(Warning: graphic picture of gun shot victim included in this report)
Villagers fleeing Burma Army attacks. March, 2006.
Boy being treated by FBR medic for dog bite.
16 year old boy shot by Burma Army. 8 March, 2006.
Nyaunglebin District, western Karen State
Toungoo District, northern Karen State
The Burma Army has extended its operations in Western and Northern Karen
State resulting on over 8,500 people having to flee their homes.*
4,000 people are displaced in Mon Township, 1,500 in Shwey Gyin and Kyauk
Kyi Townships*, over 2,000 in Toungoo District, plus 1,000 more who have
already fled all the way to the Salween River (earlier in March and the
first week of April). Over 6,500 now in hiding, 1,000 attempting to return
and remain in their homes and 1,000 already gone to the border. * Note: At
the time of this report (17 April) 1,000 of the IDPS in Kyauk Kyi township
had returned to their homes, after hiding since March, but with the approach
of the Burma Army, they may have to flee again.
Quotes from two Burma Army officers, “When the villagers are attacked by us,
they run and hide. Then when we leave they come back. So we need to build
a camp in the middle of them to control them.”, and, ” Anyone who does not
obey us we will have them burn down their own homes and kill them if they
stay in areas we tell them to leave”.-Two different Burma Army officers
(from MOC 10 and MOC 16) overheard talking by villagers. These same officers
are from Burma Army units that just completed an operation against villagers
and IDPs in Mon Township, Western Karen State. It is reported that they
plan to build a new camp in southern Mon Township to attempt to control the
population more efficiently.
The situation in Western and Northern Karen State is now worse than at
anytime since the offensives of 1997. It remains to be seen if this will
develop into attacks of that scale (which were much larger), but already
over 8,500 have been displaced. There is an immediate need for rice and
medicine for the people who are now displaced and in hiding. The
pro-democracy Karen resistance (KNU/KNLA) are attempting to help feed their
people and help them hide and stay in area. The people here are trying to
stay and not go to refugee camps.
The Burma Army is using a tactic of search and destroy by sending out
battalion sized patrols, and are extending roads and building new camps.
They are attempting to cut off the people who live in the mountains from those
in the plains, as well as cutting of all trade and food supplies. The Burma Army
patrols and destroys any homes or rice barns and fields it can find. If civilians
are encountered on the way, they shoot at them. So far in one township alone
(Mon Township), 11 villagers have been killed and three wounded, including a
9 year old girl and 80 year old grandmother. The attacks are slow and sporadic
but viewed over the period of months represent a steady attempt to crush all
opposition and gain total domination over the population. The resistance is
doing its best to slow these attacks but its primary work now is to help people
move to safer places and provide escorts for them to gather food and plant
their fields. Due to the strength of these people, their ties to their land and
homes and the moral corruption of the Burma Army, the situation is not
hopeless. However, the people here need immediate help and lives are in the
balance. Thank you for your concern.
God bless you, FBR
NOTE: This report is divided into 8 sections and includes two maps and
photos describing the situation in Western and Northern Karen State as well
as a forecast by the local Karen resistance (KNU), of possible further Burma
Army attacks. This report is being sent by FBR relief teams in the field
now. 17 April, 2006.
1) Mon Township, Nyaunglebin District, Western Karen State update:
There are now more than 4,000 IDPs in Mon Township alone. The Burma Army
attacked villages and villagers in this area in late March and early April,
and has continued to increase troop numbers and supplies. Burma Army
patrols continue to operate in most areas of Mon Township, areas now
abandoned by almost every resident of Mon Township. Villagers are unable
to return to their homes and fields due to these ongoing patrols. Many
are running out of food and are relying on emergency supplies. These
villagers, who are almost all farmers, are now unable to clear new fields
and prepare old fields for the rice-planting season, which begins in May
and June.
7 March ’06
Burma Army troops from Battalions; LIB 366,368, and 369 gather in Mu Theh
Camp on the Kyauk Kyi Road.
8 March
Began their operation in the Saw Ka Der Area. At 5:00 pm they shot a family
from Keh Ka Ko. Saw Du Kaw 53 years-old was shot and killed along with his
12 year old son, Saw Eh La Hser. His 16 year old son, Saw Heh Nay Htoo,
(photo) was shot three times and wounded but managed to escape.
9 March
Soldiers Burned 2 hidden storage houses that belonged to Keh Ka Ko village.
These houses included items such as tobacco, chili, and valuable household
materials. They then split up and patrolled around the villages of Thay
Nweh Ke, Klaw Ke, Saw Ka Der. They stole rice paddy, chili peppers, and
animals and destroyed whatever they did not steal. During their patrol they
entered Klaw Ke village and destroyed almost every home.
10 March
These troops shot and killed Saw Thay Kya, 33 years old, from Klaw Ke
village. They also burned 45 baskets of his family’s paddy. That day they
chased villagers around the area, forcing them to flee to 5 different hiding
places that day.
11 March
Moved to the Ler Klar area in the evening.
13 March
They shot and killed Saw April Htoo, 18 years old, from Saw Kee Village.
They also shot and killed Saw Eh Moo, 19 years old, from Ta Waw Bu Village.
They then burned 100 baskets of paddy and 6 houses in Ta Waw Bu. That day
they also shot and killed Saw Ler Bweh Say from Htee Kho Village.
14-15 March
Troops burned 13 houses in Htee Kho village along with 2 hidden rice paddy
1 of these had 70 baskets of paddy and one had 30 baskets of paddy.
On this day, sergeant Nyint Htun from LIB 599 captured Saw Baw Htoo, a
villager from Sha Lay Hsu. He captured him at Mway Twin and took him to his
battalion headquarters at Taung Taw. Commander Khin Maung Myint demanded
500,000 kyat from him. They then released him.
16 March
The troops returned to Kaw La Wah Lu
Troops from LIB 522, 567, and IB 240
18 March
troops from LIB 522, 567 and IB 240 gather in Kaw La Wah Lu.
19 March
Began operations in the The Ler Baw Hta area and Kwe Doh Kaw area.
22 March
Shot at villagers in their hiding place. Villagers managed to escape but
lost almost all of their belongings.
23 March
2 villagers captured, church and homes burned and destroyed by
Burma Army troops in Mon Township, Nyaunglebin District, Western Karen
State, Burma.
Summary; The Burma Army is attacking Karen civilians in Western Karen State,
Burma. These attacks have now displaced over 4,000 villagers (IDPs) in Mon
Township (for a total of 4,500 displaced in Nyaunglebin District) Villagers
have fled into the jungle with very little food and clothing. The Burma Army
has burned homes, rice barns and continues its patrols to stop villagers
from returning to their homes and fields.
Details: 23 March 2006- The Burma Army (LIB 522 and LIB 567) formed a column
under the command of Thet Wey. This column attacked village Nya Moo Kee (15
families) and captured two of its villagers, Maung Than Lwin age 30 years
old and Aung Win Thun age 25 years old. Maung Than Lwin has a wife Naw Win
Shwe age 36 years old and three children ages 11, 3 and 1 years old. As of
the date of this report, these two men are still missing.
The Burma Army (LIB 522 and LIB 567) stayed the night at Nya Moo Kee
village. The village church and the house next to it were burned while other
village homes were systematically ransacked and destroyed. All of the pots
and pans left behind by the villagers were damaged by soldiers shooting and
knifing holes in them. They slaughtered and ate all of the chickens in the
village and four of its pigs. A dog was also shot and thrown onto the roof
of a house. Two rice storage barns hidden in the jungle by the villagers
were also found and destroyed. A total of 156 baskets of milled rice was
24 March 2006
The Burma Army (LIB 522 and LIB 567) departed Nya Moo Kee and split in half.
One half provided security while the other half attacked Maw Lee Loo village
(4 families). All of the homes were burned and the troops ate all of the
chickens there. Two rice storage barns were also burned which had an
estimated total of over 400 baskets of paddy rice.
part of the following is from a previously sent mission report dated 6 Apr
Note: Burma Army soldiers from LIB 522 mentioned above were also involved in
the following attacks.
26 March 2006
The Burma Army (LIB 522 with IB 240 and LIB 560) shot and killed Saw Pah Maw
Kwa, 24, from They Baw Der village tract. They also burned 5 houses in Kwi
Do Kaw village in Mon Township. The soldiers then slaughtered and ate all
of the animals of that village.
27 March 2006
The Burma Army (LIB 522 with IB 240 and LIB 560) shot and killed two
villagers of Kyauk Kyaw and wounded a nine-year-old girl (see report 10
April). At 5:00 pm two more villagers of Maw La Daw village, Saw Htun Yin
and Saw Ta Toe Roe, were shot and killed by the same soldiers.
March 29:
The same soldiers took 10 days worth of food with them and set
upa security position on the road form Kyauk Kyi to Ma La Daw, blocking all
villager transportation and trade.
March 30: 16 full truckloads of supplies were sent to Da Bin Yo. Troops
demanded 100 bullock carts for the transportation of supplies. At noon, 40
bullock carts arrived at Ma La Daw, along with more food.
March 31: 300 soldiers arrived at Ma La Daw.
April 5: 6 trucks arrived at Ma La Daw with 250 soldiers. These soldiers
came to supplement an operation to force relocate the villages of Yu Zo, Yu
Lo, Ka Mu Lo, Play Hta Lo, and Ma La Daw, to Tha Din Yut.
7 April 2006
These troops entered K’Mu Loh area at 8:00 in the morning. They shot and
killed Saw Nah Doh, 24 years old. They also shot and wounded Saw Maung
Maung Aye, 21 years old.
8 April 2006
troops entered Yu Lo and K’mu Lo village and called a meeting to tell the
villagers to move to Tha Bin Yut. The deadline for their movement is April
II) April 15: The following information is taken from interviews here on
site, as well as information from the Karen resistance; KNU and KNLA.
In Mon Township now Burma Army MOC 16 (7 battalions) is operating against
the Karen population living in the mountains.
It is expected that Div. 77 will also begin operations in Mon Township and
Toungoo District.
It is also expected that Div. 44 will begin operations out of Muthey Camp
into Nyauglebinas well as Muthraw (Papun District).
According to the local Karen leadership (KNU)-These Burma Army troops will
combine with those already in the field to attack the people of Nyaunglebin
and Toungoo Districts. Then they will attack the villages near the Kyauk
Kyi- Hsaw Hta road in Muthraw District.
The Burma Army plans to cut all communications, food supplies and trade
between the people of the mountains and the people of the plains. They will
try to cut the people off from supporting the resistance. There is now an
increase in the sending of food and supplies to camps near the mountains and
in the mountains. While there are still limited arrivals of new troops, it
is believed they will come.
Miscellaneous information:
In Western Mon Township, BA LIBs 590, and 599 of the Southern Command are
operating between Thit Kha Seit and Kyauk Pia between the plains and the
There is a special Burma Army Camp at Muthay on the Kyauk Kyi- Hsaw Hta
Road. Only soldiers with special passes can enter. They Hta Lu-is the name of this new camp. Villagers are not allowed near to the place called They Hta Lu. They Hta Lu is a special camp near Mu They. There is a helipad there and helicopters are seen flying in and out (infrequently). These then fly on to Paw Gwa Camp to the east on the Kyauk Kyip Hsaw Hta Road.
Curfew: LIB 599, 590 of Tha Tay Gone Camp made a new curfew. From 6 am to 6
pm villagers can move about. From 6 pm to 6 am they will be arrested or
shot on sight if seen moving around. This new curfew is part of the attempt
to seal the plains off from the mountains. Order came from the regional
Southern Command. On April 8, 2006, Burma Army soldiers shot at two
villagers from So Thaung Su who were returning home at 8:30 pm from a movie.
One, Saw Shwey Lu, was hit and wounded. LIB 599 and 590 are part of the
Southern Command.
April 16: Villager killed by the Burma Patrol: At 0610 on 16 April a
villager near Plako was shot dead in his field by a Burma Army patrol of LIB
366. Villager-Saw Way Htoo, age 30, male, farmer.
2) Quotes: The following are Quotes from local Karen resistance (KNU)
leaders about the situation:
“Some villagers have no food, so we need to share, but we need to do this
for those
who have none. Those who already have food should not receive the emergency
food. Democracy is not everyone gets everything, it is also about everyone
getting a fair amount. We need to share and have
balance.”- Battalion Transport Officer, KNU.
“2/3 of the people in Mon Township do not have enough food.” Township
Chairman, KNU.
“As usual, the enemy is trying to destroy us. Back in 1972-1974 they went
all out and conducted the “four cuts” operation. Thousands were displaced,
and we lost control of the Pegu-Yoma Mountains. Our people suffered. Now we
face what seems to be a similar situation, but we were not crushed by other
attacks and we will not be crushed now. We must not give up. We have to
learn from the past and learn from our people. We must gather the people
and protect them. We need rice, salt and medicine. We need to find
it.”-Battalion Transport Officer, KNU.
“We must take the initiative. We know they will continue to attack us, so
we must protect our people. But more than that, we have to try to stop
their attacks.” – Mon Township Chairman, KNU.
“People should go from hide sites back to their farms, pound rice, then
return to hide sites. We will provide escorts for security” Township
Chairman, KNU.
3) Forecast of Burma Army activity:
“They have sent more food and troops so this month or in May they will
attack us. The level of activity this year is greater than in most past
years.” KNLA 8th Battalion commander.
” The coming rains may not stop these attacks”, Mon Township Chairman, KNU.
“The move of the SPDC to Pyinmana has no relationship to these attacks as
the SPDC has always attacked us. However, security has increased on roads,
rivers, and trails. 8th Battalion Commander, KNLA.
Priority of enemy attack:
“The enemy will try to wipe us out, and the first target is the KNU/KNLA and
civilians at the same time. Both are considered their enemies as they kill
civilians and soldiers the same”-8th Battalion commander, KNLA.
Burma Army Div 77 will go to 2nd Brigade and attack. Div 44 will go to
Muthay camp on the Kyauk Kyi Hsaw Hta road in Muthraw (Papun) District, and
clear to the Salween River. **Note: Div 77 and 44 are not yet in the area,
this is information that the local resistance (KNU/KNLA) has received that
they believe is true.
” MOC 10 will work out of Muthay Camp. MOC 16 will clear Mon and Southern
Toungoo District. These troops of these three MOCs are operating now. MOC
21 will work out of Ler Doh (Kyauk Kyi) and Hsaw Hta (Shweygin). They
have a new camp near Bawgata.” Mon Township Chairman, KNU.
In Mon Township: The troops of MOC 10, patrols into the north into Mon
Twonship and Ler Mu Plaw-Muthraw District.
MOC 16. Ma La Daw and They Pu and Yetagun Camps: 40 more trucks arrived in
Ma La Daw on the 14th of April.
The villagers from Yu Loe and K’mu Loh are being forced to move to Tha Bin
Yut by 20 April. We just met some of these villages today as they fled the
Burma Army. According to SPDC, “if any villager is seen after that, they
will be killed.” –Order came from Play Htsa Lo/They Pu Burma Army Camp
Troops from Muthay will make a new camp at Saw Ka Der/Zinga
There are more than 4,000 IDPs in Mon Township now. As of April 17, 2006.
Goals of the SPDC and reasons for attacking the Karen
1. Control the population
2. No resistance to the regime allowed
3. Control trade
4. Control resources (timber, gold, etc.)
5. Build dams on the Salween River
4) Burma Army Camps in Mon Township. Nyaunglebin District.
Camps on Muthey-Kyauk Kyi-Mon Road
1.. Muthey–Ko La Lay Ko–Saw Mee Lo/Ka Pae-P’la Taung-Sa Sa Gone-Awe So
Mo-Kyauk Kyi-Wey Ye Naung-Seit Gyi-Ler Pa-Tha Ti Gone-Sum Bin Seit-Alone
Zein-Thon Daw-Mon
2.. Other camps in place to control and attack the population: Maw La Daw –
N.W. Mon (mountains) Tha Bin Yut – N.W. Mon (mountains) Mee Thin
Thaw – (Mon Town) Yea Oh Zay – plains (LIB 590), Mein Oo – plains, Kaw La Wa
Lu – east of Peinziek in the mountains on Mon Township.
5) Update on Hsaw Ti and Ler Doh (Shwey Gyina nd Kyauk Kyi) Townships,
Naunglebin District, western Karen State:
There are over 1,500 IDPs in these two townships and now (although 1,000
have just returned home after a month in hiding and their situation is
tenuous). The Burma Army is believed to be sending troops to attack the KNU
District HQ area in this district. The Burma Army is also building a new
camp north east of Shwey Gyin and this has displaced over 400 people who are
now hiding in the mountains north of this site. MOC 21 is sending troops on
a search and destroy mission from their camp at Kushaw, on the Muthraw
District border.
6) Toungoo District Report. April 14, 2006.
This is a report of the current situation in Toungoo District of
Northwestern Karen State, Burma as of April 14, 2006. This is an update of
the report that was sent out on April 6, 2006.
In Tantabin Township there are currently 32 villages abandoned by villagers
who have fled Burma Army attacks and patrols. Another 22 villages have been
abandoned in Thandaung Township. The exact number of villagers displaced
from these 54 villages in unknown, however the number is in the thousands
(at least 2,000) with hundreds more leaving villages that have not been
completely abandoned. In the area surrounding Hoki, approximately 100
villagers have been forced to or have decided to leave their homes. 1,005
villagers have already made their way to the Salween river on the Thai/Burma
border where they seek refuge. The rest of the villagers displaced from
Burma Army operations in Toungoo District have either decided to stay or
have been unable to leave for one reason or another. These people are
currently hiding in the jungle in areas close to their villages.
Burma Army activities and operations have increased in most of Toungoo
District. The goal of the Burma Army is to occupy the entire area and gain
firm control over the Karen Population. In order to do this they have been
attacking villages, burning houses and rice barns, laying land-mines,
blocking all food supplies, building new camps, and blocking all major
trails and roads. All schools and other educational institutions have had
to close. The people in Toungoo District are now hiding in the jungle and
live in constant fear of new Burma Army attacks. They are always ready to
move if they receive the word that the Burma Army is on the way.
In some areas, the Burma Army has not yet attacked villages, but has warned
villagers that it would attack should they not pay them or move to forced
relocation sites.
-On April 2, 2006 the commander of LIB 11, Aung Tan Shwe, which is based in
Thay Pu ordered all villagers from the villages of Tee Pu Kee, Der Ko, Der
Ka, Kler Kyaw Toe, and K’Shee Kee to move to Thandaung. If the villagers
didn’t want to move each family had to pay either 250,000 kyat or 150 vises
of Buffalo meat.
-On April 5, 2006 the commander of LIB 35, Zaw Mya Nai, which is camped in
Yetagun, ordered all villagers from Hu Mee Der, Ler Kla Der, and Kwey Der to
move to Klaw Mee Der or Tandaung. Both of these battalions are under Div.
66, which is based in Kler La/Bauggalygi.
-Also in early April, the commander of Tactical Operations Command (TOC)
663, Tin Aung, which is under Div. 66 and based in They Pu ordered all
villagers from Plaw Baw Der, Ye Lo, K’mu Lo and Yu Lo to move to Play Hta
Lo. All villagers had to move by April 15, 2006 or face punishment.
7) Village Reports: The following are reports from only a few of the dozens of villages that
have been attacked or forced to move by the Burma Army in recent weeks.
Reports from other villages can be found in the earlier report we sent out
on April 6.
Maw Tu Der: the Burma Army burned down this village, which is quite close to
the Toungoo to Mawchi car road, in February. Land mines were laid in the
village and the Burma Army is patrolling the village and surrounding area.
Hsaw Wa Der: This village, which lies between the Toungoo-Mawchi car road
and the Kler La-Bu Sa Kee car road was mortared, burned and looted by the
Burma Army in February 2006. The Burma Army continues to patrol the village
and surrounding area.
Bu Kee: This village, which has seen a continual drop in the number of
households since the Burma Army attacked it in 2002, from more than 20
households two years ago, to 11 in January 2006. Now all of the villagers
have fled. The Burma Army has blocked all access to food supplies for the
people of Bu Kee. The villagers have now run out of food and have had to
Saw Mu Der: This village, which normally gets it food supplies from nearby
They Pu, has been unable to feed itself due to the construction of a new
Burma Army camp in Thay Pu. Villagers are also afraid of attack from
frequent Burma Army patrols that sweep the area.
Day Lo Kloe: Villagers from this village have been ordered to stay in the
village. The Burma Army burned all of the villagers’ rice paddy fields, and
rice barns. They have also placed landmines on the trails surrounding the
village. The Burma Army frequently patrols the area.
Yer Loe Klo: Because this village is located very close to the Kler La- Bu
Sa Kee car road and the Burma Army camps at They Pu and Klaw Mi Der,
villagers live in fear of Burma Army attacks. It is very difficult to
travel and receive food supplies. Villagers have been forced to leave.
8) The following is a list of 54 villages in Toungoo
District, Northern Western Karen State that have been entirely or partially
Tantabin Township:
1.Saw Mu Der
2.Bway Baw Der
3.Si Daw Ko
4.Saw Tay Der
5.Wa Mi Ber Ko
6.Poe Mu Der
7.Plo Mu Der
8.Si Kah Der
9.Htee Lo
10.Ka Ser Ko
11.Ber Lo
12.Kaw Tee Toe
13.May Daw Ko
14.Bu Kee
15.Koe Kee
16.Tha Aye Kee
17.Hee Daw Kaw
18.Ka Lay Hta
19.Hsaw Wa Der
20.Ha Toe Ber
21.Sho Ser
22.Wa So
23.Bu Hsar Kee
24.Klay Kee
25.Plaw Baw Der
26.Peh Htaw Day
27.Cha Si Bo
28.Ta Bar Kee
29.Yer Lo
30.Hu Mi Der
31.Klaw Mi Der
32.Ler Klar Der
Thandaung Township:
33.Koe Haw Der
34.Pa Der Kar
35.Tha Yeh Yu
36.Kaw Mi Ko
37.Maw Tu Der
38.Pwei Kee
39.Hu Ber
40.Htee Hsar Ber
41.Ber Ka Lay Ko
42.Thay Ku Der
43.Thay Mu Der
44.Maw Ku Der
45.Thay Gi Der
46.Ga Mu Der
47.Saw Law Ko
48.Ler Ker Der Ko
49.Ler Ker Der Tha
50.Kaw Law Kar
51.Ker Der Kar
52.Ler Ker Der Kar
53.Htee Bu Kee
54.Ku Thay Der