FBR Report: 15 Advanced Shan Teams Graduate on Go on Missions
23 June, 2014 Shan State, Burma
On 23 April 2014, 15 Shan Free Burma Rangers graduated from advanced leadership and relief team training. Most of these Rangers had attended basic training in 2013 and returned this year for review and advanced instruction on specific topics. The training was divided between classroom instruction and practical field exercises and furthered their capacity to provide relief to their people and report events in Burma. FBR headquarters staff, comprised of Karen, Kachin and Shan team members, provided instruction.
The training, held in Shan State, included seven hours of daily instruction, six days a week, with two physical training sessions each day. The course culminated with an all-day final training exercise that called upon the Rangers’ abilities to apply their training while completing a course with a series of mission simulations, carried out without food or water. All rangers completed the course and graduated on 23 April 2014.

Part of advanced reporting training was on Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). Focus has been given toward this initiative as it educates the people of Burma about their rights as defined by the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Rangers will work with the people to assess the land-rights situations they encounter on their mission.

The Rangers come from a variety of backgrounds, yet they all stand united in their service to the people of Burma. These Rangers provide help, hope and love to their people. FBR looks forward to future training opportunities to bolster the enthusiasm and capacity of new and advanced teams who have chosen to serve their people in this way.
Thank you and God bless you.
The Free Burma Rangers