UPDATE REPORT: Gidon Post Bombarded by Burma Airforce
October 7, 2016
Gidon Post, Kachin State, Northern Burma
The Burma Army attack against Kachin Independence Army (KIA) Gidon Post is being coordinated by Military Operations Command (MOC) 2 oversight. Burma Army Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) 383 and 382 lead the attack and are being supported by various other units. Gidon Bum hill is the location of Gidon Post and it is a very small and very narrow hill. Gidon Bum area allows a group to control the area along the Mytchina and Bhamo car road. This is why the Burma Army want to take the post back. Read about the September history of fighting at Gidon Post here: Burma Army Offensive in Waingmaw Township Continue

On October 07 between 0845 and 1055 two Burma Army fighter jets dropped four bombs on Gidon Post.
On October 07 at 0708 the Burma Army advanced on Gidon Post, but they were pushed back by the KIA defense.
On October 06 the Burma Army shelled Gidon Post more than 50 times with 120mm mortars. Some of the mortars emitted black smoke and some emitted white smoke.
On October 06 Burma Army reinforcements arrived near Gidon Post. The reinforcements come from Military Operations Command (MOC) 1, MOC2, MOC3, Division (DIV) 33 & 77.
On October 04 at 0800-0900 a Burma Army helicopter flew overhead Gidon Post repeatedly. Clouds quickly rolled in and the helicopter was forced to leave.
On October 04 at 0300 Burma Army 5th Brigade 1st Battalion fired on Gidon Bum Post 20 times with mortars.
On October 04 at 0230 the Burma Army fired five mortar rounds at Gidon Bum Post.
On October 03 at 0910 am, 21 Burma Army soldiers were wounded and evacuated by two helicopters.
On October 03 at 0500 the Burma Army attacked Gidon Post. By 1100 in the morning four Burma Army soldiers and three KIA soldier had been killed, and multiple KIA soldiers were wounded in the fighting. The KIA wounded soldiers reported chemical poisoning and experienced unusual dizziness and drowsiness on the battlefield.
On October 02 Burma Army evacuated 2 serious and 17 stable condition soldiers from the battlefield under the cover of machine gun fire.
On October 1st, 2nd and 3rd the Kachin Independence Army soldiers at Gidon Bum Post reported that the Burma Army used chemical weapons against their position. KIA soldiers experienced unusual dizziness and drowsiness during Burma Army mortar bombardments against the KIA post.
On October 1st, 2nd and 3rd the Burma Army employed jet aircraft to drop bombs and MI-35 attack helicopters to strafe the KIA position at Gidon Post.
On August 26-27 the Kachin Independence Army retook Nhkram Bum Post. Since that date there has been daily fighting.
On 23 August the Burma Army raided and seized the KIA held Nhkram Bum Post at 0800.
Thank you and God bless you – Kachin Rangers