Jungle School Of Medicine 2021-2022 Annual Report
13 October 2022
Karen State, Burma

Dear friends,
Training FBR medics for Karen State takes place at the Jungle School of Medicine- Kawthoolei (JSMK). Every year a cohort of around 25 FBR medics graduate and join their teams to provide medical care to IDPs. Many work in local KDHW clinics as well. During their 15 months of training, they learn the basics of taking a medical history, performing a physical examination, understanding anatomy and physiology, and mathematics. Then they accompany experienced medics caring for patients in our hospital and clinic, as well as attending classes and learning about common or important medical problems. They gradually take more responsibility for patient care, supervised by our staff and visiting doctors/nurses. Over one year they cannot hope to become experienced medical providers, but they get a good start with the basics, and they learn how to think in terms of diagnosis and management. They witness experienced medics doing their work and gain the habits of competent medical care. Ultimately, they discover the path of lifelong learning that all good medics walk along.
By caring for the clinical needs of villagers in the region surrounding JSMK, we are able to deliver FBR’s mission of providing help, hope, and love, and demonstrate, day after day, how to provide good patient care to our students. I hope you enjoy reading JSMK’s annual report which describes our operations during the last year.
John Shaw, MD,
International Medical Director
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” ~Psalm 147:3 (NIV)