Dear friends,
We just received this letter from the widow of Saw Mya Win, the Karen Toungoo District FBR relief team member who died of malaria in May. Saw Mya Win was helping IDPs flee the attacks of the Burma Army. His wife and baby girl are now in a IDP hide site and we have sent assistance to them.
“Dear Free Burma Rangers,
First, I want to thank all of you because you let me know about my husband’s passing away.
Until now, I did not know where my husband died or the disease that he died from. I was very sad, but when I saw and got your letter and your encouragement, I was happy. If not, I did not know nothing.
Please do not find a replacement for him, I will replace him on the FBR team.
My husband has been dead, but I won’t give up, just as my husband tried for his people while he was alive. So, I will try and do something for my people, too. Please do not replace him. I will replace him. Please excuse me for one year and I will prepare, right now I am quite busy, but for the coming years I will find and do something for my people.
Dear Tha-U-Wa-A-Pa ( An FBR team leaders name meaning= “Father of the White Monkey”), I need your help to have two or three men help me to go back to do a memorial service my for husband. I would like to request you to send Mya Win and his daughter’s photo that he took before he died. Please, if you see it send it back to me. I will keep it for a remembrance. If Mya Win’s photo’s has anyone of you, please send it back to me too please.
I wish for all of you, that you will pray for Mya Win’s family always.”
We will do our best to help this woman and her child and will keep a place for her on that team for the time she is free to help. Her dedication to her husband’s duty and love for her people inspires and humbles us making us want to do all we can to help.
Thank you all and God bless you for your part in this,
The Free Burma Rangers
Mya Win and IDP family he helped to escape the attacking Burma Army in March 2006
Mya Win documenting a road crossing in Karen State April 2006