Global Day of Prayer for Burma, 2022
13 March 2022

Day of Prayer Brochures
Dear friends,
Thank you for praying for Burma.
In 2021, the Burma military took power in a coup, attacked its own people, and increased attacks on the ethnic people of Burma. The Burma Army is killing protesters in the cities and plains and killing and displacing thousands of ethnic people in the mountains. In spite of this, there is a feeling of solidarity, commitment, and hope amongst both the Burman and the ethnic people of Burma. The Burmese of the cities and plains have banded together to resist the tyranny in ways never seen before.
The ethnic people in the mountains, chased from their homes, refuse to give up and continue loving and helping each other. Our FBR Ranger teams and other groups move amongst the ethnic people providing medical aid, food support, and being with them in love. The Burma military is more powerful than anyone here but we believe God is still more powerful and is giving us ways to help. There is a new humility and mutual respect among the Burmans and ethnic minorities. We were told by many Burmans: “We ask forgiveness that we did not care about or stand with the ethnic people who have been under attack all these years. We know now the suffering they face. We ask for forgiveness and are sorry. We are so thankful that, when we flee to their areas, they help us and risk their lives to save us. We all need to work together for freedom, and all people’s value and rights must be upheld. We are committed to that.”
In Karen State, a leader who has helped many Burmans escape and find shelter told me, “We have to remember God’s grace and mercy. Without God’s mercy we Karen would not exist. And we do not deserve this, as we make many mistakes and sins. It is not just the dictators who do wrong, so do we. But we confess this and thank God for His forgiveness and grace. We may have to flee and suffer much but we will not lose even though the military is stronger. They are stronger than any of us, but not stronger than all of us and not stronger than God.” The ethnic people with us, as well as the Burmans, believe that the dictators cannot win.
We know that behind the deadly attacks of the military and police against the people of Burma is a deep and formidable evil. This is first of all a spiritual battle. We pray against this evil in the powerful name of Jesus.
God bless you,
David Eubank, family, and Christians Concerned for Burma.