Junta Forces Destroy Over 300 Homes in Doo Pla Ya District
Doo Pla Ya District, Karen State, Burma
22 July 2024

Heavy fighting occurred in Doo Pla Ya District, Karen State, Burma, between resistance forces and the Burma military over the last three months. During the fall of Myawaddy to resistance forces, and the intense effort by the junta to retake it, the Burma Army expended large amounts of airdropped munitions to drive back resistance forces, with small tactical effect. Ranger teams in Doo Pla Ya District witnessed 759 airdropped munitions consisting of 500lb and 300lb bombs, 60mm and 81mm mortars used as bombs. The Rangers in the vicinity of one of the bombs required oxygen after breathing in the fumes from the smoke the bomb created. These aerial attacks far too often target civilian infrastructure and the fleeing civilians themselves. Rangers witnessed one Buddhist monastery, three local schools, and over 300 homes in Doo Pla Ya District destroyed by junta air attacks.
In response, Ranger teams provided regular support to hundreds of Internally Displaced People (IDP) fleeing the fighting. They conducted Good Life Clubs, provided food, emergency funds, and treated the injured and sick. The brutal power of the Burma Army at work in Doo Pla Ya District is great but even the small amount of help and love the Rangers can provide does much to spark hope amidst some of the heaviest fighting in Burma this spring.
Event Timeline:
04 March 2024
Rangers at Kyaikdon Town, Kaw T’ree Township helped multiple IDP families (Internally Displaced Persons) move their household goods as they sought refuge from the fighting.
04-05 March 2024
Ranger team members treated over 150 patients at Ka Kler Village in Noe Ta Gaw Township and conducted Good Life Club (GLC) programs.
07 March 2024
Burma military helicopters fired machine guns near Thingan Nyinaung around the hours of 1300.
13 March 2024
Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) forces in Kyaikdon at 0600 assaulted a nearby Burma Army camp. The Burma Army camp was captured 14 March 2024 around 1600 hours, after the surrender of 66 Burma Army soldiers, including 12 officers. During the two days of battle, the Burma military dropped over 50 aerial bombs. Two KNLA soldiers were killed and 15 were injured.

13 March 2024
KNLA Battalion 16 and revolutionary groups used drones to drop munitions on a Nankwin Burma Army camp.
15 March 2024
Around 0020 hrs, Burma military Y-12 aircraft bombed the Anan Kwin Village, Win Ye Township, and surrounding camps. The airstrikes killed one villager and injured another.
16 March 2024
A jet fighter from the Burma military dropped one bomb on the Mae’ Taw Primary School building at 1740 hours. The school was destroyed but thankfully no one was injured.
16 March 2024
At 1830 hours a Burma military jet fighter dropped one bomb on Kyaw Hta (A’Zin) Village. Then, between 1855 hours and 1937 hours, a Burma military Y-12 cargo aircraft dropped over sixty 81 mm mortars on the whole village. Blasts from the airstrikes killed two villagers, a husband and wife, and injured multiple others, including four Ranger team members.
23 March 2024
Rangers conducted GLC and medical care for IDPs in Kyaut Be Luee Village, who had fled from A Nan Kwin Village.
At 1130 hours, Burma military attacked the A Nan Kwin Village using a Mi-35P helicopter. No one was injured.
At 1440 hours, the Burma military attacked a second time with a Mi-17 transport helicopter that dropped multiple bombs. They then dropped two door bundles of military gear for Burma Army troops that were successfully recovered by a Ranger team.
25 March 2024,
Rangers conducted GLC programs for approximately 150 IDPs in the area of Kyaut Be Luee Village and near Kyat Chan Village. Rangers also conducted medical care.

26 March 2024
Around 2330 hours, Burma military conducted 18 bombing runs around the A Nan Kwin Village using a Y-12 military transport aircraft. Each pass dropped 5-8 bombs. Multiple villagers’ homes were destroyed by fire due to the bombs. No injuries sustained.
Starting on 26 March 2024, 2335 hours, to 27 March 2024, Burma military attacked with Y-12 military transport planes dropping over sixty 81mm bombs on the A Nan Kwin Village. Two houses were burnt and damaged.
26 March 2024,
About 300 civilian houses of Damatha Village, Kyaik Ma Yaw, were destroyed due to airstrikes and heavy weapons fire from the Burma military.
The IDPs from Damatha Village took refuge in the Kyauk Taung monastery.
29 March 2024
Rangers conducted medical care for IDPs fleeing from A Nan Kwin Village.

03 April 2024
At 1640 hours, Burma military attacked around Anan Khwin Village with a MI-35P, shooting four rockets and firing a machine gun. No one was injured.
06 April 2024
At 1030 hours, KNLA fighters attacked a Burma Army camp with drones and small arms fire for 45 minutes. At 1144 hours, Burma military attacked with MI-35 two times and Y-12 eleven times, dropping over fifty 60mm bombs. One KNLA soldier was injured due to blasts and treated by medics.
07 April 2024
At 0830 hrs, one Burma military jet fighter dropped two 500-lbs bombs near Anan Khwin monastery, destroying five homes. No one was injured.
08 April 2024
At 0805 hours, Burma military dropped a 500-lb bomb on the Fivetine Village, destroying multiple homes and vehicles in the village.
09 April 2024
The Burma Army conducted a mortar fire mission using 81mm and 60mm mortars from a strategic camp near A Nan Kwin, destroying one primary school.
11 April 2024
Around 0800 hours, Burma military conducted a flight reconnaissance mission around A Nan Kwin Strategic Burma Army Camp using Y-12 aircraft. Two door bundles of military equipment intended for Burma Army soldiers were recovered by FBR teams. Recovered supplies include 40mm bombs, 5.56 ammo, and a solar panel. Around 1540 hrs, a Burma military Y-12 aircraft conducted a 1.5 hour reconnaissance mission in the same area, dropping six more door bundles of equipment for Burma Army troops.
12 April 2024
At 1715 hours, the Burma military attacked with an MI-13P attack helicopter around the Taung Swin Village Burma Army camp, where there was constant fighting.
13 April 2024
A Ranger team conducted a GLC program for approximately 203 IDPs near A Nan Kwin. The team also distributed food and provided medical treatment.

13 April 2024
At 2245 hrs, four houses and their vehicles in Ann Hpa Lay village, Kaw T’ree Township were damaged due to 120mm rounds fired by the Burma Army’s LIB 231 and Artillery 230 based in Hlaing Wa near the Kawkraik Town.
14 April 2024
Around 1030 hrs, Burma military attacked with Y-12 military transport around the A Nan Kwin and Taung Swin villages. No one was injured.
Around 1530 hrs, Burma military attacked with Y-12 military transport around the Taung Swin Village Burma Army camp. The aircraft dropped a large amount of ordinance, causing damage to multiple villagers’ homes.
15 April 2024
The Ranger team conducted reconnaissance missions at and around Taung Swin village Burma Army camp to record damage from bombings the day before. At this time a Y-12 military transport plane entered the area along with a Mi-35P helicopter, which fired cluster munitions; no injuries were sustained.
17 April 2024
The Burma military air attacked Taung Swin Village. At 0715 hrs, a Y-12 military transport plane dropped bombs around the Taung Swin village strategic Burma Army camp.

At 0758 and 0807 hrs, the Burma military attacked with two jet fighters around the Taung Swin village Burma Army camp, targeting KNLA and other revolutionary groups attacking the Taung Swin Burma Army camp.
17 April 2024
At 1150 hrs, the Burma military attacked with an Mi-35P helicopter around the Taung Swin village Burma Army camp. At 1208 hrs, the Burma military attacked with Y-12 military aircraft around the Taung Swin village Burma Army camp.
17 April 2024
At 1640 and 1741 hrs, the Burma military attacked with Y-12 military transport aircraft around the Taung Swin village Burma Army camp twice. The aircraft dropped multiple bombs and conducted reconnaissance on revolutionary groups.
18 April 2024
Rangers saw over 300 burned-down homes at Tamatha Village, almost half the homes in the village. IDPs left their homes to stay in Kyout Town monastery, Kaw Me Town monastery, and Kaw Pa Line monastery.
At 1120 hours, Burma military Y-12 aircraft dropped bombs into Myoh Haung village, hitting a Buddhist monastery. Sayadaw U Pa Ni Ta, an 87-year-old monk, was hit in the head and killed from the blast. Three others were wounded.
19 April 2024
Around 1650 hrs, the Burma military dropped supply bundles with Y-12 military transport to the Taung Swin village Burma Army camp. The Ranger team learned that, due to the fighting in Taung Swin village, about 6000 people from Kyauk Ba Lue and Taung Swin villages have been displaced.
17 April 2024
Bombing missions conducted by Burma military around Kyaut Ba Lue Village injured multiple villagers, including a 5-months-pregnant woman, Ma Myat Soe. She is 22 years old and suffered non-critical injuries.
20 April 2024
During the fighting at 2nd Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge, Myawaddy, the Burma military bombed the FBR Casualty Collection Point (CCP) several times by using Y-12 aircraft, MI-35 helicopters and jet fighters.
FBR team members rescued multiple injured villagers from the fighting taking place at Myawaddy, 2nd Thai-Myanmar Friendship bridge. Multiple casualties, including children, were transferred by ambulances.

21 April 2024
The Burma military conducted multiple air attacks using Y-12 aircraft and a jet fighter between Kokayeik and Myawaddy along the Asia Highway Road.
At 1100 hours, a Burma military Mi-35 helicopter dropped two 300-lb bombs and fired with 0.5 machine gun more than thirty times near the Poe Chee Mue Burma Army camp in Kaw T’ree Township. Then, at 1535 hours, a Burma military Y-12 transport aircraft dropped 8 door bundles of military supplies to their camp, Poe Chee Mue, Kaw T’ree Township.
The Burma military conducted air attacks with Y-12 cargo aircraft and jet fighters multiple times around the Taung Swin Village and A Nan Kwin Village the entire day. In addition, the Burma Army fired 155mm howitzers from the Waekali Burma Army base camp three times to and around the A Nan Kwin Village. No injuries were sustained. Some civilian homes and yards were damaged by bombs.
22 April 2024
The Burma military entered Dhamatha Village in Kyaik Ma Yaw Township, Mon State, and attacked with drones, Y-12 military transport aircraft, and heavy weapons from a warship. KNLA allied forces and the Burma Army clashed, forcing villagers to flee into the jungle. The Burma Army took the village and took villagers prisoner in the Kaw Bane monastery, killing one villager taken prisoner at Kaw Bane named Chan, 20 years old.
23 April 2024
At 0930 hrs a Burma military MI-35 helicopter shot into Kaw Kite Village, Krutu Township. There was no ground fighting around the village to justify this attack. Multiple houses were destroyed, and many villagers fled. People from Kaw Bame, Kaw Paute, Payar Kyi, Kaw Pline and Min Ywa villages have all fled.
Around 1000 hrs, a column of Burma Army troops from the A Nan Kwin strategic Burma Army camp attacked KNLA Battalion 16 and other revolutionary forces. During that battle, a KNLA soldier was non-critically injured, and a Ranger medic provided treatment. Two soldiers of the Burma Army were killed.
At 1030 hours, the Burma military with two jet fighters conducted an air attack on Tha Pyay Khon Village and Na Eain Village, Win Ye Township. In that attack, the Karen National Union (KNU) office of the Win Ye Township was damaged. Due to the air attack, the school building of the Na Eain Village was destroyed in Win Ye Township. In addition, some homes and vehicles were damaged.
Around 1110 hrs, the Burma Army air attacked with Y-12 military transport planes to and around the A Nan Kwin Village strategic Burma Army camp. No injuries were sustained. In addition, the Burma Army fired 155mm howitzer from the Waekali Burma Army base camp to the A Nan Kwin Village.
24 April 2024
A Ranger team visited IDPs residing in Hpa Baung Gu, Krutu Township. The IDPs were from Chaung Na Kwa, Hpa Ya Kone and Ta Ka Noh villages. They have been displaced from their villages by the fighting since November 2023. They would like to return to their homes but the Burma Army is taking a position in Chang Na Kwa and doesn’t let the villagers return.

25 April 2024
Between Myawaddy and Kokayeik, along the Asia Highway Road, near Taw Naw waterfall, jet fighters from the Burma military dropped bombs four times at 1215 hours.
At 1934 hours, along the Asia Highway road near Taw Naw waterfall, Burma military Y-12 aircraft dropped 55 bombs in 13 passes.
26 April 2024
Two Y-12 aircraft, one conducting reconnaissance and one bombing, attacked near Taw Naw waterfall. The day before, Y-12 aircraft dropped 136 bombs the entire day along the Asia Highway Road.
27 April 2024
At 0645 hours a Burma military jet fighter dropped two 500 pound bombs near Poe Chee Mue, Kaw T’ree Township. No one was injured.
At 1635 hours, a Burma military Mi-35 helicopter fired its machine gun more than 50 times near the Burma Army camp in Poe Chee Mue, Kaw T’ree Township. A Burma military jet fighter also dropped four bombs (500lb) in the same location. Rangers in the vicinity of the smoke produced by one of the bombs had to be given emergency oxygen after inhaling the fumes.
28 April 2024
A Ranger team conducted a GLC program and medical care for over 150 IDPs in the area of Kyaut Be Lue Village and Kyat Chan Village, Win Ye Township.
29 April 2024
Around 0900 hours, Burma military conducted reconnaissance with Y-12 transport aircraft and drop door bundles containing gear for Burma Army troops around A Nan Kwin strategic Burma Army camp and Taung Swin Burma Army camp, Win Ye Township.
At 0945 hours, local security forces and the Cobra column aimed to prevent the Burma Army Aung Zeya column, which is still marching to this day, from returning to their strategic camp which the resistance forces attacked and captured. The FBR team visited and recorded how trees were being cut down and buildings were being destroyed by fire.
At 1630 hours, the Burma military dropped supply door bundles with Mi-17 helicopters around the A Nan Kwin strategic Burma Army camp.
1 May 2024
At 0630 hrs, resistance fighters and the Burma Army clashed between Myawaddy and Kokayeik near Taw Naw waterfall.
Around 1000 hours, Burma military Y-12 aircraft flew over Ta Mile Kone village, Kaw T’ree Township and dropped multiple bombs. Multiple homes were destroyed and four villagers were wounded.
Around 1700 hours, the Burma military dropped door bundle of supplies with Y-12 transport aircraft around A Nan Kwin strategic Burma Army camp and Taung Swin Burma Army camp, Win Ye township.
Battle continued between Myawaddy and Kokayeik near Taw Naw waterfall at 1723 hours. During the conflict, an MI-35 attack helicopter fired machine guns at the fighting area located beside the Asia Highway road.
2 May 2024
At 0810 hours the Burma military conducted aerial reconnaissance of revolutionary groups around the Taung Swin village, Win Ye township.
At 1308 hours the Burma military, using Y-12 aircraft, conducted bombing attacks on the main road of Taung Swin Village, Than Pha Yar Chaung Phyar Village, Khon Khan Village, and A Nan Kwin Village, all in Win Ye Township. The reason for the air attack was to land a MI-17 transport helicopter in the A Nan Kwin strategic Burma Army airfield.
Two Burma military jet fighters conducted four bombing passes between 1416 and 1422 hours. No injuries sustained.
2-3 May 2024
Burma military Y-12 aircraft conducting air attacks destroyed multiple homes and farms in Than Pha Yar Chaung Phyar Village, Win Ye Township. A rubber farm of Saw Tart Tuu was slightly damaged by a fire bomb in Than Pha Yar Chaung Phyar Village, Win Ye Township. A bomb exploded in the yard of Saw Ae Khu, causing minor damage in Than Pha Yar Chaung Phyar Village, Win Ye township.

3 May 2024
Around 0900 hours Burma military Y-12 aircraft dropped 12 bombs and at 1000 hours the Burma Army shot four howitzers at Thin Gan Nyi Naung city.
Fighting between Myawaddy and Kokayeik, near Taw Naw waterfall, started around 1230 hrs. Burma Army troops marched again towards Myawaddy as resistance fighters obstructed Burma Army freedom of maneuver. Burma military Y-12 simultaneously conducted bombing attacks on front lines.
At 1425 hours, a Burma military Y-12 transport aircraft dropped 6 door bundles of military supplies to camp Poe Chee Mue Burma Army camp, Kaw T’ree township.
4 May 2024
Near Makanal village in Htee Muu Koe, at 0630, an FBR team provided care and treatment to a patient who accidentally shot himself while hunting at 0100 hours. They transported the injured individual to a local clinic for further assistance.
0830 hours, a Y-12 aircraft circled an FBR team campsite and then proceeded to airstrike the camp. Bombs were dropped at varying intervals with one at 0900, two at 0915, four at 0922, three at 1020 two at 1040 and two at 1042. The Y-12 aircraft left its attack position over the camp at 0930 and then returned to continue the attack at 1020.
In another incident on the same day, between Myawaddy and Kokayeik near Taw Naw waterfall at 1220 hrs, 10 resistance fighters were wounded by gunfire and bombing from a Y-12 aircraft, resulting in two fatalities.
An FBR team distributed food to approximately 250 IDPs from A Nan Kwin Village and Kyaut Ba Lue Village in Win Ye Township.
A Ranger team visited Taung Swin Village to document the houses damaged by Burma military air attacks during the recent battle. KNLA Battalion 16 and revolutionary forces had attacked the Burma Army camp Kha La Ya in Taung Swin village, capturing the entire camp on May 3. The battle resulted in multiple airstrikes by the Burma military, causing destruction to civilian houses and regional buildings in Taung Swin Village and nearby areas.
7 May 2024
At 0931 hours, a Burma military Y-12 aircraft flew over the KNU district office and dropped bombs twice; fortunately, no one was harmed in the incident.
At 1547 hours, the Burma military conducted an air attack using a Y-12 aircraft and MI-35P attack helicopter around Noh Chu Neh village (A Nan Kwin Village in Burmese), Win Ye Township.
On 9 May 2024, a Y-12 cargo plane arrived at Asia highway between Kawtari and Myawaddy at 1138 hours and proceeded to drop bombs at the following intervals:
- 1138 : 4 bombs
- 1143 : 4 bombs
- 1148 : 4 bombs
- 1153 : 4 bombs
- 1159 : 1 bomb
- 1204 : 1 bomb
- 1208 : 4 bombs
- 1213 : 4 bombs
- 1218 : 8 bombs
- 1222 : 4 bombs
- 1228 : 6 bombs
- 1229 : 1 bomb
- 1233 : 1 bomb
- 1236 : 6 bombs
- 1242 : 4 bombs
- 1247 : 6 bombs
- 1254 : 4 bombs
- 1310 : 4 bombs
- 1315 : The Y-12 aircraft departed
Later that evening, the revolutionary group Cobra Column fired three 120 mm mortars at the Burmese army near Taw Naw waterfall, situated between Kawkayeik township and Myawaddy township.
10 May 2024
A Ranger team, along with Saw Ner Doh Soe, visited approximately 100 IDPs at Mae Kha Naw Village in Win Ye township. The team conducted a GLC program for the IDPs who had relocated from Kyaut Ba Lue village and Panaw Kale kee village (Than Pha Yar Chaung Phyar Village in Burmese). Additionally, the team administered medical care to those in need.
At 1230 hours, the Burma Army troops from Taw Naw waterfall between Kawkayeik and Myawaddy township fired four missiles at locations where they suspected revolutionary groups might be. One of the four missiles exploded near our Ranger team’s kitchen, fortunately causing no injuries to anyone.

11 May 2024
At 2140 hours, a revolutionary group fired a mortar at the Burma Army camp located at the top of the hill near Taw Kya Kalay Hta, close to the nuns’ building in Htee Moo Hta village, Myawaddy Township.
A Ranger team, along with Saw Ner Doh Soe, visited Htee Mhaw Khae Village in Win Ye township. They conducted a GLC program for approximately 120 IDPs who had moved from Lay Naw Village (also known as Taung Swin Village). Additionally, they offered medical care services.
The team also provided assistance to the residents of Wa Mei Kha Larr village by distributing waterproof tarps. Moreover, Saw Ner Doh Soe administered medical treatment to a patient experiencing a toothache.
12th May 2024
At 0630 hours, the Burma Army fired a 40mm round at a revolutionary group, injuring five resistance fighters.
At 1015 hours, a Y-12 Burma Army’s military transport aircraft dropped 9 packs of military materials to the Poe Chee Mue camp in Kaw T’ree Township. The aircraft flew for approximately one hour. Over the past two weeks and currently, they have been dropping packages once every three days.
Later, at 1730 hours, the resistance group Cobra Column bombed a Burma Army camp using a drone. In response, the Burma Army fired two 60 mm mortars. While the Cobra Column did not sustain any injuries, the status of the enemy forces in terms of injuries remains unknown at this time.
13 May 2024
At 1730 hours, the Burma Army stationed in Poe Chee Mue camp launched 120mm artillery fire at the surrounding villages five times. Subsequently, at 1915 hours, two Burma Army jet fighters arrived and released four 500lb bombs near the area. Fortunately, there were no reported injuries from these incidents.
14th May 2024
At 1105 hours, a jet fighter from the Burma military fired three rounds and dropped two 500-lb bombs near Myawaddy Township.
Between 1630 and 1800 hours, the Burma Army fired approximately 20 mortar rounds using howitzers towards revolutionary groups.

16th May 2024
A battle took place at Law Loura hill in the vicinity of Phayar Gone, Myawaddy township. At 0930, the revolutionary group deployed drones to drop bombs, prompting the Burma Army to retaliate with mortar fire for one hour. Subsequently, at 1205, 1211, and 1218, air attacks were carried out using jet fighters, dropping 500-lb bombs three times in the area surrounding Phayar Gone in Myawaddy township. The conflict resumed at 1500 and continued until 1630.
At 2230 hours, the Burma Army fired a mortar, hitting a migrant worker family in Zee Phyu Kone village, Krutu township. Tragically, the mother was killed.
May 17, 2024
Between 1600 and 1630 hours, the Burmese military conducted an air attack using MI-35 helicopters in the area surrounding Phayar Gone, Myawaddy township.
At 1730, a two-hour battle ensued at Law Loura hill between the revolutionary groups and the Burmese army, possibly to facilitate the Burmese army’s advance towards Myawady.
At 2025 hours , Y-12 aircraft dropped bombs five times before departing at 2045 hours.
- 20:25: 8 bombs
- 20:28: 8 bombs
- 20:30: 10 bombs
- 20:35: 8 bombs
- 20:42: 6 bombs
18th May 2024
Burma military Y-12 aircraft bombed the area of Pha Yar Gone surrounding, Myawady township, with the following frequency:
- 18:05: 8 bombs
- 18:10: 8 bombs
- 18:15: 8 bombs
- 18:19: 8 bombs
- 18:24: 4 bombs
- 18:29: 8 bombs
- 18:33: 5 bombs
- 18:37: 8 bombs
- 18:42: 8 bombs
- 18:47: 8 bombs
- 18:51: 8 bombs
- 19:01: 5 bombs
- 19:04: 6 bombs
- 19:07: 8 bombs
- 19:12: 4 bombs
- 19:14: 8 bombs
- 19:16: 6 bombs
- 19:18: 2 bombs
- 19:22: 8 bombs
- 19:25: 2 bombs
- 19:30: 2 bombs
- 19:35: Y-12 departs.
19th May 2024
The KNLA took over the Poe Chi Mu camp. Approximately 80 Burma Army soldiers stationed at Poe Chi Mue camp in Kaw T’ree Township destroyed the remaining weapons, including two heavy weapons (120mm), before fleeing the camp. During their escape, they killed four villagers, one of whom was a pregnant woman.
The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) captured 48 BurmA Army soldiers, including Major Yan Aung, while the remaining soldiers escaped to the Burma-Thailand border. Our FBR medic provided medical treatment to any injured Burmese Army soldiers.

20th May 2024
At 0740, in the Phayar Gone surrounding area, despite no battle occurring, the Burmese army fired 120mm mortars almost continuously throughout the day. A brief battle lasting half an hour took place at 1730 in the same area.
On May 21 2024, Our FBR A Nan Kwin team members and Saw Ner Doh Soe went to the Kyat Chan village , Win Ye township. They did a GLC program for children and villagers. There were 100 people. We did the best sharing love, giving hope, snacks, drink and GLC shirts to those there, as well as providing medical care.
21st May 2024
Near PhayaGone, Myawaddy township:
At 0230, the Burmese army fired 120 mm mortar and howitzer rounds towards the area where the revolutionary group might be for 45 minutes. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
Near PhayaGone, Myawaddy township:
At 0230, the Burmese army fired 120mm mortar and howitzer rounds towards the area where the revolutionary group might be for 45 minutes. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
22 May 2024, KNLA captured eight more Burma Army soldiers fleeing Poe Chi Mue camp
On May 23, 2024, the Free Burma Rangers’ ANK mission team, along with Saw Ner Doh Soe, visited Kyat Chan village where monks were provided with energy drinks. Furthermore, the individuals who fled from Noh Chue Nel village (known as A Nan Kwin Village in Burmese) to Kyat Chan Village in Win Ye township received medical treatment and were assisted with waterproof sheets.
IDPs in Kyat Chan Village, Win Ye Township, receiving waterproof sheets.
Naw Tin Sein, aged 27, fled the conflict from Panaw Kale Kee village (known as Than Pha Yar Chaung Phyar village in Burmese) to Kyat Chan village in Win Ye township. She gave birth to a child on 15 May 2024. Rangers visited the mother and provided her with financial support on 22 May 2024
Naw Tin Sein with her newborn.
23 May 2024, our team provided rice and financial assistance to the families of the soldiers and villagers who lost their lives as a result of the Burma Army’s firing near Poe Chi Mue, Mae Talat, and Bawt Nwel Hta Khee villages in Kaw T’ree Township. Additionally, medical treatment was given to the Burma Army’s soldiers captured by the KNLA.
On 25 May 2024, our A Nan Kwin mission team went to the Wa Mei Kha Larr village, Win Ye township, and conducted medical care for multiple villagers.
On 25 May 2024, our A Nan Kwin mission team went to the Wa Mei Kha Larr village, Win Ye township, and conducted medical care for multiple villagers.
28 May 2024, the Burma Army fired heavy weapons towards Myawaddy town in the evening. The details are as follows:
- 7:15 pm: 120 mm (1)
- 7:18 pm: 120 mm (1)
- 7:25 pm: 120 mm (1)
May 30, 2024, the Burma Army fired howitzer weapons from Taw Naw waterfall towards the Asia Highway road at various times and with the following number of bombs:
- 7:45 am: 3 bombs
- 8:00 am: 2 bombs
- 8:15 am: 3 bombs
- 8:40 am: 1 bomb
- 3:00 pm: 2 bombs
- 3:40 pm: 2 bombs
- 4:15 pm: 3 bombs
- 4:17 pm: 2 bombs
- 4:30 pm: 3 bombs
- 4:55 pm: 3 bombs
- 5:08 pm: 1 bomb
- 5:22 pm: 3 bombs
- 5:40 pm: 1 bomb
- 5:41 pm: 1 bomb
- 5:43 pm: 2 bombs
- 5:44 pm: 1 bomb
- 5:46 pm: 1 bomb
- 5:58 pm: 1 bomb
- 6:04 pm: 1 bomb
- 6:12 pm: 2 bombs