Karen State, Burma
21 December, 2004

The Burma Army continues its operations against civilians and the building of a new camp in Naunglybin District, Western Karen State, Burma as of 21 December 2004.

(Note: It is possible that some of these operations may expand into Papun and Thaton Districts, Karen State, although these are still small scale battalion sized operations.)

The following Burma Army Battalions are operating in Shweygyn Township, Naunglybin District:

In Ko Pay, on the Mothama River, Shweygyn Township Burma Army Battalion LIB 350, is outposted with two columns, commanded by Lt. Col. Then Neing, 2nd-in-command Maj. Aung Win Htoo.

To the East, in May Wey, on the Papun-Naunglybin border, Burma Army Battalion LIB 598 as taken up position. LIB is here with two columns, commanded by Lt. Col. Soe Aung, 2nd-in-command Maj. Nyo Win.

Patrolling in the vicinity of the junction of the Bolo and Shweygyn Rivers (E 096 57      N 18  03  is Burma Army Battalion IB 57, two columns, commanded by Lt. Col. Aung Kho Hla, 2nd-in-command Cpt. Min Thein.

At the junction of the Nauglybin, Papun and Thaton border, Karen State, Burma Army Battalion LIB 349 is preparing to conduct operations against villagers there.

In Klay Hta ( E  096  56  N 18  04), LIB 351 started patrolling in this area on 9 December and are continuing at this time.

LIB 264 has moved to the North of Shweygyn town and its activity is unknown at this time.

Burma Army Battalion LIB 20 has returned to its camp at Su Mu Hta (E96 57 N 18  02). This is the camp where from where the November 14- December15 attacks were directed.

All the above units are under the command of General Ko Ko and Tactical Operations Commander (TOC), Zaw Win Nynt.

Latest activity:

The Burma Army are reported to be planning operations in the vicinity of Kushaw on the Naunglybin- Papun border in order to secure this potential gold mining area.

E 097  08  30  N 17  51  10.  At this time there no operations and only one company from LIB 598 outposted there.

Burma Army IB 57 started building the new camp on the south bank of the Kyaw Awe Law Klo river, Lat Long: N 18  02  44  E 097  01  30  (British Grid coordinates 557 881). LIB 589 has now taken over the building of this camp. This is situated in the middle of the area that the Burma Army has been attacking (from 14 November to 15 December 2004) where 4,781 people were forced to flee and are still in hiding. The Burma Army has mined this area extensively to prevent villagers from returning.

Burma Army LIB 589 is active in the area of Bwo Lo and Du Baw, north of this new camp.

Burma Army LIB 350 is active at Ler Hta Kwee (aka Klay Hta).

Burma Army LIBs 350, 589 and 264 are active in Mu Tama Law Klo, Mae Kane, and Mae Kati.  Non-local civilians panning for placer gold and picking citrus famous to the area were abducted and forced to serve as porters in support of the current Burma Army operations.