FBR Annual Report 2021

Dear Friends,
Thank you for praying, being with us, and helping us do the things we cannot do alone.
Jet fighters strafe with cannons and rockets, dropping bombs on us and villagers trying to flee. We lift up dead children, try to evacuate who we can, and treat the wounded. Hundreds of thousands are fleeing to the mountains, seeking refuge. This is Burma now.
The fighting in Burma has not been this bad since World War II. There are over 1,500,000 internally displaced people and more have fled the country. In Karenni State alone there are over 250,000 people in hiding. We see the destruction all around us.
In the midst of this, we see something else: an unprecedented unity of purpose throughout Burma that crosses all lines – social, religious, ethnic, economic. People from all over Burma are rising up and saying, “Enough! We don’t accept this dictatorship and we want freedom.”
We stand with them and all people in love and for freedom. Standing for freedom is for the sake of the oppressed and also the oppressor. It is not right to let the Burma Army, ISIS, or anyone, rape, murder, kill, and pillage. Everyone suffers from evil and while we stand against those who attack, we also pray for their hearts to change. Jesus helps us stand with those under attack, to work for freedom and also to forgive, reconcile, and find a new way together. The purpose of the Free Burma Rangers is to share the love of Jesus and to be His ambassadors wherever we go. People of different faiths are welcome to be part of the Free Burma Rangers and people of different ethnicities and beliefs make up the FBR humanitarian relief effort. All are called to serve for love.
This annual report covers the situation in Burma, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. In Iraq and Syria, our Kurdish and Iraqi teams continue to help those displaced by the fighting with ISIS and attacks by the Turks and their proxies. Also, in Raqqa, Syria, we thank God and all those who helped us rebuild the church that ISIS destroyed. In Afghanistan, we were able to help people escape and start new lives. We have a small team helping in Ukraine and we pray for the people there.
Thank you and God bless you.
Dave, family and FBR