 24-year-old Saw Dar La Lu. Burma Army Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) 371 and 372 combined forces and entered Saw Wah Der area at 12:00 p.m. on 15 April, 2007; the Burma Army killed these two villagers in Yaw Taw Bur at 1:00 p.m. Relief teams are in the area.
In the same district, on 16 April, 2007 the Burma Army LIB 375 stayed in Play Hsa Loh Village and the battalion commander, Htun Aung Kyaw, and the company commander, Soe Myint Naing, forced 100 villagers to carry Burma Army rations to their place at Tha Kaung and then carry supplies back to Play Hsa Loh Burma Army camp.