The destroyed hospital in southern Shan State from a Burma Army airstrike. |
Hospital Destroyed in Shan State while Rangers Continue to Provide Aid and Training |
The Burma Army’s airstrikes and artillery continue to target civilians and resistance forces across the country. In Mutraw and Dooplaya Districts of Karen State, clashes between the Burma Army and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) / People’s Defense Forces (PDF) resulted in casualties, while in Karenni State, Burma military airstrikes killed and injured civilians, including at an IDP camp in east Loikaw. On Jan. 1, the Burma military bombed hospital in Shan State, killing one person. Resistance groups and FBR provided medical aid and relief supplies to those affected by the violence. |
Photos above: Rangers treat security guard wounded by Burma military Y-12 bombings. |
Photos above: Rangers treat security guard wounded by Burma military Y-12 bombings. |
The battle for the Burma Army’s K’Ter Tee camp rages in Dwe Loh Township of Mutraw District. Burma Army-aligned BGF forces fled from their positions, leaving the Burma Army isolated by resistance forces and relying on airstrikes and artillery strikes to delay loss of the camp.
Two Burma military Y-12 airplanes conducted an airstrike in Lay Poe Hta Village on Dec. 30, attempting to prevent approximately 200 BGF Battalion 1013 soldiers from leaving their camp at K’Ter Tee near Baw Jo Lae Village. The airstrike lightly wounded a 16-year-old civilian boy in the chest. The BGF soldiers reportedly repositioned to a new, more secure place to move away from the fighting. Additionally, Burma Army aircraft dropped bombs into Noh Paw Htee Village, killing one civilian man on Dec. 30 and injuring a local security guard on Dec. 31, whom Rangers treated medically. Resistance forces and Burma Army clashed in a small arms engagement at K’Ter Tee camp on Jan. 4., and a Burma military Y-12 plane and two jet fighters conducted two airstrikes in response, dropping several mortars and four bombs, injuring one resistance soldier.
Please pray for the situation at K’Ter Tee camp and that the Burma Army would end hostilities and withdraw from the area. |
Ranger medic treating a wounded Burma Army soldier. |
Ranger medic treating a wounded Burma Army soldier. |
The situation at Annan Kwin camp in Dooplaya District has been escalating, as the Burma Army tries to reinforce the camp and attrite the encircling KNLA/PDF with airstrikes, artillery, and more reinforcements.
Burma Army Light Infanty Battalion (LIB) 587 of Military Operations Command (MOC) 19, LIBs 1 and 2 of Light Infantry Division (LID) 44 arrived at Annan Kwin camp by Noh Chu Nen Village, on Dec. 30, to reinforce their encircled troops. Clashes broke out between the Burma Army and KNLA/PDF, resulting in some minor injuries for the resistance forces. A Burma Army platoon clashed with KNLA/PDF at the Burma Army Annan Kwin camp on Jan. 2, resulting in casualties on the Burma Army side. The KNLA captured two soldiers from LIB of LID 44 as well as ammunition during the fighting. Rangers and KNLA medics treated the injured KNLA and Burma Army casualties. Two days later, on Jan. 4, a Burma Army sniper killed a KNLA/PDF resistance soldier and, later in the day, a Burma military jet fighter bombed the area three times in the afternoon. The Burma Army Wekli artillery unit fired a 155mm howitzer round at KNLA/PDF forces in the evening of Jan. 5, inflicting casualties. Rangers responded and helped treat the injured soldiers.
Elsewhere in Dooplaya, the Burma Army fired 155mm artillery from Wekli Artillery Post into Thanpayar Village (Panaw Ka Le’ Khee) in late December, damaging a man’s farm. On Dec. 31, There was a clash between Cobra Column of the KNLA and the Burma Army in Kaw T’ree Township. The KNLA captured some small arms, explosives, and a mortar tube from the Burma Army. |
Left: First aid training in West Demosso. Right: A child in Elephant IDP camp, killed in a Burma Army airstrike. |
Top: First aid training in West Demosso. Bottom: A child in Elephant IDP camp, killed in a Burma Army airstrike. |
Burma Army airstrike on an IDP camp caused casualties and death while Rangers were giving combat first aid training.
Pa-Oh Nationalities Liberation Army (PNLA) held training from Dec. 26 to 30, in Karenni. Karenni Rangers gave combat first aid, tie method and other tactical physical training to 32 trainees. On Dec. 31, Burma Army jets attacked the Elephant IDP camp with two 500lb bombs in East Loikaw, injuring three IDPs and killing two, IDPs including a 10-year-old child. In East Demosso Township, on Jan. 4, Karenni Rangers helped and gave transportation for the emergency patient from Daw Ta Dar Village to Ta Maw Htar Hospital, as the villagers requested. |
Left: Ranger casualty evacuation medical training in Shan State. Right: A Ranger giving a tarp to a villager to use for shelter. |
Top: Ranger casualty evacuation medical training in southern Shan State. Bottom: A Ranger giving a tarp to a villager to use for shelter. |
Rangers supported the civilians by helping provide them with a medical unit to the hospital, donating tarps, and giving training.
Burma Army airstrike destroyed a hospital in southern Shan State on Jan. 1, harming two people and killing another one. The injured people were sent to another hospital in Karenni State. Karenni Rangers helped by giving some medical boxes to the destroyed hospital on Jan. 4. In Pekon Township, Karenni Rangers went to Kaung Mine IDP camp on Jan 1, and donated 10 tarpaulins for building water tanks. The IDP houses in Kaung Min Village were burned down on Nov. 28, 2024, by the Burma military. Afterward, the IDPs fled to Kaung Mine IDP camp. In southern Shan State, Karenni Rangers conducted five days of combat medic training, map reading, knot-tying and reconnaissance to a group of Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) soldiers.
Left: House destroyed by Burma Army artillery in Let Pan Chaung Village. Right: Woman killed by Burma Army artillery in while she was cooking in her home. |
Top: House destroyed by Burma Army artillery in Let Pan Chaung Village. Bottom: Woman killed by Burma Army artillery while she was cooking in her home. |
In Chin State, two Burma military fighter jets bombed a health center and a building housing 44 Burma Army POWs on Jan. 4, in Khuangluang Village, west of Falam. The first airstrike hit the building where the POWs were being held, killing eight and injuring at least six. One CNDF soldier on guard duty was also killed in the blast. Several families were at the health center when the first bombs struck the POWs. They successfully evacuated before the second jet struck the health center. Early reports are that all villagers are safe. The POWs had been housed in Khuanglung Village since mid November after they surrendered to Chin Brotherhood forces during an offensive in Falam Township. It is unclear if the airstrike on the POWs was intentional or accidental.
*Information from local sources.
Additionally, the Burma Army fired artillery in a civilian area in Let Pan Chaung Village (Sagaing Region) on Jan. 4., killing a civilian woman while she was cooking in her home in an apparent unprovoked attack.