Burma Army Bombs Music Festival, Making October the Bloodiest Month In Northern Burma This Year
30 December 2022
Kachin State, Northern Shan State, and Sagaing Division, Burma
The Burma Army made international headlines last month with what the New York Times called “the deadliest aerial attack mounted by the military regime since it seized power in a coup last year.” On October 23, 2022, the Burma Army bombed on an outdoor music concert in Hpakant Township, Kachin State, killing approximately 80 people in the attack and obliterating the area. Anyone who has followed the unrest in Burma for any length of time knows that a heinous war crime like this is not any sort of new tactic used by the Burma Army, simply one on a larger scale.
The Burma Army waged increasingly aggressive and offensive action against the northern Burma Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) and their lands not only on the day of this mass bombing, but throughout the entire month of October. The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) reports the Burma Army initiating military conflict in the northern Burma regions in October on a total of 52 instances, eight of which were reported as tactical offensives and advances. Momauk Township in Kachin State experienced over half of these offensive attacks by the Burma Army on their local bases in a single week, between October 22nd and October 31st.
The Burma Army continued utilizing airborne attacks, dropping a total of 30 bombs on different EAO controlled areas. Bombings, along with other military warfare, directly and indirectly resulted in the loss of approximately 130 lives in this region, the highest number of deaths in a single month this year. Those killed ranged from musicians performing, a National Unity Government People’s Defense Force (NUG PDF) private, a 7-year-old boy playing near his home, and many more.
As the KIA and other reputable sources report the Burma Army’s failure to abide by international law, engaging in warfare and crimes against humanity, little to no response is given by the international community. Following the October 23rd massacre, the director of Asia Human Rights Watch, Elaine Pearson, poses the question more and more people are asking: “How high does the death count need to reach before governments around the world impose consequences that will impact the [Burma Army] junta’s behavior?”

*This information is limited to reports from Free Burma Rangers and the Kachin Independence Army, and it does not represent the totality of military battles or human rights abuses in Burma. The information only serves as a snapshot of the conflict areas.
Burma Army Attack Report
Kachin State
Hpakant Township
On 1 October 2022, at 1130 hrs, Burma Army Hpakant Light Infantry Division (LID) 33 Base fired five mortar rounds indiscriminately in which the shells hit the house of Mr. Win Shan and caused damage to his house, the glass of a car, and an air-conditioner, in Woi Hpraw Village, Hpakant Township.
On 2 October 2022, at 2220 hrs, an estimated 50 combined Burma Army forces of Infantry Battalion (IB) 76 stationed at Hpakant Tatma Kawng and No.30 Police Unit carried out frisks on people going to and from the Jade Market Centre road intersection in Myo Ma Village. While searching, the forces chased and opened fire on people who they allegedly thought were evading, leaving Maran Seng Naw (20-year-old female) and two other unnamed men dead and two injured. The bodies were taken to their base, in Hpakant Township.
On 8 October 2022, between 0900-1000 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Sezin Village fired small arms and one 60mm mortar round to the side of Uru Hka, in Hpakant Township.
On 10 October 2022, at 1020 hrs, KPDF shot a police officer, Ye Htet Paing, from Hpakant Police Station, with a pistol three times while he was in a car passing on the street near Na Nu restaurant, near Uru Hka bridge. The police officer was wounded and driven away to Hpakant Hospital, in Hpakant Township. Later, at 1030 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Tatma Kawng, drove by and shot and killed Thet Naing Win, a civilian walking at the foot of Hpakant Suspension Bridge, in Hpakant Township.
On 11 October 2022, at 0300 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kanyin Myaing fired one 60mm mortar round to the side of Marau Bum. At 1210 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kamaing Byuha (Tactical Command Base) fired three 60mm mortar rounds to the side of Kawng Ra Manau Wang. Between 1900-2145 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Nam Ya fired three 60mm mortar rounds to the side of Nam Ya cemetery, in Hpakant Township.
On 14 October 2022, at 0326 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Nam Seng Bum indiscriminately fired on an area in which a shell landed near Mr. Maran Zau Seng’s yard that left a cow belonging to Mr. Lazum Lum Hkawng injured by bomb shrapnel, in Hpakant Township. At 1500 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Nam Ya fired two 60mm mortar rounds and small arms to the side of Noi Daw Pa; Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kanyin Myaing fired six 60mm mortar rounds and small arms to the side of Maru Bum, in Hpakant Township.
On 14 October 2022, the two sons of U Soe Khan and Daw Win Chit from Chaung Wa Village, a 10-year-old boy named Sai Htet Toe was wounded, and a 7-year-old boy named Sai Aik Ko Ko died in the explosion of an unexploded shell while they were playing in Hpakant Township.
On 15 October 2022, at 1320 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Nam Ya fired two 60mm mortar rounds at the head of Kumtsai Zup Village and to the side of Nam Ya cemetery, in Hpakant Township.
On 19 October 2022, combined forces of KIA and PDF attacked an estimated 55 Burma Army soldiers led by IB (298) 2/IC Major Way Phyo Aung, arriving at Lawa High School. They were attacked with an IED at the head of Lawa village (KJ 706 253) while moving on foot to Dum Bang. The attack left one Burma Army soldier wounded. As the Burma Army troops continued moving, more combined forces of KIA and PDF attacked them at Hpahka Pa road intersection (KJ 813 235), leaving four Burma Army soldiers wounded in Hpakant Township.
On 23 October 2022, at 2027 hrs, three Burma Army jets coming from Tada U strafed and dropped bombs at Yi Kawng, an area of the KIA 6th Battalion, and dropped bombs at Anang Pa, in Hpakant Township. The KIA is still investigating this attack.
On 25 October 2022, at 1215 hrs, four 120mm mortar rounds were fired from Hpakant Tatma Kawng to the side of Lung Hprang Bum and three 81mm mortar rounds were fired from Gwi Hka LIB (119) Base to the side of Lung Hprang Bum, in Hpakant Township.
Danai Township
On 1 October 2022, at 2350 hrs, Burma Army P.T.Ts stationed at the head of Sanpya Village dropped eight drone bombs along Padang Kawng outpost and Wara Zup Administrative Office, in Danai Township.
On 22 October 2022, at 0800 hrs, around 30 combined Burma Army forces of IB (297) and P.T.Ts in 13 cars were coming from Jahtu Zup Village, and around 20 P.T.Ts forces were coming from Sanpya Village, heading to Ah Chye road junction. At 0840 hrs KIA soldiers from 14th Battalion attacked the combined forces with two IEDs. Burma Army soldiers retreated to Sanpya Village after firing six rounds of 40mm and small arms, in Danai Township.
On 23 October 2022, at 1650 hrs, Burma Army Sanpya P.T.Ts dropped two drone bombs at KIA’s Namsang Hka Bum Sen Checkpoint (KJ 558 713), in Danai Township.
Mansi Township
On 2 October 2022, at 0518 hrs, around 80 combined Burma Army soldiers from IBs (47, 223) operating along Nam Hpu Village were attacked with IEDs at Tsanlun (LG 179 481) near Namhu Village, in Mansi Township.
On 18 October 2022, between 2010-2045 hrs, Burma Army IB (276) based at Kung Mahkan (KG 608 960) fired six 81mm mortar rounds to the side of Pin Chying, in Mansi Township.
On 25 October 2022, at 1440 hrs, an estimated 45 of around 100 combined Burma Army soldiers from LIB (319) and IB (47), operating along Tsin Hkan, stopped at Mya Le. KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion attacked the 55 other soldiers heading to Su Puk Kung with four IEDs, leaving four Burma Army soldiers dead, in Mansi Township.
On 26 October 2022, at 1330 hrs, a Burma Army jet dropped one bomb along Chyauk Tung Gyi (LG 325 742), in Mansi Township. At 1400 hrs, Burma Army LIB (437) Base indiscriminately fired to Chyauk Tung Gyi, in which a shell landed in the outskirts of the Man Hkun Village and the shrapnel killed Daw Than Htay, age 45.
Waimaw Township
On 9 October 2022, between 1120-1500 hrs, combined forces of PDF and KIA soldiers from 46th Battalion attacked a Landcruiser carrying arms and four trucks carrying Burma Army soldiers coming from Waimaw IB (58) Base. Three Burma Army soldiers died and one deserted the scene during the clash. The Landcruiser was set on fire after the arms were taken out, in Waimaw Township.
On 15 October 2022, between 0715-0725 hrs, KIA soldiers from 3rd Battalion ambushed around 50 combined Burma Army forces of LIB (521) and Dulay P.T.Ts who were going to set up a military base near Sani Hku Village. They were ambushed at coordinates: LJ 787 252 near Sani Hku Village, resulting in four Burma Army soldiers being wounded, in Waimaw Township.
On 25 October 2022, at 2000 hrs, KIA soldiers from 3rd Battalion attacked with two IEDs an estimated 80 combined forces of Burma Army troops of LIBs (381, 387) and Dulay P.T.Ts who were operating between Shangaw and Bum Chyang Bum and heading to Sadung-Chihpwi road by a big truck, at Ding Kum Yang, in Waimaw Township.
On 30 October 2022, between 0100-0129 hrs, six mortar/artillery rounds were fired from Hkaya Bum to Maisak Pa, in Waimaw Township.
On 31 October 2022, between 1212-1230 hrs, KIA soldiers from the 3rd Battalion attacked an estimated 80 combined forces of Burma Army troops from LIBs (381, 387) and Dulay P.T.Ts operating out of Machyang Village, at the foot of Nwan Yang bridge. At 1620 hrs, KIA soldiers fired three 60mm mortar rounds at the combined forces as they arrived at Nwan yang Dulay P.T.Ts hill, in Waimaw Township.
Myitkyina Township
On 10 October 2022, at 0900 hrs, Ye Htet Oo, son of a scrap dealer, Mr. Min Gyi, was fired upon by an unknown man while celebrating the Myanmar Candle-light Festival on the bank of the Mali Hka River in Hkasan Village, slightly wounding him in the abdomen and one arm. The victim was sent to Myitkyina Hospital, in Myitkyina Township.
Shwegu Township
On 11 October 2022, between 1554-1620 hrs,combined forces of KPDF and KIA 12th Battalion attacked around 100 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (601) coming from LIB (602) Base. Later, At 1900 hrs, an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (601) arriving near Nawng Laik Gyi (KG 690 736) fired four 81mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Man Wing Village (KG 706 712), in Shwegu Township.
On 13 October 2022, at 0500 hrs, KIA soldiers from the 12th Battalion fired grenade launchers at around 100 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (601) arriving at Si Tar (KG 708 706), in Shwegu Township.
On 28 October 2022, at 0940 hrs, there was a clash on the Uk Shi road between Myo La KPDF and Burma Army IB (77). At 1000 hrs, there was a clash along Min Jawng Kung between KIA soldiers and Burma Army IB (77), in Shwegu Township.
Momauk Township
On 22 October 2022, at 0810 hrs, around 100 combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (237), LIB (437) and LID (88) setting up positions along Gawng Ngu Kawng fired mortars and grenade launchers to Udang Bum Post (LG 380 860) and advanced forward, in which KIA soldiers defended the advance, in Momauk Township. Between 1315-1745 hrs, thirty-five 105mm howitzers were fired from Burma Army Nmawk LIB (437) Base and thirteen 105mm howitzer rounds fired from Burma Army Bhamo Armour (7006) Base to KIA outpost near Lungja Bum. At 1515 hrs, one Burma Army jet dropped two bombs along Udang Bum Post in Momauk Township. Between 1900-1915 hrs, Burma Army Nmawk LIB (437) Base fired four 120mm mortar rounds to the KIA outpost (LG 380 860).
On 23 October 2022, at 1200 hrs, four 105mm rounds were fired from Burma Army Bhamo 4-Mile Base and thirteen 120mm rounds were fired from Burma Army Nmawk LIB (437) Base to the side of Lungja Bum outpost (LG 380 860), in Momauk Township. At 1400 hrs, a Burma Army jet dropped a bomb along Lungja Bum. At 1700 hrs, around 100 Burma Army soldiers from IB (237), LIB (437) and LID (88) set up positions along Gawng Ngu Kawng, outside of Lungja Village. Of these, an estimated 30 soldiers advanced forward to Udang Bum Outpost (LG 380 860) where KIA soldiers from 15th Battalion were stationed.
On 24 October 2022, at 0545 hrs, two Burma Army jets dropped two bombs at Lungja Bum. At 0600 hrs, mortar/artillery rounds were fired from Burma Army Bhamo 4-Mile Base and Nmawk LIB (437) to the side of Lung Ja Bum outpost (LG 380 860), and five 105mm howitzer rounds were fired from Burma Army Bhamo 4-Mile Base to Udang Bum, in Momauk Township. KIA soldiers stationed at Lungja Bum Post returned with ten 60mm mortar rounds, in Momauk Township. At 0820 hrs, Burma Army troops carried out an offensive toward Udang Kawng Post near Lungja Bum. The fighting stopped at 1000 hrs, and resumed at 1110 hrs. At 1040 hrs, three Burma Army jets dropped five bombs at Lungja Bum. At 1615 hrs, two Burma Army jets dropped two bombs along Udang Kawng outpost near Lungja Bum.
On 26 October 2022, between 2200-2218 hrs, Burma Army LIB (437) Base fired twenty-six 120mm mortar rounds to the hills near Namsai Village, in Momauk Township.
On 27 October 2022, at 0705 hrs, Burma Army Bhamo Base fired five rounds and then six 105mm howitzer rounds. Between 1430-1600 hrs, Burma Army Nmawk LIB (437) Base fired seven 105mm howitzer rounds to the side of KIA’s Lungja Bum outpost. At 1930 hrs, four mortar/artillery rounds were fired again, in Momauk Township.
On 28 October 2022, at 0930 hrs, 81mm mortar rounds were fired from Gawngngu Kawng near Lungja Village and at 0950 hrs, Burma Army LIB (437) Base fired 105mm rounds to the side of Lungja Bum outpost, in Momauk Township.
On 29 October 2022, between 0700-0710 hrs, KIA soldiers defended against an offensive of around 30 Burma Army soldiers at coordinates: LG 355 869 on the outskirts of Wawang Village. Between 1030-1225 hrs, Burma Army Bhamo Base fired fifteen 105mm rounds to the side of Udang Bum. Between 1310-1800 hrs, fighting broke out when an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers carried out an offensive toward KIA Udang Bum outpost. Between 1347-1555 hrs, KIA soldiers fired 107mm rockets at Gawngngu Kawng near Lungja Bum and seven 107mm rockets at Burma Army Lapa Kawng outpost (LG 373 785). Burma Army soldiers returned with eight 60mm mortar rounds. At 1545 hrs, three Burma Army jets dropped six bombs at Udang Bum. At 1613 hrs, Burma Army jets strafed with rockets in 12 rounds, in Momauk Township.
On 29 October 2022, between 0710-1100 hrs, Burma Army LIB (437) Base fired a shell that landed near Nmawk Police Station and wounded a civilian from Hkanan Village. Other shells fired from Burma Army LIB (437) Base landed on the road between Nmawk and Hkanan Village, in Momauk Township.
On 30 October 2022, Burma Army LIB (437) Base fired a shell that landed in the KBC Church campus in Wawang Village, destroying the wall of the church. At 0630 hrs, Burma Army Sinlum Base fired one 120mm mortar round. Between 0710-0848 hrs, Burma Army Lawdan outpost (located at worship hill) fired three 81mm mortar rounds. Between 0710-1130 hrs, Burma Army Hkawan Bang Base fired five 81mm mortar rounds to KIA Lungja Bum outpost, Burma Army Nmawk LIB (437) fired four 120mm rounds, and Burma Army Bhamo Base fired four 105mm rounds. Between 0815-0835 hrs, while carrying out a clearance operation, KIA soldiers encountered an estimated 50 Burma Army soldiers between Udang Bum and Tsingdu Sara Kawng. Between 0830-0915 hrs, KIA soldiers fired two 107mm rockets at Gawngngu Kawng near Lungja Bum, in Momauk Township. At 1640 hrs, KIA attacked truckloads of Burma Army soldiers coming from Nmawk with an IED near 5-Mile, in Momauk Township.
On 31 October 2022, at 1350 hrs, KIA soldiers from 15th Battalion attacked Burma Army soldiers in two cars coming from Nawng Pau Village, with an IED and four grenade launcher rounds, on the outskirts of Nawng Pau Village. The Burma Army soldiers indiscriminately returned fire with a 60mm mortar in which the shell hit a nursery school behind Nmawk RC Church, in Momauk Township.
Monyin Township
On 29 October 2022, at 1900 hrs, Burma Army Hupin IB (40) Base fired four mortar/artillery rounds to the side of Bute Bum, in Monyin Township.
Bhamo Township
On 31 October 2022, at 1925 hrs, two mortar/artillery rounds were fired from a Burma Army military ship, docking at Manmaw Ship Port to the islands of Irrawaddy, in Bhamo Township.
Northern Shan State
Kutkai Township
On 1 October 2022, between 1000-1130 hrs, KIA soldiers from 2nd Battalion fired mortar rounds at around 30 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (567) arriving at Nam Jarap rubber yard, in Kuthkai Township.
On 1 October 2022, between 1925-1945 hrs, combined forces of NUG PDF and KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion encountered Burma Army troops of an unknown unit when appearing uphill at Manjak Village (LF 295 649) where the combined forces were cooking. The encounter left three Burma Army soldiers and one NUG PDF, Private Win Chyai, dead and two NUG PDFs still missing, in Kuthkai Township.
On 1 October 2022, between 0643-0655 hrs, KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion fired upon Burma Army troops arriving at Sinli Kawng Ra (LF 246 649) with four 60mm mortar rounds in Kuthkai Township. Later that day, between 0926-0954 hrs, Burma Army soldiers arriving at Sinli Kawng Ra fired 15 60mm mortar rounds and small arms to the side of Nam It Dabang (LF 262 660) in Kuthkai Township.
On 3 October 2022, between 1300-1400 hrs, around 50 Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) soldiers from 504th Battalion attacked Burma Army troops operating at Yang Lung Hkrau (MG 070 111) from Ta Munye Base. Burma Army troops fired back that left one civilian wounded, in Kuthkai Township.
On 3 October 2022, between 2400-2430 hrs, Burma Army Namhpakka IB (123) Base fired four mortar rounds to the side of Na Mun (a deserted village), in Kuthkai Township.
On 6 October 2022, between 1737-1800 hrs, KIA soldiers from the 2nd Battalion attacked 38 truckloads of Burma Army soldiers from IB (68) coming from Lashio with IEDs. During the fighting, a 25-year-old man, Lamung La, was shot dead in Kuthkai Township.
On 8 October 2022, at 1215 hrs, around 160 Burma Army soldiers in eight trucks, and supplies in five trucks, coming from Sinli were attacked in a sand digging area near Manping (LF 935 810), in Kuthkai Township.
On 21 October 2022, Burma Army soldiers from Nam Jarap Base fired six 120mm mortar rounds to the side of Hpa Te (MF 078 118), in Kuthkai Township.
Kunlung Township
On 1 October 2022, at 0900 hrs, KIA soldiers from 17th Battalion defended an advance of around 50 Burma Army soldiers from IB (127) coming from Hu Lwi (MF 590 965) at coordinates: MF 609 844, leaving two Burma Army soldiers dead and one wounded, in Kunlung Township.
Later that day, between 1500-1530 hrs, there was a clash between KIA soldiers and around combined 60 Burma Army soldiers of IB (143) and LIB (321) at coordinates: MF 649 818 between Hkam Deng (MF 684 808) and Man Pying Village. Between 0900-1900 hrs, Kunlung IB (127) backed the Burma Army soldiers with mortar rounds to the clash sites.
Muse Township
On 1 October 2022, between 0917-0927 hrs, a clash broke out when an estimated 20 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit coming from Kuthkai in two cars appeared at Nawng Swi (LF 894 099) where KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion were present, leaving the cars damaged, one KIA soldier, one civilian driver and one Burma Army soldier wounded, and eight Burma Army soldiers killed, in Muse Township. Burma Army soldiers from Amat Thaya base backed their soldiers with four 60mm mortar rounds between 1009-1012 hrs and nine 120mm mortar rounds between 0156-1038 hrs to the clash site.
On 1 October 2022, Yang Shu Min aged 30, son of Lau Dung (Manje P.T.Ts), was killed in the crossfire of fighting between KIA soldiers and Burma Army soldiers near Nawng Shwi. His funeral was held on 5 October 2022, at 1300 hrs, in Muse Township.
On 2 October 2022, at 0230 hrs, KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion attacked around 40 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420) operating on foot from P.T.Ts uphill (MG 116 519) above Mungbaw market with two IEDs at the top of Man Nawng (MG 122 488), wounding two, in Muse Township.
On 3 October 2022, between 2400-2430 hrs, Burma Army from SAC Maihpang Base (MG 130 508) fired mortar/artillery rounds to Howa Bum (MG 106 455) in Muse Township.
On 22 October 2022, between 1028-1053 hrs, there was a clash at Man Pyawng Bum (MG 184 511) between around 70 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit coming on foot from Ying La (MG 230 528) and TNLA soldiers from 777th Battalion. Burma Army Maihpang Base (MG 130 508) backed the soldiers with five mortar rounds to the clash site, in Muse Township.
On 24 October 2022, between 1620-1650 hrs, around 60 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (355) operating at Kai Dwi Bum (MG 085 455), carried out an offensive toward Howa Bum (MG 102 448) where KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion were stationed. Burma Army troops backed the attack by firing five mortar rounds from Maihpang Base (MG 130 508) and two rounds from 105-Mile Base (MG 966 522), in Muse Township.
On 25 October 2022, at 0712 hrs, there was a clash between KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion and Burma Army troops near Howa Bum. Burma Army soldiers backed their troops by firing two mortar rounds from Maihpang Base and firing one round from 105-Mile (MG 966 522) Base. Between 1515-1550 hrs, there was a clash at Nam Hkawng, Man Nwi (deserted village, MG 157 460) between around 60 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (574), operating from Nam Hkawng Hku, and combined forces of KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion and MNDAA 505th Battalion. During this time, between 1515-1550 hrs, 12 mortar/artillery rounds were fired from Burma Army Maihpang Base (MG 130 508) and nine rounds from 105-Mile Base (MG 966 522) to the clash sites: Nam Hkawng, Man Nwi (deserted village, MG 157 460). Between 1917-1930 hrs, KIA soldiers from 38th Battalion attacked Maihpang Base (MG 130 508) and KIA militiamen from 36th Battalion attacked P.T.Ts outpost (MG 116 519) near Mungbaw market. At 1953 hrs, KIA soldiers fired four grenade launcher rounds at Bangsai Base (MG 044 621) in which Burma Army soldiers returned with five mortar rounds, in Muse Township.
On 27 October 2022, between 1420-1457 hrs, there was a clash at Hpunpyen Yang (MG 102 417) between KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion and an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (355) who were coming out of Nam Hkawng Bum, in Muse Township.
On 29 October, at 1732 hrs, KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion attacked an estimated 100 combined Burma Army soldiers from LIBs (355, 420) coming from Hka Ra Pa (MG 047 439), with remote mines at Manjak Pa (MG 008 399). Burma Army soldiers reacted by firing small arms nearby, in Muse Township.
Namtu Township
Between 2 October 2022 at 2400 hrs, and 3 October 2022 at 0004 hrs, Burma Army Namdu LIB (324) Base (LF 362 526) fired two 105mm howitzer rounds fired to the side of Nam It Dabang (LF 262 660) in Namtu Township.
On 4 October 2022, at 1219 hrs, Burma Army IB (256) stationed at Se Ji (LF 247 582) fired two 81mm mortar rounds to the side of Nam Seng Hka near Nam Hkum (LF 213 615), in Namtu Township. Between 1555-1620 hrs, KIA soldiers from the 3rd Coy of 8th Battalion attacked an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers under LID (101) arriving at Gawk Ngu Kawng near Nam Hkum. Burma Army soldiers returned by firing small arms, MA-15, and 60mm mortar rounds.
On 5 October 2022, between 1128-1200 hrs, KIA troops attacked Burma Army troops stationed at Sinli Kawng Ra school (LF 246 649) and Udang Kawng (cross uphill) with 40mm grenade launchers and 60mm mortars. Between 1136-1304 hrs, KIA soldiers from Loi Maw TAwng Bum fired eight 60mm mortar rounds. Burma Army soldiers returned with small arms. One KIA soldier was wounded in the attack, in Namtu Township.
Manton Township
On 3 October 2022, at 0930 hrs, KIA soldiers from 34th Battalion attacked an estimated 20 Burma Army soldiers under LID (101), coming on foot from Mandung, at Loi Seng Bum (LF 089 740). Burma Army soldiers returned with small arms and four 60mm mortar rounds, in Manton Township.
On 4 October 2022, between 1035-1100 hrs, an estimated 20 Burma Army soldiers under LID (101) arriving at the monastery, Man Kawng village (LF 078 728) had a chance encounter with KIA soldiers from the 3rd Coy of 34th Battalion. The conflict left six Burma Army soldiers dead and three KIA soldiers wounded in Manton Township.
On 13 October 2022, at 1530 hrs, Burma Army soldiers from LIB (324) in two Pajero cars arrested and took away Mr. Hpauhtai Gam Seng, age 42, from Namdu Village. He was the father of a female KIA soldier, Private Hpauhtai Hkawn Htoi. The reason for his arrest was for the alleged reason of communicating with KIA, in Manton Township.
On 16 October 2022, between 1200-1223 hrs, KIA soldiers from 34th Battalion fired grenade launchers at Burma Army Mandung IB (130) Base. The Burma Army soldiers returned with small arms and 60mm mortar rounds, in Manton Township.
On 17 October 2022, between 0845-1440 hrs, combined forces of KIA and PDf preemptively attacked an estimated 110 Burma Army soldiers under LID (101) advancing from Wanjak to U Mang (LF 121 761), where KIA soldiers from 34th Battalion were stationed. Around 40 Burma Army soldiers arriving at Loi Kang (LF 106 758) backed the soldiers with 81mm mortar fire; Burma Army soldiers from Mandung IB (130) Base backed the soldiers with 40mm mortar fire to the clash site. The advanced troops withdrew to Mandung Base, in Manton Township.
On 19 October 2022, between 1435-1530 hrs, KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion attacked an estimated 56 Burma Army soldiers under LID (101) heading to Namdu from Mandung were attacked with four remote mines and small arms at coordinates: LF 184 636 between Gyu Ban and Pang San in Manton Township.
Nahmkam Township
On 11 October 2022, at 1015 hrs, around 30 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) coming from Namhkai Hka bridge were attacked with two IEDs at Nam Hkalum (LG 482 058), in Namhkam Township.
Mongmit Township
On 30 October 2022, between 0620-0632 hrs, KIA soldiers attacked Hkun Hka outpost (KF 841 377) where Burma Army soldiers from IB (257) were stationed, in Mongmit Township.
Sagaing Division
Indaw Township
On 21 October 2022, at 0940 hrs, an estimated 50 combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (42) and LIB (11) led by LIB (11) Maj. San Lwin on two big trucks, heading to Nyawng Pin, were attacked with three IEDs near Nat Mi Lawng Village, in Indaw Township.