Seattle Pacific University: Faith on the Frontlines (with Karen Eubank)
28 June 2020
Washington, USA

Response Magazine, a publication of Seattle Pacific University, recently interviewed Karen Eubank who graduated from SPU in 1990. Here’s an excerpt from the article:
Karen was able to put her educational background to work when she started the Good Life Club in 1999 to bring comfort and hope to children in conflict zones. The Good Life Club is based on the words of Jesus in John 10:10: “For the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.”
“In conflict settings, I wondered, What can I offer to these children who have lost their school and their home and some of them have lost their families? What hope can I bring them? Mostly, kids just like to play,” she said. “They have some trauma, but they’re eager to have attention. They’re eager to have love. They want to have play. And I realized I needed to give them some tools for an abundant spiritual life.”
During the programs, kids listen to Bible stories, sing songs, play games, and learn about health and basic hygiene. They also receive a T-shirt and supply packs.
The Eubank children assist with the kids’ program, along with other aspects of Free Burma Rangers’ operations. Karen is used to reactions that range from concern to admiration when people learn that her kids work alongside the couple in conflict areas.
“The local people teach us so much about loving God and loving each other that I want my kids to benefit from it. I want my kids to learn things from the people we’re serving and [learn] how God can open a way to serve that’s just right in front of you,” she explained. “Dave and I tell our kids: ‘The best thing we can give you as parents is this opportunity of following God’s call.’”
Read the full article here or download the Spring 2020 magazine by clicking on any of the photos below.