FBR REPORT: Update of the Current Situation in Northern Karen State
Karen State, Burma
3 February, 2007

In This Report:

1.) MOC 1 soldier at Maw Pu army camp guarding prisoner porters while carrying water back to the camp. 2 Feb 07

2.) MOC 1 soldiers guard prisoner porters as they retrieve water. (the long bamboo poles are hollow and are used as water containers) 2 Feb 07

3.) Remains of Burma Army mortar fired at Saw Wa Der IDPs. 22 Jan 07

4.) As the Burma Army attacks, villagers from Baw Kwaw carry a sick friend into hiding. 8 Jan 07


  Introduction: ^ top  

This report covers new attacks against the Karen people in 2007. The current situation in each of the 4 districts of Northern Karen State which were the target of the 2006 offensive is given. Information of events in Dooplaya District, South Central Karen State and the Karenni State are given as well. The report also includes a chronological listing of some of the recent actions of the Burma Army against the civilians in this area. (This report is being sent directly from the field from the relief teams there.)

Camps: more than 33 new Burma Army camps have been built since the beginning of the offensive.
villagers killed: 76
forced labor: more than 2,000 villagers have been forced to work for the Burma Army without compensation.
human shields: over 100 people
prisoner porters: More than 2,150 (over 265 killed)
Over 25,000 people displaced

The Burma Army’s offensive in the Northern three districts of the Karen State has killed over 76 men, women and children, and displaced over 25,000 people- most of whom are now in hiding. Over 33 new Burma Army camps have been built in this area of Papun, Nyaunglebyin and Toungoo Districts. The slow but unrelenting attacks and building of new camps seem to driven by a plan to dominate, chase out or crush any Karen people in these areas. This is the largest offensive against the Karen people since 1997.

Of the more than 25,000 displaced, over 5,000 people have already left their homes for the Thai border. The disruption of their food production, burning of their homes and the shoot-on-sight orders of the Burma Army have made staying in their homeland untenable for these people. The people here need immediate protection and the freedom to return to their homes. Because of these attacks they also need food, medicine, shelter and help to rebuild their homes, schools and lives.

This offensive began in earnest in February this year, with troops from over 50 battalions attacking right through the rainy season, the construction of 7 new main camps and 26 smaller support camps. The Burma Army is now planning the construction two new roads that when complete will cut the northern Karen State into quarters.

New units: The Burma Army is now rotating out each of the 6 major units that carried out much of this offensive. Attacks against the civilians throughout northern Karen State are expected to continue when the new units are in place.

Old Unit:* Replaced By: Area of Operation:
MOC 10 MOC 1 Papun
MOC 15 LID 88 Papun and Toungoo
MOC 16 MOC 9 Toungoo and Nyaunglebyin
MOC 21 LID 11 Nyaunglebyin
LID 66 LID 55 Toungoo
LID 101 LID 44 Papun

* MOC stands for Military Operations Command = 10 battalions (usually only 7 deployed)
LID stands for Light Infantry Division = 10 battalions
There are approximately 120 to 150 soldiers in each Burma Army battalion


  Toungoo District: ^ top  

Divisions 55 and 88 have moved into Toungoo District, replacing Divisions 66 and MOC 15. There have been no major attacks for the last several weeks, but the Burma Army has continued mortor surroundng villages and ID sites from ther camps. They have also sent out battalion sized patrols in search of villagers in hiding.
(see Appendix A for a detailed description of displacement in Toungoo District)

Attacks in 2007:

On 13 January 2007, a Burma Army battalion tried to attack the people of Saw Wa Der in their hiding places. When blocked by the resistance, they fired machineguns and mortars around the area. Villagers from Saw Wa Der have been hiding since early 2006 and have already fled attacks three times in 2007.

Seven villagers have been killed by the SPDC from Saw Wa Der since the offensive began.

names of Saw Wa Der villagers killed by Burma Army in 2006

1. Saw Kyaw
2. Saw Prit Say
3. Saw Thaw Lo Mo
4. Saw Kwa Hla
5. Saw Ler Taw
6. Saw Heh Tu
7. Naw Sha Paw

Last month, on 6 December, LIB 1 under Div. 66 attacked Par Weh village, burning down 10 homes and forcing all of the villagers to flee into hiding.

On 20 December, Division 55 troops burned down a number of wooden homes in the village of Ben Daw Day.

On 22 January 2007, the Burma Army fired a total of six mortar rounds at the villages of Kalay Hta, Si Kway Der, and Bawgali Gyi.

On 29 January 2007, 88 trucks with Div. 88 troops arrived at Kaw Thay Der. These troops are rotating in for the MOC 15 troops that have been deployed in Toungoo and Papun Districts.

on 30 January 2007 at 22:00, six villagers from Saw Wa Der were returning from Kaw Thay Der where they went to buy food. Burma Army Div. 66 was moving from Naw Soe to Kaw Thay Der and saw these villagers going towards the village. All of the villagers dropped their goods and ran. Four of them lost their belongings.

Their names are:

Saw Xxx Xx — supplies and 70,000 kyat in cash
Saw Xxx Xxxx — supplies and 25,000 kyat in cash
Naw Xxx Xxx — 75,000 kyat in cash
Saw Xxxx Xxxx — supplies and 15,000 kyat cash

The other two people did not lose anything.

On the 30th of January 2007 at 06:30 the SPDC staying in Pana Ku Soe camp fired more than ten mortar rounds at the villages of She Ser, Wa Soe, Tee Sa Per and Thay Gee Hla. No villagers were wounded.

on 31 January 2007 at 8:10 pm the SPDC at Tha Eh Hta camp fired 3 mortar rounds to Ha To Per and Kalay Hta.

Forced Labor and Human Minesweepers
note: The Burma Army’s use of forced labor and human minesweepers is widespread. In many villages this forced labor happens on a daily basis. The following is only a partial list of forced labor in Toungoo District since December 2006. (please see Dec. 12 ’06 report “Burma Army Attack Update” for more examples)

On 4 December 2006, The Burma Army forced 35 villagers from Kaw Thay Der village to carry army rations from Kaw Thay Der army camp to Naw Soe army camp. This order was given by LIB 6, which is in TOC 662 of Div. 66.

On the same day, Div. 66 commander Maung Maung Aye forced villagers from Bawgali Gyi (Kler La) to ride in two of their vehicles in front of the Burma Army tractor that was clearing the road from Bawgali Gyi to Ga Mu Der along the Mawchi car road. These vehicles are forced to do this in order to sweep for any landmines that may have been placed by the Karen Resistance in order to slow the progress of road improvement. The growing road network allows the Burma Army greater control of the area as well as acting as a series of obstacles for villager and IDP travel in many areas. These roads are garrisoned, patrolled and mined by the Burma Army.

Also on the 4th, villagers from Kaw Thay Der were forced to ride in two of their vehicles in front of a tractor working along the Bawgali Gyi-Busakee road.

On 22 December 2006, The Burma Army forced two villagers from Toungoo District to lend their trucks for transporting military supplies from Bawgali Gyi (Kler La) to Wah Soe. Naw Tin Lay of Kaw Thay Der (Yethogyi) and Saw Say Doh of Kaw Soe Kho village each had to allow the Burma Army to use their vehicles for the transportation of these supplies.

On the same day, LIB 6 under Aung Soe Win forced 30 Kaw Thay Der villagers to clear the road between Kaw Thay Der and Ko Day.

On 26 December 2006, LIB 439 under Zaw Tun forced 10 people from Ze Pyu Gone village to begin rebuilding the Burma Army camp in the Htee Ni Loe area.

On 27 December 2006, there was fighting during the crossing of a Burma Army controlled road between Kler La and Busakee due to a Burma Army patrol on the road. One Burma Army soldier was killed and two were wounded during the fighting.

On 28 December, IB 80, based in Bawgali Lay (War Tho Kho), demanded that the people from Bawgali Lay provide them with 200 Bamboo poles and that five villagers work in the camp every day.

On 1 January 2007, Div. 66 commander Maung Maung Aye forced 10 villagers from Bawgali Gyi (Kler La) to act as human shields for the Burma Army bulldozer clearing the road between Maw Pah Der and Kaw Soe Kho.

The next day, the MOC 16 officer based in the Play Hsa Lo area forced 7 people from Ye Lo village and five people from Plaw Baw Der to go to Bon Ma Tee and act as human shields for the bulldozer operating along the Bawgali Gyi-Busakee road.

On 3 January 2007 people from 5 villages were forced to carry supplies for the Burma Army. These villages are Ku Thay Der, Kaw Law Kar, Sa Bar Law Kee, Htee Ta Pu and Thu Ger Der.

  Papun District: ^ top  

MOC 1 and Division 44 have moved into Papun District, replacing MOC 10 and Division 101. Since December, the Burma Army has continued to re-supply its new camps, mortar villages in northern Papun district and attack villages in Bu Tho Township to the south.*

On 1 February 2007, the Burma Army fired more than twenty mortar rounds and machine gunned towards the villags of Tha Kaw To Baw and Tha Da Der along the Kyauk Kyi – Hsaw Hta road in northern Papun district. They were no casualties.

On 12 December 2006, Burma Army LIB 361 and 362 burned down two rice barns that belonged to villagers from Noe Ta Lay Hta. The two villagers are Saw Lo Baw, who lost one hundred baskets of paddy rice, and Saw Aeroplane, who lost 104 baskets of paddy rice. LIB 361 and 362 are under TOC 1 of MOC 10, and are stationed at Pwa Gaw Army camp.

On 19 December 2006, LIB 368 burned down 9 houses in Ti Thoo Der village at 4 pm. LIB 368 is also under TOC 1 of MOC 10, and is based out of Thay Wah Kyo army camp, which has been newly built this year.

On 22 December 2006, LIB 564 mortared four villages in the area of Ebinezer school in northern Papun District. Two rounds were fired at each village. Ebinezer was mortared at 12:21 pm, Ta May Kee was mortared at 3:43 pm, and the other two villages mortared were Ta May Hta and Kaw Hter Der.

*for details on attacks in Bu Tho Township, Papun District see Appendix C


  Nyaunglebyin District: ^ top  

Division 11 and MOC 9 have moved into Nyaunglebyin district, replacing MOC 21 and MOC 16. The Burma Army is forcing villages to relocate, engaging in extortion, and burning villages. Villagers continues to be killed by Burma Army landmines.

Mon Township

On 1 January 2007, Burma Army troops from Maladaw Camp led by officer Htway Aye attacked in the area of Kyauk Tan. They captured and killed one villager, Saw Po Hla, and burned down a number of farm huts.

On 6 January 2007, at 19:19 hours, KNLA soldiers attacked Burma Army LIB 351 at their position at Y’min Nyi Naung (Kyauk Kyi), killing one Burma Army military policeman. SOC commander Kin Maung Oo then ordered IB 60 and LIB 351 to force villagers from Ko Pu and Hsaw Mi Lu village tracts to relocate to Kyauk Kyi. The Burma Army captured all of the village headmen in the area. The villagers were then forced to destroy their own homes. IB 60 is under the command of Saw Li and LIB 351 is under the command of Chit San Oo.

Aung Laung Sein villagers who want to stay at their farms for farming and cultivating their paddy were given a one-month permission letter by the Burma Army, LIB 599 Sergeant Win Naing, staying at Aung Laung Sein camp. He charged 2,000 kyats for each permission granted, demanding this money from the villagers in Aung Laung Sein village and his area (the control area of Sergeant Win Naing).

On 7 January 2007, the SOC 2 commander, Khin Mg Oo, IB 60 commander Saw Lin, and LIB 351 commander Chit Tha Oo, ordered Kgo Pu Hsaw Mi Lu village tracts’ villagers to move and relocate to Ler Doh Town and destroy all the villagers’ houses. The commanders tighten all the headmen for all the cases.

The Burma Army began to build a new road, running from Minlan to Saw Be Der.

BA LIB 599, led by Tin Bo Aung, demanded 100 sacks of paddy, costing 200,000 kyat, from Wei La Daw village tract. LIB 349, led by battalion commander Htay Win, demanded trees (the biggest of the trees are 2 and 3 spans), 4000 for 2 span of trees and 2000 for 3 span of trees. from P’de Gone. He also demanded 250,000 kyat from Tha Sei village tract.

On 11 January 2007, Kgo Pu villager Saw Htay Ler Win stepped on an SPDC landmine and died immediately. On 17/1/07, LIB 351 entered Hsaw Mi Lu and captured Saw Mg Thein Nyut and took him to the camp. On the same day, commander Col. Zaw Win took SOC 2 commander Khin Mg Oo’s place at Ler Doh.

On 25 January 2007, Division 11 came and exchanged with Moc 21 at Hsaw Hti and Ler Doh Townships.

On 2 February 2007 at 09:55 Saw Say Plo Wah age (20) from Ter Mu Kee village in Htee Ler Baw Hta village tract stepped on a Burma Army landmine. He lost his right foot. The landmine was placed near his village by Burma Army LIB 567 during their attack on the area in October 2006.

Landmine 2/2/07

Kyauk Kyi Township:

On 4 January 2007, LIB 599 Sergeant Khin Maung Oo stayed at Kyun-pin-zeik camp. Maung Gyi, age 25 years, and one friend, unknown, stole a duck and chicken belonging to Naw Lar Htu at Kyun-pin-zeik village. During the theft, villagers Saw Phya Tha, Saw Ker Blu and Saw Sher Ray Htoo captured Maung Gyi and tortured him, wounding his head (bleeding). The unknown friend of Maung Gyi escaped. They sent Maung Gyi to Kyuh-pin-zeik camp and the next day they sent him to Mone Police Station again .The police station fined Saw Phya Tha, Saw Ker Blu and Saw Sher Ray Htoo 1,000,000 kyats and one week locked up at the police station. These three men can’t give the full amount so Sergeant Khin Maung Oo asked the villagers in Kyin-pin-Zeik to pay the amount of 1,000,000 kyats and do not allow the villagers to leave the village; if he finds someone outside the village he will punish or kill them. So the villagers are scared about the situation.

Before the KNLA and the Burma Army opened fire one motorcycle and one bicycle entered to the police station. When the police opened the gate for the motor and bicycle they opened fire immediately. The owners of the motor and bicycle abandoned their vehicles and ran for their lives from the police station. The next day the Burma Army LIB (351)and IB (60) asked the owners of the motor and bicycle to give 30,000 kyat to them.

On 7 January 2007, LIB 351 and IB 60 shot three mortars to the Aung-Soe-Moe village and destroyed some houses and the electricity port (Burmese term: Da Tai). Nobody was wounded. On 7/1/07, when the villagers from Aung Soe Moe village moved to Kyauk Kyi, the Burma Army did not allow them to go back to their village after 1800 hours. The villagers lost 100 viss of chickens and 10,000 coconuts.

Villagers from Kho Pu, in Hsaw Mi Lu village tract, who had already been forced to move to Aung Soe Moe, were forced to destroy all of their homes and relocate to Kyauk Kyi (Ler Doh) township. This order was given by IB 60, under Saw Lin; LIB 351, under Chittha Oo; and SOC 2, under Khin Maung Oo. Beginning in early January, all of the village headmen in the plains area of Kyauk Kyi were replaced by village headmen who had gone through the SPDC village headman training in 2006.

On 14 January 2007, the Burma Army troops under MOC 16 based at Muthey attacked Ta Kaw Der village (approx. N 18 17′ 30″ E096 56′ 45″), which is in Keh Der village tract.

On 15 January 2007, the BA finished building a clinic at Muthey village.

Colonel Zaw Win came to exchange with Colonel Than Soe at Kyauk Kyi. Colonel Zaw Win asked for the signature of the village chief from Myint Hta quarter, Kyauk Kyi and said if something happens in this area he will punish the chief of the village with a ten-year sentence in jail.

On 17 January 2007, the Burma Army captured Aung-Soe-Moe villager Saw Maw Thay Nyunt and on 18/1/07, they captured his wife.

On 18 January 2007, the BA renewed their old camp at Ler Wah Soe, near Muthey. On the 19th, they forced Keh Ka Ko villagers to build a fence for them and on the 20th, occupied the camp.

  Thaton District: ^ top  

Bilin Township-Rape.
On 4 January 2007, private Kyaw Kyaw Win under Div. 101 raped Naw Xx Xx, 35. Kyaw Kyaw Win first threatened her with a knife and then raped her. He is based at Lay Kay camp, which is under the command of captain Kyaw Min Soe. Naw Xx Xx is the daughter of Xx Xx Xxx and Xx Xxx Xxx.

  Dooplaya District: ^ top  

Burma Army Division 22 has arrived to conduct operations in Dooplaya District of the South Central Karen State. There have been two major clashes already this year between the Burma Army and Karen resistance (KNU/KNLA).
In January 2007 the Burma Army is reported to have killed civillians (number not yet confirmed) in the Naung Gwy, Waw Raw area of Dooplaya district.


  Karenni State: ^ top  

On 3 January 2007, the Burma Army placed 15 landmines near mile 6 on the Mawchi road in Southern Karenni State. No casualties to date.

Due to the intensive laying of landmines in some areas of Karenni #2 district (Southern Karenni State), the villagers of Bwa Doh and Gwey Lo villages, have had to rebuild their villages on new sites. These people had fled their villages due to Burma Army attacks in 2004 and 2005. When they returned in 2006, they found many landmines in their villages and so had to rebuild the villages at different sites. Landmines continue to be a major danger for the Karenni people.

On 22 January 2007, at 11:00, at Ktu Hkya Ku (British: 94E3, W753368), BA Battalion 250 killed the village headman and captured (then imprisoned) two villagers—one a pastor and one a villager.

  Appendixes: ^ top  

Appendix A: Displacement in Toungoo District:
There are two townships in Toungoo District- Daw Pa Ko (Than Daung) and Tantabin . Daw Pa Ko Township has a population of 17,998 people—out of these, 17,298 are IDPs. 500 have fled to the plains. Tan Ta Bin Township has a population of 27,000—of these, 8,000 are in hide sites in the jungle and 3,000 have run and since returned home.
The following 21 villages have been completely abandoned:
1. Ti Lo (Mey They Thein)
2. K’Ser Doh (Taung Gyi)
3. P’Thar Day (Pla La Gone)
4. Mwey Lo (Sin Pwew Daw)
5. Kaw Po Lo
6. Tha Pa Kee (Tha Pa Tha La)
7. Kwey Der ( Mya Ga Chauy)
8. Ler Kla Der (O Be Chaye)
9. Ku Mu Der (La Mein Bega)
10. Klaw Mee Der (Ye Tha Gone)
11. Yelo (Mya Chyang)
12. Klaw Baw Der (Ha Tho)
13. Po Mu Der (Ku Lo)
14. Busakee
15. Tha Kwee Sue
16. Plaw Mu Der (Pia Ma Do)
17. Si Kway Der
18. Ku Ler Der (Ku Law)
19. May Daw Ko (Mon Tha Gyi)
20. Ka Lay Htu (B)
21. Saw Wa Der (B)

2,000 have fled to Ei Tu Hta in 2006 from the following 22 villages:
1. Buki
2. Busakee
3. Tha Kwee
4. Sue Klay Kee
5. Ko Kee
6. Hew Daw Kaw
7. Ha Tu Ker
8. Saw Klaw Der
9. Po Mu Der
10. Saw Wa Daw Ko
11. Wa mi Per Ko
12. Saw Mu Der
13. Bwe Baw Der
14. Blo Baw Der
15. Tha Pa Kee
16. Kla Mee Der
17. Ku Mu Der
18. Ti Lo
19. K’Ser Doh
20. P’Thaw Day
21.Si Kway Der
22. Plu Mu Der

In the area of Tantabin Township between the Toungoo-Mawchi and Toungoo Busakee roads there are 1,970 IDPs, from the following villages:
Saw Wa Der—360 people
Ha To Per—220 people
The Eh Kee—160 people
Hoki—200 people
Sho Ser—170 people
Hee Daw Kaw—200 people
Wah So—180 people
Kalay Kee—70 people
Buki/Busakee—140 people
Thay Ko Der—70 people
Si Kway Der—130 people
Tha Kwee So—70 people
TOTAL—1970 people


Note on casualties: Although the Burma Army has committed one division (10 battalions), four MOC (7-10 battalions in the field per MOC) and troops from Southern Command, they have not been able to chase out all of the Karen nor have they been able to decisively defeat the Karen resistance (KNU).

Total estimated Burma Army casualties for this offensive in 2006 are over 1,150, while total KNU casualties are 19 dead and 36 wounded.
Nyaunglebyin: 197 Burma Army KIA/WIA. 9 KNU KIA/ 15 WIA.
Papun: Over 460 Burma Army KIA/WIA. 5 KNU KIA/ 11 WIA
Toungoo: Over 500 Burma Army KIA/WIA. 5 KNU KIA/ 10 WIA.
Please see our report on the website: “An appreciation of the Situation”, January 2006, for an analysis of how the Burma Army fights and why the resistance can still continue.

The Burma Army is now rotating new units to replace the units that were conducting the offensive.

Old Unit:* Replaced By: Area of Operation:
MOC 10 MOC 1 Papun
MOC 15 LID 88 Papun and Toungoo
MOC 16 MOC 9 Toungoo and Nyaunglebyin
MOC 21 LID 11 Nyaunglebyin
LID 66 LID 55 Toungoo
LID 101 LID 44 Papun

* MOC stands for Military Operations Command = 10 battalions (usually only 7 deployed)
LID stands for Light Infantry Division = 10 battalions
There are approximately 120 to 150 soldiers in each Burma Army battalion

Division 11 with two additional battalions (Bns 212 and 218) have now completed their occupation of all MOC 21 positions. MOC 21 has left the area and returned to their base area. On 27 January 2007, 98 trucks were used to send food from Kyauk Kyi to Muthey to support Division 11 troops. This is a 30% larger number of trucks than usual for re-supply.

The Burma Army deployed troops from Southern Command, Divisions 66, 101 and four Military Operations Commands; MOC 10, MOC 15, MOC 16,and MOC 21
MOC 15, MOC 16, and MOC 21 are reported to be under the Operational Command of the Southern (Regional) Command Headquartered at Toungoo.

New Units:
1. Military Operation Command (MOC) 1 – HQ at Kyauk Man (North Eastern Command) –Operating on the Kyauk Kyi- Hsaw Hta road.
Units: LIB 17, LIB 114, LIB 115, LIB 501, LIB 502, LIB 503, LIB 504, LIB 505, LIB 506, LIB 507

2. Light Infantry Division (LID) 88 – HQ at Ma Gway –Opening up a route for a new road that when complete will connect the Pwa Gaw-Ler Mu Plaw road to the
Busakee- Bawgali Gyi- Toungoo road. This road will divide the northern Karen State into quarters and split the Papun and Toungoo Districts.
Units: LIB 103, LIB 301, LIB 317, IB 10, IB 13, IB 77, IB 78, IB 83, LIB 415, LIB 416

3. MOC 9 – Kyuak Taung (Eastern Command) –operating both in Southern Tantabin Township, Toungoo District and Mon Township, Nyaunglebyin District.
Units: LIB 374, LIB 375, LIB 376, LIB 377, LIB 378, LIB 379, LIB 380, LIB 539, LIB 540, LIB 541

4. LID 11 — Operating in Kyauk Kyi and Shwey Gyin Township, Nyaunglebyin District.
Units: LIB 221, LIB 212, LIB 213, LIB 214, LIB 215, LIB 216, LIB 217, LIB 218, LIB 219, LIB 220

5. LID 55 – HQ at Aung Ban –Attacking in the Than Daung and Tantabin Townships of Toungoo District.
Units: LIB (18), LIB (112), LIB (117), LIB (508), LIB (509), IB (94), LIB (511), LIB (512), IB (3), IB (7)

6. LID 44 — HQ at Thaton, Mon State – in the Sittang river valley Was already involved in this operation but in support. local patrolling.
Units: IB 2, IB 8, LIB 1, LIB 2, LIB 3, LIB 9, LIB 102, LIB 104, LIB 118, LIB 207.


On 9/1/07, the SPDC and DKBA joined forces to attack villages in the Papun District. The two DKBA commanders were Hla Mong and Por Mer. They attacked T’Nyat Law village and Lay Kweih Law. They took 6 chickens from the villagers.

On 9/1/07, they attacked Kyo Koh Der village and took 1 tin of rice and 1 viss of sugar.

On 14/1/07, they attacked Kin Hta village/Paw T’Car Kee village, T’ler Der Day and T’Gaw Kee village, taking 5 chickens and 1 pig. On the same day, Hla Mong attacked Toh Po Pa Der village and took 1 goat and 3 chickens. One of the villagers, Saw Par Aye Kyit, was tied up the whole day and night and was not allowed to eat.

On 15/1/07, they attacked Mae Thaw Kee and took 5 chickens, 1 viss of tobacco and 1 flashlight. The same day they attacked Kyo Koh Der village and stole 2 tins of rice.

On 17/1/07, Por Mer and Hla Mong attacked Mae Thaw Kee village and took 1 chicken, 1 viss of chilies, 2 solar panels, and 1 scissors.
On 20/1/07, the Burma Army ordered villagers to carry their supplies for 10 days. The villagers who did not come had to pay 3,000 kyat a day. The following villages were forced to provide labor:

* Dain Law Por
* Htee Berh Kah Hta
* Noh Law Soon
* Haw Hta
* Kas Sit
* Nat Koo Nar
* T’Dwee Koh
* Poh Baw Koh.

The villagers had to carry their food and work while they built the road (finished).

On 21/12/06 the Burma Army ordered villagers to build the bullock cart road from Koo Sit to Mae T’Raw village.
The names of the villages forced to provide labor:
1.) Kyaw Klee Law villagers: 12 women and 38 men.
2.) Pain Par villagers: 19 women and 31 men.
3.) Kler Koh villagers: 75 men.
4.) Klo Law Klo villagers: 8 women and 10 men.
5.) Htte Ber Kah Hta villagers: 32 women and 24 men.
6.) Noh Law Soon villagers: 7 women and 7 men.
7.) Day Law Pu villagers: 3 women and 27 men.

On 20/1/07 DKBA commander Hla Mong ordered the following villages to provide labor to carry their supplies:
1.) Tei Mwee Du village
2.) Win Shat village
3.) Day Law Soon village
4.) Koo Sit village
5.) Nat Koo Nar village
6.) T’Dwee Koh village
7.) Poh Baw Koh village
Each person had to work for 10 days, carrying the enemies’ supplies. After that they exchange. The people who did not come had to pay 3,000 kyat for each day.

On 21/12/06 the Burma Army ordered 7 villages, in Bu Tho Township in Mae Klaw area, to work on the road. All together, 307 people were forced to work, building the road from Koo Sit to Mae T’Raw.