FBR Annual Report 2019
Dear friends, Thank you for your help and prayers all these years. From Burma to Sudan, from Kurdistan to Iraq and on to Syria, you have helped us serve in love. In 2019 the 92 FBR relief teams gave help, hope, and love in the war zones of Burma, in the last stronghold of ISIS as it fell in Syria, and responded to the invasion of Northeast Syria by Turkey and its proxies. In all these missions we depend on God’s leading and help and the support and prayers of our friends. Our family and teams have been in Burma serving with the people for over twenty-six years and for the past six years, we’ve also been invited to help in other places like Sudan, Kurdistan, Iraq, and Syria. Many of our Rangers have been wounded and killed on these relief missions and on Nov. 3, 2019, Zau Seng, a Kachin medic and videographer, was killed while with us on a mission in Syria
Zau gave his life for his friends and prayed for his enemies. Please pray for all those who commit evil and please join us as we stand in love with those under oppression. Prayer changes our hearts, showing a way of love and showing us that even though the things of this world are fatal, they are not final. With God, nothing truly precious is eternally lost. Thank you for joining us in prayer and for helping our teams share help, hope, and love.
May God bless you,
David, Karen, Sahale, Suu, and Peter Eubank and all the Free Burma Rangers
FBR Annual Report 2019 (2.4 Mb)