Love each other. Unite and work for freedom, justice, and peace. Forgive and don't hate each other. Pray with faith, act with courage, never surrender.
Flight of the Jungle Chicken: Spring 2017
Love each other. Unite and work for freedom, justice, and peace. Forgive and don't hate each other. Pray with faith, act with courage, never surrender.
Flight of the Jungle Chicken: Spring 2017
Flight of the Jungle Chicken: Spring 2017
Dear friends,
“As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free”.
Thank you for helping us be Jesus’ ambassadors for all in Burma, Kurdistan, Iraq and Syria.
May God bless you all,
Love Dave, family and the Free Burma, Kurd, Iraqi and Syria Rangers
Shannon, Sahale, Eliya treat patients in SyriaNineveh – our gift Saluki dog, with Suu, Pete, Sahale, Dave and Karen and Iraqi Army on advance to West Mosul. (Dog is now home in Thailand with us!)Helping a family fleeing ISIS from MosulSahale on a horse that survived ISIS in Mosul. Iraqi soldier gets out of the way!Suu races on July 4th in Jackson, WY. God bless America!Suu, Karen, Pete with Bashir and team doing Good Life Club for orphans in SyriaKachin Christian IDPs with gospel tracts we gave them in a camp where they fled from the attacking Burma ArmyPete with Kachin FBR team and Kachin children in a IDP camp where they hide from Burma Army attackGraduation of new FBR relief teams in BurmaKurdish Peshmerga push ISIS out of KurdistanIn Syria with Beduins of the Shama tribe right before the girls raced these Arabians across the desert. They are all ‘daughters of the wind’.Eliya (Karen medic), Dave and Iraqi soldiers treat wounded in Mosul, IraqOne of seven playgrounds built in Kurdistan & Iraq with Reload Love and other friendsSahale leads ice traverse on way to the summit of Olympus on family climb WA, USASahale and friends in Mosul during food distribution – ISIS attacked most distributions but could not stop them.Saw Hsa Nu, FBR Karen team leader baptized by pastor Edmund and Dave
CONTACT: Dave and Karen Eubank;, Box 14, Mae Jo, Chiang Mai 50290 THAILAND, +6681 884 7009
DONATION: Free the Oppressed, PO Box 912938, Denver, CO 80291-2938, USA EIN: 47-4648581
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