Remembering, One Year On
5 February 2016 Kachin State, Burma
One year later, Free Burma Rangers (FBR) would like to once again acknowledge the brutal rape and murder of two Kachin missionaries named Maran Lu Ra, age 20, and Tangbau Hkawn Nan Tsin, age 21, by the members of the Burma Army in Kaung Kha Village. Parallel to the statements made by the news organization The Irrawaddy, Free Burma Rangers contacts within Kachin State have noted a lack of accountability by the Burma government with regard to the case. None of the perpetrators have been identified or brought to justice, and official independent inquiries have been barred from examining the evidence. Below is the report we sent out last year containing witness testimonies and further details.
Free Burma Rangers is committed to reporting the truth in Burma. Maran Lu Ra and Tangbau Kwan Nan Tsin may be dead, but FBR will make sure that neither they, nor those who continue to be oppressed in Burma, are ever forgotten.
God Bless You,
The Free Burma Rangers
For More Information on this event, please read the following reports: